Home > The Christmas Ring (Hardman Holidays, #8)(27)

The Christmas Ring (Hardman Holidays, #8)(27)
Author: Shanna Hatfield

Determined to get to the bottom of the matter, and hopefully prove her theory incorrect, she decided she’d spend the day spying on Trace. If he was a criminal, surely he’d do something dastardly when he thought no one was watching.

It didn’t take her long to locate him. He installed a telephone at the sheriff’s office. She hid in a dark corner of the alley across the street watching him go in and out of the office as he worked. If he really was part of the Brunson gang, as she’d heard the low-down thieves referred to, the irony of him installing the sheriff’s telephone was not lost on her. When he finished there, he made his way to the bookstore and started the installation process. Victoria again lingered in the shadows across the street, growing colder by the minute.

“If I didn’t know better, I’d say you’re up to no good,” a voice spoke from behind her.

Victoria squealed in surprise, slapped a mitten-covered hand over her mouth and spun around, glaring at Luke Granger. He waggled an eyebrow at her and glanced across the street to where Trace lifted a box from his supply wagon and carried it inside the bookstore.

“The telephone man strike your fancy, Miss Victoria?”

“Absolutely not!” she spluttered a bit too hastily, wishing her thumping heart would settle back into a regular beat. Heat seared her cheeks with embarrassment at being caught, and by Luke Granger of all people. She hoped her face wasn’t as fiery red as it felt.

Desperate to discourage further commentary from him, she tried to cobble together a reason for lurking in the alley but couldn’t think of a single one that wouldn’t be an outright lie.

Luke chuckled when she struggled to find her tongue and pointed across the street as Trace bid the owner of the bookstore good day and headed toward the parsonage.

“Looks like Chauncy and Abby are next on the list to get telephone service. Might be that you could hide in the church where it’s warm if you’re determined to spy on him. Or you could march right up to him and let him know you like him. If you’d rather, I could go tell him that you…”

“No! Please, Luke! Don’t say a word to him,” Victoria pleaded, terrified of what the affable banker might say to Trace. Under no circumstances did she want him to know she was watching him. He would likely jump to all the wrong conclusions and she would die of mortification.

Luke shook his head and motioned for her to precede him out of the alley. “I won’t say anything, but you need to find a safer place to keep an eye on him than this alley. You’re lucky someone didn’t come out of the saloon that’s on the back side of the street and get the wrong idea.”

Victoria hadn’t considered any danger in town and took Luke’s warning to heart. “I’ll be careful. Thank you for not giving me away.”

“Love is never an easy thing to understand, especially when its new,” he mused and gave her a wink before he strode off in the direction of the bank.

From the shadows cast by the bakery, Victoria watched Trace stop in front of the parsonage. No longer able to feel her toes after standing in the snow all morning, she slipped into the bakery, ordered a cup of hot chocolate and a fruit-filled pastry, then took a seat in front of the window where she could see the parsonage down the opposite side of the street.

“Anything wrong out there?” Elsa asked, coming to stand by her chair and leaning over to glance out the window.

“No. Not a thing.” Victoria dabbed her mouth with a napkin and glanced up at Elsa. “Just enjoying the festive decorations everyone has placed around. Hardman really does go all out for the holidays.”

“They do. I just love the feeling in the air of excitement and happiness mixed with anticipation.” Elsa smiled as she lifted Victoria’s empty plate and cup. “Did you see the new display in the Bruners’ window?”

“No. What do they have in place now?”

“Bells. All kinds of bells. There are red and white paper bells hanging across the window and then there are crystal and brass bells on display amidst other holiday decorations. There’s even a lovely carved set of hand bells. I so hope someone who knows how to play them comes into the store. Wouldn’t it be something to hear Christmas ring with beautiful bell music.”

“That would be spectacular,” Victoria said, noticing Trace digging around in his wagon for something. Warmed after enjoying the chocolate and pastry, she stood and tugged on her coat and mittens. “Have a wonderful day, Elsa. Thank you.”

“You as well, Victoria. It’s always nice to see you.”

Victoria smiled and nodded then hurried outside. She snuck over to the church, tucking herself into the shadows the building cast on the parsonage, and listened as Chauncy thanked Trace for installing a telephone there.

“My pleasure, Pastor Dodd. I’ll head right over to your wife’s shop and get her phone in working order. You could practically shout across the street to her if you needed to, but with the telephone, you won’t have to step outside.”

“These new modern marvels are something,” Chauncy said then hurried back inside the parsonage.

While Trace was looking for something in his wagon, Victoria raced across the street to Abby’s dress shop.

Filly and Abby both gave her startled glances as she barreled inside and slammed the door. The two women sat at a small table near the window, enjoying a cup of tea while their little boys played together in a corner where Abby kept a selection of toys.

“Victoria! How lovely to see you this morning,” Abby said, giving her a smile of greeting. “Will you join us for a spot of tea?”

“I’d enjoy that. Thank you,” Victoria said, removing her gloves and unbuttoning her coat.

“What brings you into town today?” Filly asked as she helped Victoria remove her coat and hung it on a coat rack near the entrance.

“Just a few errands. Can you believe Christmas is nearly here?” Victoria asked as her gaze drifted outside the window. She saw Trace heading in their direction. He walked with a purposeful step and appeared to be whistling a cheerful tune. He greeted Lila Grove with a smile, tipping his hat to her and saying something that made her laugh before he continued on his way to the dress shop.

Abby had just placed a cup of tea into Victoria’s hands when the door opened and Trace walked inside.

“Be still my heart,” he said, thumping one hand against his chest. “It might be cold and snowy outside, but three beautiful roses are blooming in here.”

“Flattery will get you nowhere, but don’t let that stop you,” Abby teased, making them all laugh. “Are you here to install my telephone?”

“I am, ma’am.” Trace set the box of tools he carried on the floor near Victoria, gave her a teasing wink, then turned to Abby. “Pastor Dodd said you want a wall phone mounted in the back room. If you’ll show me where you’d like it, I can get to work.”

“Wonderful,” Abby said, leading the way into her workroom.

“You are smitten with him,” Filly whispered, leaning toward Victoria.

Victoria started to protest, but Filly merely shook her head. “Deny it all you like, but I’m not blind. Our handsome Mr. Travers has turned your head.”

“Perhaps,” Victoria reluctantly admitted. “But with the news of my husband’s passing coming such a short while ago, and all things considered, it just doesn’t seem proper.”

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