Author: V L Peters

"Jack, you can wait here for the cleaning crew to arrive. Make sure this shit is gone. I want no fucking trace," I turn to the others, dismissing some. Telling the others to get more Intel on the fucker. Before I walk out of the room with Damien walking behind me.

I'm pissed off, more than I first realised. My Demon roars inside me, as I left out a growl. I want to rip something apart; I hadn't received the satisfaction or the answers I desperately needed. I punch the stone wall beside me, my hand leaving a dent, as I hit it repeatedly while Damien stands there just watching as I beat the fuck out of it. Bits of stone start to crumble off before leaving chunks on the floor at my feet. Someone was playing with us; I knew for definite now. Whoever or whatever I'd felt in the Soul Eater mind had wanted me to know they were there. I didn't need this shit; it was coming from all corners. I still hadn't found out who's Aria little snitch was, I had a gut feeling who it was, but until I have that proof in my hand, I'm not going to do a thing about it. I wanted them to hang themselves first and hang they will. I put trust to a certain degree in my people; if they ever betrayed me, I'd deal with them myself, and the likely hood they'd walk away in one piece was thin.

"Fuck Lucien, calm the hell down otherwise this bloody wall is going to come down," Damien tells me as I hit the wall one more time, causing it to splinter, "what did you see inside that fuckers head?"

"There was someone or thing on the edge of his mind. Not only I could sense the fucker, I saw him," I tell him, as I straighten my jacket, before running both of my hands through my hair,' whoever it was had some sort of power over that fucker," I tell him indicating to the room we had just left, "you know the best fucking part in all of this? He showed nothing. He was just a fucking shadow,"

"Shit," Damien muttered aloud, running his hand over his face. I could hear the clogs going around Damien's head.

"Shit is fucking right," I tell him as we start walking down the corridor, "we need more fucking Intel, like yesterday. We're in the dark here, and if we're not careful we are going to be blindsided,"

"Have you heard from Chamuel?" he asks me inexpertly, with a frown.

"No, I haven't," I reply, wondering where he was going with this change of conversation.

"Don't you think that's…...?”

"So, unlike him?" I throw out, interrupting him, I know what he's, going to say, and I don't want to hear the words I know that will fall from his mouth. Those same thoughts have gone through my own mind a million times, "Yes, it is. I can't get fucking hold of him. He hasn't answered any of my calls or texts, and no, I don't have a bloody clue where the hell he is, and yes, I've already thought of the possibility that he's been taken. Does that answer your bloody question?"

"Fuck, Lucien!" Damien replies, shock written over his face. "When you last hear from him?"

"About a week after he left," I told him, thinking back to what he'd said to me on our last phone conversation, "He told me he was going dark and that if I needed to get hold of him for any reason, just to ring or text as normal,"

"And you haven't gotten any reply," he asked, a look of disbelief on his face, "nothing at all?"

"For fuck sake Damien. Do you think if I'd gotten a reply, I'd be so bloody worried?" I half yell at him. "Chamuel can look after himself so I wasn't worried at the beginning. The longer the weeks have passed…."

"Shit Lucien, I never knew it was that serious! You've got stop keeping things from me," he tells me, a pissed off look forming across his face, "we have enough shit going on around us without you not telling me everything. How the hell am I supposed to help you? I've got this contact. They owe me big time. I'll see what they've heard if anything".

I nod my head, placing my hand on his shoulder, my own way of showing y appreciation. Thankful for his offer of help; I didn't know and didn't give a fuck about whoever this contact was. If he could find out what had happened or where Chamuel was, I'd know what to do. I wouldn't admit it to him, I should have told him. I had to stop holding information back from him. There was one other place I knew which was a small possibility that he could have gone to. I hoped I was wrong, for there was only one good reason for him to do so. The world as we knew it was changing and we were going to need all the help I could get!




She fell right into my hands. How delightful. I couldn't stop the laughter that burst from my mouth. Oh, the joy. I know it was stupid, I shouldn't have attacked her as I did. I had only intended to scare her, to warn the witch to keep away from him. That had gone out the window the minute the smell had hit my nose. I had recognised it straight away. It had been the smell of his cologne radiating from her skin that had sent me into a rage. It didn't completely shock me. I could tell he'd taken an instant liking to the witch, one I had to admit I wasn't happy about. He had been with her, alone. He didn't want to share her. Wanting to keep all that yumminess to himself, well, he had a shock coming. That wasn't going to happen. I was going to kill the cunt in front of his very eyes. Did he think I was just going to step aside, while he had his fun without me? The Bastard, how could he do this to me? I was meant to be his everything. I had him in the palm of my hand. He belonged to me, and it was time he was reminded of that fact!

I looked into the mirror. My neck was severely bruised, fingerprints could be clearly seen. A laugh broke from my mouth, oh goodie, this was even better. I realised in my temper that I had grabbed my knife and had sliced the palm of my hand wide open. The gaping wounds were dripping blood, which in turn was spilling onto my clothing. I watched, fascinated as the blood fell onto my pale blue top. As more blood gushed out. I licked from the palm of my hand, watching as my wounds began to knit together.

I'd known there was something that wasn't right about her. I mean, she had admitted she was a witch, but to change like that, in front of my very eyes. That I hadn't expected! That was stupidity on her part. I now knew what I was facing. She wasn't just a normal witch; she was something more. It was as if she had another living inside of her. Very much like the Demon, I had inside of me. I couldn't attack her again as I had just done. I'd have to be more cunning, put a plan in place. Make sure everything was just so before I carried out my attack. She had family, were they all like her? What else was the bitch hiding? Questions whirled around my head.

I will get my little pet to do some sneaking around for me.

Examining the injuries, she had inflicted as I looked in the mirror. They didn't look as bad as I hoped. Mm, I thought, running my fingertips over the bruise that had appeared on my skin, I'd have to do something to correct it. I couldn't let her get away from trying to take Lucien away from me, and he had to be punished for even thinking of doing so!!





Hallway near Scarlett's room

I held Aria in my embrace as she tearful told me how Scarlett had attacked her, with tears welling up in her eyes. That Scarlett had attacked her for no reason. I listened as she told me that her appearance had changed in the blink of an eye.

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