Author: V L Peters

I'm surprised it's taken her this long to approach me. I'd give her a chance to leave me alone, but only one. I was not that much of a fool. I let her spin me around as if she had the upper hand until we were face to face. The hatred for me that was written across her face was frightening, it caused me to take a step back from her. I knew I'd made a stupid mistake, with that one movement, triumph lit up her eyes. I stood, watching her, my gaze never wavering. Waiting for her expression to change. She was going to try to physically hurt me. Even kill me. Trying to talk her down wasn't going to work, I knew that I hadn't any choice, but to fight. Not a word fell from her lips.

I saw the switch, how couldn't I? I watched as her eyes started to turn a deep blood red, she raised her arm towards me before curling her fingers into the palm of her hand, pulling her arm back towards her chest. I felt a tightness close around my throat. It felt like a hand was gripping me, tightening until I couldn't breathe. I felt my eyes start to bulge out of their sockets as her grip tightened around my throat. I gripped the imaginary arm with both my hands trying to unsuccessfully drag it away, as I felt my feet start to slide towards her. Fuck this, I thought, as I called my witch forth. I felt her raise from deep down inside of me until I felt her under my skin. I felt the changes coming upon me.

As she continued to raise up from within, changing my features and the tone of my skin. I knew what the demon would see in front of her. My Skin tone breaking to become the chalky white of my witch, hair turning silver-grey as would turn the irises of my eyes, silver with a black line rimmed around the edges. Two substantial dark circles would be the last thing to appear around my whole eye sockets with the marking across my forehead. She was the one now in control.

She wants to play, well let's give her a taste of who and what she is really facing, I heard my witch say within me as she laughed, the sound of her crazy laughter ringing in my ears. My witch stopped struggling, letting the Demon Aria drag her closer. Letting my whole body go limp until they were practically chest to chest. Then with a strike of her hand, she jabbed, fingers extended, straight into Aria's throat. She started to cough, clutching her own throat, which caused her to lose the invisible hold she'd had around mine. Aria Staggered backward from the impact, leaving my witch standing there, never giving her the chance to try to strike back. The blast came inexpertly, shooting from the palm of my hand as my witch held it up. You could see what looked like a red flame, light up the whole corridor, shooting out from the palm of my hand, and blasting across the room until it landed on Aria's chest. Causing Aria to lose her balance, lifting her body clear up into the air and soaring backward until she hit the stone wall behind her. She charged towards her, never giving her the chance to stand and to retaliate.

"Bitch. How many warnings does my human have to give you?" she spat out as she grabbed her by the throat and lifted her with one arm. Hitting her head repeatedly off the wall as she told her, "Now I'm not going to kill you. Not today, at least, and my human wouldn't be happy with me if I did that. Heed my warning, for I'm only going to tell you once. Go near her again, look at her the wrong way, and I will not hold back. I will kill you. Now fucking go before I change my mind!" she tells her as she releases the grip she has around her neck. You could see a red outline of my fingers, were my hand had held her up, marking her pale skin. She slips down the wall onto her backside, before scrambling onto her feet and running down the corridor. As she comes to the corner of the hallway, she pauses, then stops and turns her head. A smug look crosses her lips as she looks back at me before carrying around the corner.

That was too easy, my omega tells us. Aria's up to something, she's meant to be a powerful demon, and she didn't even put up a fight! She didn't even say anything and what was that look she just sent. Something does not feel right. I had to agree with her as does my witch. Something wasn't right, and I had to find out what. I pulled back on my witch, feeling my body slowly changes again as I carried on to my room. I just knew she'd go running to Lucien telling tales, but would she tell him I'd changed or had just attacked her? Only time would tell.




Once again, I was interrupted. He was lucky I hadn't kicked the Shit out of him. I'd noticed how he'd stood there starring at Scarlett as I'd tried to block her from his line of sight. He had stood with his beady little eyes, his tongue practically hanging out. I had had a few complaints about him, yet there wasn't anything in concrete. He was being watched. Just to see if their claims were justified. If they were, he'd be out. His Alpha could deal with him. Even though he was a shifter, he was not that powerful, not only that he was a slimy little fucker. I had also noticed her reaction to him. Something was wrong there, and I didn't like it. It will be something I'd be questioning her about later. I can still taste her on my tongue. I had to leave her once again. I want to get back to her and finish what we started, but this must be taken care of first.

"Damien, what the fucks going on?" I demand as I stride towards him. The little shitty shifter not far behind. Damien's standing there with another two of my men, who seem to be covered in blood. I quickly realise with relief; it's not theirs. Fuck could it get any worse. As I approach, they both nod in my direction before leaving.

"The Soul Keeper was found. Dead," Damien tells me as we reach him to where he's standing.

"Fuck!" I roar out, hitting the wall, causing the brick to crumble. This wasn't good. I had needed him to find out were Scarlett's sister was and who he'd been working for.

"I haven't finished." Damien tells him, not showing any kind of reaction to his fist hitting the stone wall, "a nasty assed Soul Eater was in the house with him,"

Bloody hell, they were even worse than the Soul Keepers. You had no chance at all of returning if one of them got their hands on you, at least with a Soul keeper you had that chance, no matter how slight. "Shit, did it hurt anyone?"

"No, we got lucky. He's in the holding room. He's not going to last long," Damien told me as we walked, "I don't think he was the one who killed the soul keeper. He was gutted from chest to groin."

I shrug, I don't give a shit about what's happened to either of them.

The soul eater had to be questioned. Was it a consistence that they were found together? I very much doubted it, "how long do you think he's got?"

"If you want to question him and find out what the hell, he was doing with that Soul Keeper you had better do it now. He's not going to last much longer. A day maybe two at the most. He muttered a few inherent words, nothing was making sense, but the word witches were heard,"

Shit in the next forty-eight hours, I was going to be overrun with witches, naturals, and humans. I hated the thought, but it was a necessary evil. I needed to question him and find out what the hell he'd been doing with the soul keeper before they arrived. It wasn't very often; you'd find them together. It was a known fact they'd rather kill each other on-site.

"Why is he being held in the holding room?"

"We still got that fucker Eddie Marshal in the Dark Room," Damien reminded me, fuck I'd forgotten about that fucker.

"Get rid,' I ordered. I had gotten what was needed from him, "make sure the dirty fucker suffers. In the meantime, get the clean-up crew lined up. Then get the soul eater to the darkroom, I want it done in the next hour."

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