Author: V L Peters

‘’We voted. I was elected to be in charge while Nathan wasn’t …… available,’’

‘’There is no way in hell that someone who isn’t our blood would be elected to be in charge while Nathans out of commission!’’

‘’Things have changed while you’ve been away Jaden,’’ Jax reported back, his dislike towards me in plain sight, ‘’Many things,’’

I snarl, my beast raises causing my eyes to flash yellow, I felt my top lip curl, and making sure my rancour for the man is there for all to see.

‘’I think the matter of Nathan going missing is more important at this time than you two having a pissing contest,’’ Pamela interpreted, looking at both of the men, with a roll of her eyes, ‘’people are missing. Naturals like yourselves and Humans. Our sister has been taken and now we find out one of the most powerful Vampires who walk this earth has vanished. I think gentleman we need to concentrate on that issue. Whatever disagreements you have can be discussed at a later date.’’

‘’The woman’s right. This isn’t the time or place. Take your disagreement elsewhere,’’ came from the deep gravelly voice of Reid the Leader of the Gargoyles.

Lucien mutters something to Jaden, who is showing nothing, but disdain towards the other vampire, and reluctantly sits, ‘’this is not over Jax!’’

‘’I look forward to it Jaden,’’ Jax reports back, leaning back in his chair.

‘’The woman’s right. Somethings going on and we need to find out what,’’ comes from Gil-Galad.




‘’The woman has a name, it is Pamela. Please use it from now on,’’ calls out Mia turning her gaze on the Fae King.

Gaze’s clash, hackles raise. Who does this whip of a girl thinks she is, she needs to be put in her place and taught some manners and I’m the Fae to do so. I am known for my cruelty and hardness and I won’t tremor in teaching the cunt some lessons. Now isn’t the time for games, they will come later.

I have felt the Fae kings’ eyes on me since the minute he walked into this room and sat down with his army of women surrounding him. Did he have a problem with me? I was behaving myself as requested by my family. So, what was drawing his attention towards me? Was it true? Are the woman who guard him also his lovers? I narrow my eyes, and boldly stare back at the striking male Fae King. I see the blond eyebrow raise as if batting me to say something, a look of superiority passes across his face. I’m sure if we both were standing; he be looking down his nose at me. I open my mouth to ask him what the fuck is his problem. I hear Pamela and then Abigail on our link, telling me to behave. That we can’t afford to have any more attention thrown towards us than what we already have. I drag my gaze away, from the male Fae, trying to shut him out. It was the hardest thing to do so. He had some kind of pull; one I was finding it hard to ignore. Fuck, I was in trouble.





If this meeting didn’t work we were fucked, I knew as I sat next to Damien and Jaden, we had to work together and not telling each other that some of their own people were missing was fucking me off. I could feel the internal rage radiating off of Jaden.

Jaden had had dealings with Jax in the pass, and that the hatred they had for each other was still there. How Jax had gotten the vote to be in charge of Nathans Coven was something even I could but conjecture over. I didn’t trust the fucker. He was up to no good. Whatever was up that little shits sleeve, I had every intention to find out. Then there was Scarlett. I knew I had hurt her by cutting off our link. I had felt the hurt as I had shut her out. I knew that Aria would be at the meeting and she had always sat at my side and hadn’t given Scarlett any warning. I could not take the chance that Aria would pick up on the fact that we were now together. I had to keep Scarlett and her family safe and if that meant letting Aria touch me and take part in something that now had begun to repulse me and to act like I gave a shit about her, then so be it.

I hear the clearing of a throat and know it’s from Austin. He is one of the Leaders who runs one of the smaller Regions which is under my territory.

‘’Austin,’’ I acknowledge him, I know he’s got something to say. He has been nervous since he’s arrived.

‘’Some of the people in my region have gone missing,’’ Austin tells us, nervously wiggling in his seat, for a leader he wasn’t a good one, not taking a breath and trying to get the words out he carries on, ‘’At first I didn’t think much of it as the people who reported them told me they had gone missing before and had turned up a few days or weeks later.’’

‘’So, what is different?’’ asks Damien, starring at him before glancing at me with what the fuck.

‘’Since that first report of the girl. Twenty-five others have been reported missing. Different ages, sexes, some Human, some Naturals’’ he tells the room nervously, never quite meeting my or Damien’s eyes.

Fucking idiot, I give him part of my territory and he doesn’t keep me, or Damien informed over something so important. Fucking bloody useless fool. I want to put my hands around his neck and squeeze until he chokes to death. I met Damien’s gaze. He looked as pissed off as I am.

I turn to look at Austin ‘’I want a list of every single person who’s gone missing, by tonight,’’ I order him, watching as he nods his head anxiously, I turn my attention to the other Leaders, who run different Regions in my territory ‘’have anyone else had people, Humans or Naturals disappear in the last few weeks?’’

I curse as half of the hands lift. A growl falls from my mouth as I slam my fist down on to the wooden table, causing the glasses to rattle as the sound of the wood cracking echoes around the room. ‘’Who fucking else hasn’t come forward and reported people missing,’’ I demand. Fuck me. I watch as every other single Leader who runs a Region in each of our different Territories slowly raises their hand. I watch as Jacob, Gil-Galad, Reid, Jax, Archer and Scarlett and her family stare at the men and woman who are meant to keep their own part of their Region safe and to report it to them or their next in command when necessary. It looks like none of us have them under our control. Do these people think that they are above us? We are the ones who rule over them, they have a fucking shock coming.






Jacob turns to the Leaders who run his Regions, ‘’Why the fuck haven’t I been notified? Why hasn’t any of us been told,’’ he demands as he runs his gaze over every single Leader in his regions, before turning his attention to the others, ‘’Do you think because we have allowed you to run a Region in our own territory’s you rule over us? You fucking don’t. You are bloody lucky to be allowed to even sit here in this meeting. As Lucien has just stated we expect a list of every single Natural or Human that has been reported missing by tonight. No fucking excuses,’’ I order, I can feel the anger ranting from my wolf. I let him come forth letting my heated gaze meeting the eyes of every Region Leader sitting around the table. Daring them to disobey a direct order. They squirmed under my stare. With orders still ringing in their ears they each grab a pen and paper and start to scribble on the paper. Which the names of each of the persons who have gone missing. While they work, I realise Jax is questioning Scarlett and her family about Megan.

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