Author: V L Peters

"Lower. The. Fucking. Force. Field," Damien bit out through clenched teeth. If looks could kill, I was sure we'd all be dead.

"I’m not going to lower it. Not until I have been reassured that no one will try to hurt Mia or the rest of us," I reply, trying to force down the surge of panic, I could feel building up inside me. This could go terribly wrong for everyone very quickly. Any trust we were trying to build would go out the window if someone didn't take matters in hand. We all had to learn to trust the other. I watched as the rest of Lucien's men gathered around us, just standing on the other side of the shield.






I reached out to Lucien touching my mind to his, I needed to convince him she meant no harm. 'Lucien, please I promise Mia didn't mean anything she was only trying to show that we're not helpless.'

'Then she should have done it another way. Just fucking shooting out lightning bolts without any warning wasn't the best way to show us her powers,' Lucien came back, through our link 'why the fuck did she direct it to his fucking head.'

'She wanted to get her point across,' I tell Lucien though our link.

'Her point! … I think she's done more than that!!' Lucien replies.

"Lower the fucking force field," I hear Damien shout out, as he hits it with his fist, I've never seen him so angry. He's always been cool, calm, and collected.

"Screw you," comes from Abigail's mouth, ‘’I’m not lowing it until I have a guarantee that nothing will happen to her,’’

"Oh, I intend to screw you witch and by the time I'm done with you you'll be beginning me for more," Damien fires back a look of lust on his face.

"In, your dreams, Demon," Abigail shot, back a look of appreciation in her eyes, as she runs her eyes up and down his body.

"Oh, it won't be only in my dreams," Damien growled, running his gaze down the length of Abigail's body.

Abigail walks closer towards the shield, until she’s nearly touching it provoking Damien as she steps closer, "look all you want Demon because that's as close as you're ever going to get to touching me,"

"Don't delude yourself, Witch. You'll be beginning me to fuck you before I even put a finger on you," Damien tells Abigail, licking his bottom lip.

Really, they were going there? I can't believe this. Are they for real?





''Neither of you or Mia are helping matters. Abigail, you need to release this shield," Pamela says sternly, before turning her attention to Lucien and Damien. "Mia’s stupid for doing what she did but she didn't mean anything by it. She's young. They both are and they are still in training." She puts her hand up, telling Mia without words to shut the fuck up when she hears the cries of protest that start to fill from her mouth.

"Get her to lower the force field," Lucien orders Pamela. Ignoring the sexual tension that seems to be going on between Abigail and Damien.

"I'm not lowering anything until I know you're not going to harm any of us," Abagail replies shaking her head. ‘’ both of you promise that you're not going to do anything or get anyone else to do so," she tells Lucien and Damien, pointing her finger at each man standing around them.

"Fuck! Fine, I promise that no one will touch any of you," Lucien tells her shouting out the order to his men.

Through our link, I know he does not include me in this promise; he would mane or kill anyone who even tried to hurt me in any shape or form.

"What about him? Is he giving the same promise?" Abigail asks with a raised eyebrow, nodding her head, indicating that she's talking about Damien while meeting Damien's gaze head-on.





I could tell Abagail was daring him; I could see the look in her eyes that she wanted to torment him, what the fuck! I didn't like this at all. Whatever was going on between them would not end well. Abigail was a sweetheart and the quiet one of the twins.

I knew that Damien had a dislike for humans. He and Lucien were from the same brush. Damien was just as cold as Lucien, and though Lucien treated me differently than he had in the past. A flash of that coldness was always there. He often showed it to the others and yes towards me when we are in the presence of anyone else. I could see the wheels going around that head of his.

I stand there touching Lucien's mind whispering my thanks, sending through our mated bond just how grateful I am. Telling him how sorry I am that this has happened. I know from just that touch that he's fighting his urge to hurt Mia. His Demon isn't happy about what's going on but has decided to take a step back.

Tensions are high on both sides; it had gotten quickly out of hand. Mia was stupid to do what she had. No matter how good her intentions had been. I know they still don't trust Lucien. They think he's got his own engender, and yes, part of me still isn't sure about him no matter what my feelings towards him. Standing here looking at him and being able to touch his mind I knew; he has no intention of hurting me or any of my family.

"Let the shield down Abigail," I softly tell her laying my hand on her forearm, as I let my mind reach out for hers briefly sharing Lucien's thoughts "you know he means us no harm,"

She turns towards me touching her mind to mine. I see the frown upon her brow, trying to see if Lucien was tricking me. Her eyes widened in shock; I saw the moment she realised that he would protect me with his own life if need be. That the bond we had between us was for life. That for me, he even protects those I loved and cared for.

'He might not,' came back across our link, 'but what about the Demon standing beside him and the others?'

'Lucien won’t allow Damien to touch her," I promise her over our link.

I heard the chanting as the words flowed through my mind and felt the power start to demolish around us. The shield vanished as if it had never been there. The minute the protection shield dropped; Damien walked towards Mia contempt in his eyes. The movement causing Abigail to step in front of her twin.


I Put up one of my hands and place it on Damien’s hard chest. "Don't,” I whisper, causing Damien to stop dead in his tracks. I feel my eyes widen with shock, as we both felt the energizing blast flash out of my fingertips into Damien's chest. It felt like a thunderbolt, shooting deep into his black soul, before slamming back into my fingers, down my arm until it impacted my body. My Witch and Omega paused as if in shock. They felt the link forming, linking, and becoming as one being. My eyes met his darker blue ones. The excitement and recognition in his disappear like a blink of an eye. That simple, innocent touch has changed us both. How I'm not sure, but we are both going to find out.

"Do you really think you could protect her from me?" Damien inquired as he stepped closer, his eyes dark and intense. His white shirt was open, exposing his well-muscled chest and the black swirl of tattoos that he was covered in. The sight of his naked flesh made my mouth water.

"Maybe,' I whispered back. This wasn't happening. I couldn't allow it. "But that’s the last thing I want to happen. Damien, we need each other. Mia didn't mean anything by it. She just wanted to show that we're not helpless no matter what anyone thinks.’’

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