Author: V L Peters

His eyes pieced right through me, as if he could see right into my soul and threaten to snatch it up and devour it. In that moment I felt as if I was this cute little furry rabbit left alone with the big bad feral starved tiger. He didn’t say anything for what seemed like hours, when in reality it was only a few minutes. His silence spoke volumes. This man in front of me was different. More calculating and more dangerous than we first visualised.

My heart raced, my head swam with the realisation that this was bad and I, not only put myself, but my loved ones in an extremely dangerous situation. Coming here, deciding to try to find out what had happened to Megan hadn’t been the smartest move we had ever made, but it was the only thing we could see that would help us to find out what happened and the man standing in front of me might be the only one able to give us some of those answers. My visions only let me see so much.

‘’I’m Lucien Sinclair,’’ he told me his head now cocked to one side his gaze taking me in as if he could see into the depths of my soul. ‘’You are’’ he didn’t phrase it like a question it was as if he knew the answer already and wanted to see if I’d give him the correct one.

I stared at the TV monitors situated across one of the walls, where an array of shots of the interior and exterior of the club appeared. A sicking realisation stated to settle in my stomach as it quickly drew on me that he had been able to see everything I had been doing the whole time I’d been snooping around. The possibility he had evidence of what had happened to Megan was closer than we realised. A recording of that night in the nightclub with her friends before she had disappeared was possible.

‘’You have been watching me?’’ I whispered my gaze flying from the monitors to the man standing before me. Now I was wondering, was there something he hadn’t wanted the police to see.

‘’Nothing gets by me. I’ve eyes and ears everywhere’’ he said with no remorse or shame ‘’your name? Do not make me ask again’’ he demanded as he sat in the large jade green leather chair with his back to the monitors. His eyes boring into me, watching me like a hawk about to strike.

This was fucked up, part of me was scared shitless, the other part I didn’t want to scrutinize too closely. The feelings he was bringing out in me, I didn’t want to admit to. He was formidable, so powerful that it flowed out of him, seeping out of his pores and into the room around us. I needed help, it wasn’t normal the way I was feeling, if I wasn’t careful, I’d be on my knees begging for his attention like a happy puppy glad to see their master. I had this bad feeling in the pit of my stomach he knew what I was. That he was toying with me, waiting for me to fail some sort of test. Part of me knew I had to ask him for help, there was no doubt in my mind that my family would go bat crazy when they realised, I had been holding that little tip bit from them. That it had been part of the reason I had to be the one to come here. No matter that I had tried to talk myself in staying as far away from him as humanly possible, I knew this was our fate. I just had to bring myself to ask him that simple question. A question that shouldn’t be hard to ask.

Could I ask this man, this demon for help? We needed to find Megan and asking for his help was our only option. He had enough power in the palm of his hands to find her, but what would he want in return. The very thought scared the living day lights out of me. I had no doubt in my mind that the demand would be high. Am I foolish enough to ask and what would he demand in return? It could be leading me into a situation that is way worse than the current one. Looking into his dark bottomless eyes, I could see that he was use to owing the world. People didn’t hesitate to bow down to him. Asking Lucien Sinclair for help was the same as asking the devil not to drag me into the pits of hell.

I stood stock still not replying to his questions. I couldn’t stop myself from staring at him. My eyes must be open wide in fear. My tongue seemed to be rooted to the roof of my mouth. Making me unable to speak. The loud slap of his large hand on top of the desk jerked me out of my fog filled trance, making me jump in shocked surprise. Should I give him my real name? Even as that thought entered my mind. I heard my name leave my mouth.

‘’Scarlett Winters,’’ I whispered, feeling as if my throat was going to close up. It felt so thick, my heart racing and my hands shaking so much. I made a fist of each hand, trying to control my reaction. I felt as if I was on some sort of drug and I had no control over my own body. I just prayed that he couldn’t sense how nervous he was making me. Part of me felt as if I should run out of this room, out of this building and far away from the man sitting in front of me. The other part of me. Longed, needed to stay near him. It was telling me not to run. That would be my own downfall.

‘’Scarlett,’’ my name rolled around his mouth, as if savouring his next meal, ‘’and what Scarlett where you doing snooping in places you shouldn’t have been?’’ he softly asked me raising a dark eyebrow.

I had to decide and fast, it was obvious he knew or suspected that I was there under false pretence. How much he knew or suspected was a different matter. A half-truth was better than none. I needed to keep my story as truthful as possible, so he’d hopefully trust me enough to help find Megan. Of course, once the glamour wore off and the other spells no longer functioned all agreements would become void. I couldn’t see him carrying on with the agreement once that happened. Unless I could give him something. Something he couldn’t turn down. That would be useful to him. The question was could I handle what he would want from me? I had no experience with sex, none whatsoever, though that might not be what he’d demand in payment. If it was true about his dislike of humans and witches, then I’d have nothing to worry about in that department, so no sex. Anything else he’d throw my way I’d be able to handle. I didn’t want to annoy him, and I couldn’t just come out and say Hi I’m a human witch. I’m from The Crystal Coven. Somewhere down the line you might have heard of us. That wouldn’t go down well.

So, I’d tell him why I was there. If I had to, I’d tell him a little white lie that we had gone to a shop that sold old spells and brought them from the shop keeper. Yes, that sounded fine. Nothing could go wrong. Could it?

‘’I’m looking for someone,’’ the words just came out from my mouth, like water gushing from a broken tap ‘’my sister. She was last seen at your club on a night out with a group of friends,’’ my words were like a string of letters stung together. I didn’t want to wait to hear him tell me no. ‘’I have no one else to ask for help,’’ I breathed out slowly trying to appear calm and failing miserably.

He sat silently watching me out of those dark eyes as if I had intruded on his time, his space, which I couldn’t really deny, I had. I waited for his response; none came my way. It seemed like forever as we stayed staring at each other. He was watching me, his focus calculating, intimidating, I am feeling terrified, was surprised that I had gathered up enough courage to even think about asking this man for help.

He wasn’t human, oh he looked the part and if it weren’t for those black soulless bottomless eyes, you’d think he was human in every sense of the word. He was one of the most dangerous, most feared beings known to any human or supernatural. He was someone you didn’t want to cross.

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