Author: V L Peters

I wasn’t a weakling; I could look after myself if need be. We had all learnt self-defence and practiced our powers once a week. I had never really used them. To me, they had always been just an extra benefit. They were something that was handy to have. We all could very well hurt a normal human if we weren’t careful. The supernatural’s not so much. We could maybe knock some unconscious or, depending what kind they were we could hurt them, but the more powerful they were the harder it would be to do any damage. I had to forget what had just happened and push it to the back of my mind. The feelings he was bringing out in me just shouldn’t be happening. Not this quickly. I shouldn’t have let him touch me as he had, it was confusing me. Messing with my head. Then there was the little fact that we were part Omega. If any Supernatural’s found out that Omegas where thriving, that we had mated with human, witches and supernatural’s, then we would all be hunted down, taken, and used as a vessel. It wasn’t something we could let happen ever again. The humans, they had been just as bad from what we had learnt. Knowing we were witches, was now out there for anyone to know. There wasn’t anything that we could do about it. We would have to do everything that was in our power to protect ourselves.

The best thing to do was to let him find Megan, which I hoped didn’t take long and I got away from Lucien Sinclair as fast as was humanly possible.







Just after leaving Scarlett


I half listened to what Damien, my second in command is telling me. I hadn’t expected Aria to turn up this evening. She normally informed me in advance when she would be arriving, to turn up unexpectedly wasn’t good. My gut was telling me that the reason she had turned up unannounced was to do with Scarlett. Someone was feeding Aria inside information, something I wouldn’t tolerate and when I found out who that was. They would live to regret it. It wasn’t something I could turn a blind eye to, whomever it was would have to be severely dealt with. If I even let one person get away with it, without being reprimanded, I would be seen as weak and that was something I couldn’t afford to let happen. I would deal with her little spy once I found out who it was. It was someone who knew everything that went on. Who it was, that would take some digging. It pissed me off that she thought that she’d get away with it. Did she think I was weak? If that were the case, she would soon find out how wrong she was. I pushed the anger that was raising up deep inside me, down. My demon, who was the other part of me was putting up a fight, he wanted to come out and play. If he consumed me, I could end up hurting innocents. I might be a fucking bastard, but I didn’t hurt or kill for the sake of it. Aria had always been unstable, and I had always been able to control her. Over the last few years, she’d become unpredictable. There been many times that I had just managed to stop her hurting or killing someone that just happened to look at her the wrong way. It was worse if she thought that another female was taking too much interest in me. I couldn’t understand the possessiveness she felt, over the years we both have taken different lovers to our beds. Humans called what we had an open relationship. It worked for me, I loved to fuck. Since she had become more unstable, I made sure that any of the females I showed any sort of interest in didn’t come into her line of site. I didn’t want her anywhere near Scarlett. I knew that at some point she was going to demand to see her and share her, and for reasons I didn’t want to probe too deeply about, I was trying to avoid that happening. I needed to know when she was going to arrive so I could keep her under some sort of supervision while she was here. I need to be in control of any situation, whether it was for pleasure or business. Aria knew I would not be happy with her unannounced visit. She would have to make it up to me.

Bella was one of the new women I had required recently and was waiting in my pleasure room. I hadn’t had a taste of her yet and I was sure that Aria would find her most delightful. I knew I was a bastard and didn’t give a fuck what anyone thought of me. I took what I wanted without remorse. It was built in me a long time ago and I wasn’t about to change now, that time had passed.

I hoped that to fuck that Bella and Aria would stop the hunger that still burned deep in my gut. Having Scarlett in the same building with me was going to be a sweet temptation, one I wouldn’t be able to resist for long. Having touched and tasted her was intoxicating to my system. I wanted another taste. I wanted her at my disposal. My Demon roared. I couldn’t remember the last time he had fought so hard to reveal himself. I felt the need he had. He wanted to leave his impression on her, marking her as his. My demon was part of me, he lived close to the surface living just under my skin. He had been yelling inside of me. If I gave him the freedom to come out, to let him take over, then my Demon would seal her fate. I didn’t need or want a bond with anyone let alone a bloody witch, no matter how her body sang to me. Her smell was like a drug, it was that intoxicating. I hadn’t had sex with a witch for over a century and she was pulling me towards her. If Damien hadn’t interrupted us when he had, I would have taken her, fucked her on the floor till she was screaming my name in pleasure. I hated the fact that she was affecting me, I needed to get rid of her. I might play with her some more, before I decided what I was going to do. I had killed many witches in my time and had shared the pleasure of their flesh with Aria before doing so. So why the hell was she any different?

I ignored the raging of my demon. He wasn’t happy with the way my thoughts were turning, I wasn’t that thrilled either, for a totally different reason. I forced those thoughts aside not liking where they were taking me. He wanted us to keep her, mark her, fucking bond her to us both for eternity. He knew I hated witches; we both did. It didn’t make sense to why he wanted this bonding to take place. He wasn’t fond of witches. Centuries ago, they had used his kind, tormented them in ways that even twisted my stomach and even though I hated the thought of wanting her as I did, my own mind and body was betraying me. I could hear him whispering her name, Scarlett, repeatedly, he was driving me fucking crazy. We both wanted her that was bluntly obvious. With just one thought of that curvy body, I could feel myself getting hard. I resisted the urge of adjusting myself as the mental imagine of her came to mind. I could vitalise her on her knees in front of me, her red plump lips wrapped around my dick. Her red hair wrapped around my fingers, moaning as she sucked and tongued my shaft until I blow into her mouth. Watching, as my cum dripped from those plump lips… the dirty thoughts made me pause in my steps. Fuck. If I didn’t get control of myself, I was going to cum in my fucking trousers. She was dangerous to my peace of mind. I knew she was hiding something else and I would find out what that was. She hadn’t denied that they were witches, and I could sense that she had been telling me the truth about their sister. I had to find out what was going on inside that head of hers and what she was hiding, and I had every intention of finding out no matter what it took.

‘’Put the woman into one of the bedrooms. Her name is Scarlett Winters. She is here as my guest. Until I say otherwise, no body’s allowed to touch her without my say so’’ I instructed Damien, as we walk down the corridor, not waiting for a reply and not expecting one back, no matter who that person was my word was law, ‘’I’ll deal with her, after I’ve dealt with Aria,’’

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