Home > The Donor(6)

The Donor(6)
Author: Sandi Lynn

“This is utterly ridiculous! I can’t believe you, Grandfather.”

“And I can’t believe you, Grayson. It’s time to grow the fuck up and have some stability in your life.”

“I have stability, and I’ll be damned if I’m going to let you sign the company over to Alfie. I’ve worked my ass off to get where I am today. That is MY company.” I pointed at him. “You’ve been grooming me to take over since I was a teenager.”

“And it will be yours as long as you adhere to my request. You’re missing out on so much more in life.”

“I’m missing nothing and I’m doing just fine. I enjoy my life and the way I live it. You cannot sit there and tell me what to do! This is MY life!” I shouted.

“You’re right. Only you have the power to create your destiny. But it is my company and I can do what I want with it. You have one year, Grayson. Enough with these trashy women you’re spending your nights with. I no longer want to see your name at the top of New York’s most eligible bachelor’s list. And if you think you can pull a fast one on me and drum someone up just for show, you’re seriously mistaken.” He pointed at me. “My intention from the day you were born was to have you take over the family business and I want that legacy continued for generations to come. But I will not hand my company over to someone who never intends on making that happen.” He got up from the table. “It was a pleasure having dinner with you again. It’s been way too long. The fate of your future is in your hands, Grayson.” He walked out of the dining room.

I slammed my fist down on the table. Rage consumed me and I needed to get the fuck out of here. Dialing Damon, I told him to come get me.

“Are you okay, Mr. Rhodes?” Celia asked. “I overheard part of your conversation.”

“No, Celia. I’m not okay! He’s being an asshole! What the hell is wrong with him?!”

“I’m sure he’s just trying to look out for your best interest.”

“Well, he needs to stay the fuck out of my life.” I got up and kissed her cheek. “Have a good night,” I spoke as I walked out the door.



Chapter 8




I stared at my naked body in the full-length mirror and placed my hands on my belly. I couldn’t believe I was pregnant and had a living being inside of me. To be honest, I didn’t think it would happen on the first try. But it did and I was the happiest I’d ever been in my life. I was six weeks along and now it was time to put my plans in motion. Not only did I have to hunt for a new apartment, I needed to secure some more accounts for my graphic design business.

I had three apartment tours lined up for today. After stopping at Starbuck’s and grabbing a decaf coffee, I headed to my first appointment. I wasn’t impressed at all. The pictures online were much more appealing. My second apartment tour was an apartment I fell in love with, but it was way out of my budget range, and the third, same as the first. I wouldn’t allow myself to get discouraged just yet. I’d find the perfect apartment for me and my child. All I needed was a little patience and more accounts.

“Have you considered just going to work for a company?” Charlotte asked. “I know how much you hate that kind of structure and office setting, but I’m not sure you have a choice now.”

“I have, but nobody will hire me being pregnant. Shit. The two-bedroom apartments in this city are so costly and I refuse to raise my kid in a sketchy neighborhood. I’ll just have to drum up more business.”

When I got home, I was exhausted, so I laid down and took a three-hour nap. When I awoke and checked my phone, I had a voicemail from the director of a marketing firm I’d been steadily doing work for.

“Harper, It’s Connie. Listen, I have some bad news. Things right now aren’t good for us, so we have to scale back and cut costs. Unfortunately, we won’t be needing your services anymore. I’m sorry. You’re so talented and your work is exceptional. I’m sure you won’t have a problem finding another firm to do work for. I’m putting your final check in the mail today. I’m so sorry about this.”

A sickness formed in the pit of my belly as I listened to her message. That marketing firm was my bread and butter. They were my top account. Without them, I had just lost half of my income. Tears started to stream down my face as fear crept inside me. This wasn’t only about me anymore. I had a baby to think about. This couldn’t have happened at the worst time. But at least they owed me a chunk of money. Money that would get me through at least another month.




I took my bourbon over to my piano and set it down. Taking a seat on the bench, I placed my fingers on the keys and began playing. What the fuck was I going to do? I never hated my grandfather more than I did at this moment. I wasn’t a relationship type of guy. I gave all that up in college. Women were too much of a problem for me. They didn’t understand I had a life outside of them. That I was working hard for my future. All the fighting and the yelling because I didn’t spend enough time with them or pay them enough attention was exhausting. It was then I decided to stay single. I was better off without all that complication in my life and my grandfather couldn’t understand that. He couldn’t understand that I was better off being single. I liked women for one thing and one thing only: the pleasure they provided me with sex. It was all I needed. I was a happy man living the bachelor life and doing whatever the fuck I wanted to do without someone trying to control me. But now, he was the one controlling me. He was in control of my future and I didn’t like it one bit. But I’d never let Alfie take control of the company I worked so hard to make mine.



Chapter 9




It had been a week since I met with my grandfather, and now the clock was ticking away. I hadn’t told Julius yet, and I needed to talk to someone. Then suddenly, a lightbulb went off in my head. Julius was the key to this whole thing. Picking up my phone, I dialed him.

“Hey, Grayson.”

“Can you come by the penthouse tonight? We haven’t had a bro night in a while. I’ll order us a couple pizzas and we can kick back and drink a few beers. That’s if Yasmin will let you out of the house.”

“Hilarious, Grayson. It just so happens I was going to call you and ask you the same thing. Yasmin is going out with her friends tonight. What time do you want me over?”

“How about seven o’clock?”

“Sounds good. I’ll bring the beer.”

“Great. I’ll see you tonight.”

I ended the call and set my phone down. I prayed to God that he would tell me what I wanted to hear.



The elevator door opened and when I walked into the foyer, Julius stepped out.

“Hey, bro.” We lightly hugged.

“How are you, Grayson? We really haven’t spoken much the past couple of weeks. I was afraid you were ending our friendship.”

“Nah, Julius. You’re like my brother. No matter what, I could never stop being your friend.” I smiled. “The pizza is on the island.”

“And I brought the beer.” He held up a six-pack.

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