Home > The Donor

The Donor
Author: Sandi Lynn





“It’s not too late to back out. The limo is outside. Just say the word and we’ll go. You don’t have to do this.”

“Grayson, come on. I love Yasmin. You know I do,” Julius spoke as he straightened his bowtie in the mirror.

“No, bro. You don’t. You just think you do. Hell, you don’t know what love is and now you’re throwing your entire life away based on a fucking one-night stand you had six months ago.”

“You,” he pointed at me, “have no clue what it’s like to love someone. I didn’t either until I met her. Trust me, Grayson, this is real, and I’m not going anywhere.”

“Bullshit! I will not stand here and watch my best friend throw his life away over some damn chick. I’ll bet that you two don’t make it to your second anniversary.”

“Fine. It’s a bet,” he spoke. “And here’s what we’re betting.”

What he proposed was preposterous and shocked me.

“What’s wrong, Grayson? Too chicken? Don’t have the balls to accept? If you’re so sure I won’t make it then you won’t have any problem accepting the bet.”

I stared at him for I knew my best friend better than anybody in the world. We’d been glued to each other’s side since we were eight years old and we’d been through a lot of shit together over the years. I knew him well enough that I wouldn’t be the one losing the bet.

“Fine. It’s a bet,” I spoke.

“Good. If I lose, you have my word that I will complete our bet,” he said. “And I want your word that you will complete yours if you lose.” His brow arched.

“You have my word.” I held out my hand for a bro shake. “Two years.”

The one thing I took pride in was that if I gave someone my word, I meant it. My word was something I never backed down from.



Chapter 1



Two Years Later




“Mhm.” I heard as her arm wrapped tightly around my waist.

Removing her arm, I sat up with my back to her and my feet planted firmly on the floor as I rubbed my aching head.

“Last night was amazing. How about an encore?” the woman whose name I couldn’t remember for the life of me spoke.

“I can’t. I have to get to the office, and you need to go.”

I headed into the bathroom and started the shower. Shortly after I stepped in, the door opened. Immediately, I grabbed it shut.

“Sorry, love. I shower alone.”

“Are you serious, Grayson?”

“I’m very serious. Go make us some coffee.”

When I finished, I wrapped a towel around my waist, grabbed my wallet out of my pants pocket and checked to make sure all my credit cards and cash were still intact before I kicked her out. Walking into the kitchen, I grabbed the cup of coffee she had waiting for me on the island.

“Thanks. Why aren’t you dressed yet?” I asked as she stood there in my t-shirt.

“I don’t know.” She smiled as she ran her finger down my chest. “I thought maybe after your shower you’d change your mind.”

“I haven’t changed my mind and I don’t have time for this,” I spoke as I went into the bedroom, gathered her clothes and threw them at her. “Listen, I don’t even remember your name. We had a good time last night, and that was it. One time is all it’ll be.”

“Wow. You’re a dick,” she spoke with irritation as she slipped on her dress.

“What did you really expect? We met in a club and you were an easy fuck. If you’re looking for something more, stop having sex with random guys you’ve only known for five minutes. You’re the one giving yourself a cheap and easy reputation. If that’s how you put yourself out there, that’s how guys will treat you. Now if you’ll excuse me, I have to get ready for work.”

“Fuck you, Grayson!” she shouted as she grabbed her shoes and stormed into the elevator.

I rolled my eyes and went into the bedroom to get dressed. It was the same conversation every single time. But I preferred women like her because it was easy to get rid of them. Any woman on my level would want more.

I was in the public eye more than I wanted to be. But when you’re New York’s number one bachelor, it was hard not to. Being the right hand of my grandfather who built Rhodes Enterprises was stressful. A stress I managed by partying every night and meeting different women that I could use to my advantage and then send home the next morning.



“Morning, Christine. Coffee now,” I said to my secretary as I walked past her desk and into my office.

“Right away, Mr. Rhodes.”

Setting my briefcase down, I took a seat behind my desk and logged onto my computer, pulling up the acquisition notes for a project I was working on.

“Here you go,” Christine spoke as she set the cup on my desk.

“Thanks. Clear my schedule from twelve to one thirty. I’m having lunch with Julius today.”

“Will do, Mr. Rhodes.”

As I was absorbed into my work, my phone dinged with a text message from Damon, my driver.

“I’m here.”

“I’ll be down in a second.”

Shutting down my computer, I grabbed my suit coat and headed out of the building where Damon was waiting for me with the door open.

“Where are you meeting Julius for lunch?” he asked.

“Pastis in the Meatpacking District,” I replied as I climbed inside.

“Your grandfather phoned me this morning.” His eyes peered at me through the rearview mirror.

“What did he want?”

“He wanted to know your whereabouts last night.”

“What did you tell him?”

“I told him I took you home from the office and if you went anywhere after that, I didn’t know.”

“Thanks, Damon.” I smiled.

I climbed out of the Escalade and headed inside Pastis, where a cute brunette walked me over to where Julius sat. He stood up, and we lightly hugged.

“I already ordered you a bourbon, and I made it a double.” He smirked.

“Thanks. A double?”

“Do you know what today is?” he asked.

“Monday?” I arched my brow.

“It is Monday, but it’s also something else.”

Our waitress walked over and set our drinks down in front of us. After placing our order, I picked up my bourbon and took a sip.

“Are you going to tell me what today is, or do I have to keep guessing?”

“It’s mine and Yasmin’s second wedding anniversary.” A grin crossed his face.

Oh shit.

“Is that so, I sipped on my bourbon.”

“It is and we’re still going strong and as in love as ever. So, Grayson, you know what that means.” The look on his face turned serious.

“It means I lost the bet.” I finished my drink and signaled the waitress to bring me another.

“Indeed, it does. And it’s time for me to collect.”

A sick feeling washed over me as I stared at him.

“What’s wrong? Suddenly, you’re as pale as a ghost.” He smirked.

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