Home > The Exiled Prince Trilogy_ Books 1- 3 (Royal Secrets #1-3)(3)

The Exiled Prince Trilogy_ Books 1- 3 (Royal Secrets #1-3)(3)
Author: Jeana E. Mann

The moisture in my mouth disappeared, taking my voice with it. I hesitated. Everly nudged my elbow. With an apologetic smile, I handed the invitation over to him. He glanced at Everly’s but studied mine, his gaze flickering from the card to me and back again. This was it. Would they escort me to the front door, making a spectacle of my shame? My thoughts raced through a dozen unpleasant and humiliating scenarios.

After an interminable span of time, he returned the invitations. “Thank you, ladies.” A sigh of relief burned my lungs. I held it back. Circling behind the desk, he withdrew two forms and placed them in front of us, along with expensive gold ink pens. “All guests are required to sign a non-disclosure agreement. Inside the masquerade, real names are forbidden, but you may use any pseudonym of your choosing. Pictures are strictly prohibited. The integrity of this night depends upon your discretion.”

“Right,” I said. The word came out as a croak. I started to write my name, then realized my mistake and corrected the R to become a B. In a shaky scrawl, I signed Barbara’s name. I bit my lower lip and forced a smile. He didn’t smile back but took the form without looking at it and placed it inside one of the desk drawers.

“Please make yourself at home tonight. There is a buffet along the far wall and an open bar to the left. You will find the ladies’ powder room down the hall behind you and to the right. Should you require fresh air, the terrace is through the doors at the end of the ballroom with steps leading into the gardens. There are many delights to enjoy outside as well. Mr. Menshikov asks only that you do not trespass into his private quarters on the second floor. Should you require anything—anything at all—please do not hesitate to ask.”

“Thank you, Ivan,” Everly said. “Is Mr. Menshikov here tonight?”

From behind Ivan’s back, I mouthed, “What the hell?” She lifted an eyebrow.

“Business has called Mr. Menshikov away this evening. And even if he was here, he chooses not to participate,” he said, his expression polite but shuttered. He opened the door. Light and music spilled into the small room. “Please enjoy your evening.”

Once he’d left us, I groaned. “That was so close. I thought I was going to pee my pants.”

Everly laughed. “Calm down. We’re in. Look at this place. Aren’t you glad you came?”

“Okay, maybe,” I admitted grudgingly now that the rush of adrenalin had receded. “Check back with me in an hour.”

“On that note, I’m going to mingle.” It was one of the things I loved most about our friendship. We’d never been the type of friends who had to be together every single minute. She patted the glossy strands of her updo. “Do I look okay? Is there lipstick on my teeth?”

“You look fantastic, like you always do.” Her personal style, thanks to Christian, hovered on the cutting edge between conservative and classy. With her auburn hair and pale skin offset by the sapphire hue of her gown, she caught the eye of every man in the room. “I wish I had half your beauty.”

“Hush. Didn’t you see yourself in the mirror?” When I shook my head, she rolled her eyes. “Half the secret to being attractive is self-confidence. You’re a hottie, so own it.” She put her shoulder against my back and gave a little shove. “Now, tonight, I have an assignment for you. I want you to dance with someone.”


She laughed at my outright refusal. “Come on. I remember the Rourke from college. She was fun and ornery and loved to have a good time. I know she’s still inside somewhere. Let her out tonight. There are tons of gorgeous men here. Take advantage of the opportunity to meet someone new.”

“Fine, but I’m not going to enjoy it.” She had no way of knowing that sometimes—when the ache of loneliness grew too massive—I sneaked out of our hotel room and into the bar. A few drinks and a random hookup eased my frustrations. I liked the freedom of screwing someone I didn’t know. No questions, no commitments, no hurt feelings. The following day, we’d pack our bags and travel to a new destination. I’d leave town with a secret smile on my lips and soreness between my legs, but my heart remained intact.

“I’ll check back with you in an hour. Now get out there.” She nodded toward the dance floor. “And remember, I’m watching you.”









I wandered through the ballroom, mesmerized by the scores of beautiful people. Behind their masks lurked some of the most famous faces in the world. Every now and then, I thought I recognized the curve of a woman’s smile or the width of a man’s shoulders, but I had no way of knowing who was who. The masks came in all shapes and sizes. Some were elaborate combinations of feathers and gems on a background of satin. Others were sleek and simple like Ivan’s. Everly had picked up my mask on one of her many trips to Venice. It rested lightly above my nose, held in place by strings of silk, allowing a clear view of my eyes but obscuring enough to hide my identity.

After a few minutes, I began to grow comfortable among the guests and had to admit I was enjoying the anonymity. Without the threat of disapproval, I could do anything, and be anyone, I wanted.

A brown-haired man in a navy tuxedo tapped my arm. “I was wondering if you’d like to dance?”

Remembering my promise to Everly, I accepted. His aristocratic features and pleasant smile bolstered my resolve to meet someone new. “I might be a little rusty. I haven’t danced in years. If you don’t mind my clumsy feet, then I don’t mind either.”

He extended a hand. “It’s my pleasure.”

I placed my hand in his and let him lead me to the dance floor. The brush of our palms together sent a pleasant ripple along my skin. The orchestra segued smoothly from a foxtrot into a waltz. From the sidelines, Everly nodded approvingly. My heart skipped a beat when he put his arm around my waist. It felt good to be held by a man again. He twirled me around the floor until I was breathless, ignoring the many times I stepped on the toes of his shiny shoes.

At the end of the song, he smiled down at me with full lips and gray bedroom eyes. Beneath the dark blue velvet mask lurked the face of a handsome man, around my age, maybe younger. “That was delightful. You’ve made my evening.”

“Thank you. You’re too kind.” I smiled. He lifted my hand to his lips, grazing his mouth over my knuckles, sending a shiver of attraction through my body. “You can call me Nicky. And what should I call you?”

Panic evaporated the moisture from my mouth. I cleared my throat. “I thought we weren’t supposed to reveal our real names.”

“I never said it was my real name.” He watched me closely, waiting for my answer, his gaze focused on my lips.

“You can call me—” I searched for an appropriate name. “You can call me Cinderella.”

His burst of laughter escalated my panic. “Oh, that’s priceless. Well, Cinderella, tell me, how did you come by an invitation to the elusive Masquerade de Marquis?”

I tried to smile and stay calm, deflecting the question with one of my own. If I’d learned anything during my years with Everly, it was that people loved to talk about themselves. “I kind of fell into it.” Not exactly a lie but not the truth, either. “What about you? Have you attended to the masquerade before?” I kept walking in the direction of the ladies’ powder room, preparing to excuse myself before I got into trouble.

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