Home > The Exiled Prince Trilogy_ Books 1- 3 (Royal Secrets #1-3)(5)

The Exiled Prince Trilogy_ Books 1- 3 (Royal Secrets #1-3)(5)
Author: Jeana E. Mann

Behind the mask, his eyes were dark, almost black. Anxiety closed my throat. This would either be an amazing experience or extremely embarrassing. Probably the latter. The music swelled, and we began. Within a few steps, I captured his rhythm. He was strong and forceful, moving me into each position, twirling me out then snapping me back against his chest. I gasped at the press of my breasts against hard muscles.

“Very nice,” he said. A neatly trimmed beard and mustache couldn’t obscure a square jaw, reminding me of a jaunty pirate.

“Thank you.” The warmth of his approval spread through my chest.

“I’m going to have to step up my game.” His eyes glittered with challenge.

“Yes. You are.” They were bold words for a girl who hadn’t danced the tango in six years, but I didn’t care. I liked the feel of his body against mine and the strength in his arms. More than anything, I enjoyed the way his overpowering maleness made me feel feminine and dainty.

“Be careful what you ask for.” His arms tightened around me. I slid slowly down his torso and pressed my breasts into the hard lines of his body. When my eyes reached the level of his narrow hips, he yanked me to my feet. The crowd gasped.

“You surprise me,” he said.

“You aren’t the only one with secrets, sir.” The hem of my skirt swirled around my ankles. The slit opened to flash a stretch of my leg and the white garter belt around my thigh. I felt his gaze go there. It returned to mine, flashing with desire.

“So, I see.” By the humor in his tone, my answer pleased him. Or maybe it was the garter. There was no more time for conversation as the intensity of the music continued to escalate.

This was more than a dance. It was a test. A game of dominance and submission underscored by sexual tension. I stiffened my arms and pulled away. The words of my dance instructor floated through my subconscious. Be angry. Let the audience see the struggle. He snapped my body to his and stroked a leisurely hand from my armpit to my hip. Goosebumps peppered my skin. I spun away, only to be returned by a tug of his arm. We continued our war of wills around the room.

At the finale, he bent me backward over his thigh, arching my spine until the ends of my hair swept the floor. The smooth fabric of his trousers rubbed against my bare back. I was totally at his mercy, one foot on the polished marble, the other lifted to keep from tumbling over. His lips grazed the column of my throat in an erotic caress. Excitement and lust simmered in my veins. I was living my fantasies in the arms of an exotic stranger.

The music ended, and the crowd erupted into applause. I’d been so engrossed in our power play that I’d failed to notice the onlookers, or that all the other participants had moved to the sidelines. We were the only couple on the dance floor. Under normal circumstances, this kind of attention would have made my stomach queasy, but beside him, it seemed natural.

Adrenalin buzzed through my head, more intoxicating than the liquor. He eased me to my feet. Once I’d steadied myself, he released my hand and bowed. “Thank you for the dance.” Before I could respond, he melted into the crowd. I watched his broad shoulders disappear. A curious sense of regret tempered my euphoria. That was it? One amazing dance, and he left?

Someone touched my elbow. I erased the disappointment from my expression and turned to find Everly. She drew me aside and fanned her cheeks with a cocktail napkin. “Holy crap, Rourke. That was hot. Who is that man?”

“I’m not sure.” I stared wistfully in the direction he’d gone, but my attention wavered at the weight of Nicky’s disapproving stare on the stranger’s backside. What was it between those two men? “I think he’s Roman Menshikov.”

Everly’s gaze followed mine in the direction the stranger had gone. Her brows lowered. “It could be, but I don’t think so. Everyone says he’s out of the country.”

“I know, but there’s something about him.” I searched through the guests, looking for disheveled black hair and an unshaven jaw.

“Did you ask him?”

“How could I? I certainly can’t tell him who I am. Ivan will throw me out.”

“True. Well, no matter. You have another admirer,” Everly said, her eyes dancing with delight, nodding toward Nicky. “This is so exciting. Are you having a good time?”

“Yes.” The answer required no conscious thought. “I haven’t had this much fun in years.” As always, my thoughts returned to her welfare. “What about you?”

“I’m having a great time. A few of my friends are here.” She squeezed my hand. “Thank you so much for coming. I could never have attended on my own. This is the best bachelorette night ever.”

“You’re welcome. Thank you for dragging me here.” I smiled back at her, thrilled by her excitement.

“I think you should hook up with one of those men.” The mischievous glint returned to her eyes. “A good lay would do wonders for your self-confidence.”

“Oh, no.” I shook my head.

“Yes. You absolutely should. Think about it. Everyone here is anonymous. It’s like Las Vegas. What happens here, stays here.” Her eyebrows lifted, but she quickly got her expression under control and ducked her head. “Don’t look now, but the brown-haired gentleman is coming this way, and he doesn’t seem happy.” She waggled her eyebrows. “Look at you, stirring the shit. I’m out of here. Have fun and be safe.”

“Don’t you dare leave me, Everly.” Despite my plea, she sashayed toward the back hall, waving her fingers over her shoulder in my direction. “Traitor.” I steeled myself for more of Nicky’s questions.

“Did you enjoy your dance?” he asked. If he was displeased with me, the face beneath his mask gave no indication of his feelings. Neither did his tone. “You were a vision out there. I don’t think I’ve ever seen anyone quite so breathtaking.”

“Thank you.” I felt the blush creeping into my cheeks. “I’d like to take the credit, but my partner was responsible for most of it.”

His jaw flexed, a small but obvious indication of his disapproval. “He always had a flare for the dramatic.”

“I thought you didn’t know each other.” Something about his demeanor had changed since we’d parted earlier.

“We knew each other as children, but we haven’t run in the same circles for a very long time.” As if he sensed my mistrust, he shook his head and smiled sheepishly. “I apologize if my behavior is unacceptable. I’m afraid the sight of you in another man’s arms has brought out my jealous side.” A lot of years had passed since any man had flattered me quite so thoroughly and with such skill. However, pretty words had never turned my head.

The orchestra segued into the next song, an upbeat, modern tune. Over Nicky’s shoulders, I caught sight of the mystery man. He was talking to a busty beauty with raven hair. The plume of her elaborate gold mask jerked and bobbed as she spoke. His words might have been for her, but his eyes were mine. A dozen yards separated us, but the heat of his gaze seared into me.

“I’m sorry, what did you say?” Too late, I realized Nicky had asked me a question.

His gaze followed mine. A frown of frustration shaded his smooth features, a frown he quickly erased. “I said my schedule is full next week, but the week after, I’ll be in Manhattan for meetings. I’d love to take you to dinner.”

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