Home > Jonty's Christmas

Jonty's Christmas
Author: Barbara Elsborg

Jonty’s Christmas


Ever had something that you’re really looking forward to but dreading at the same time?

Jonty’s always longed for a traditional family Christmas, and his boyfriend Devan thinks it’s the perfect time for Jonty to meet his big, boisterous, Christmas-loving family.

But Jonty’s sure Devan’s parents aren’t going to think he’s good enough for their son. He probably isn’t. But he is good for Devan and the arrival of an unexpected guest gives him a chance to prove it.

Jonty never backs down from a challenge. His mouth won’t let him. But his brain is telling him that if he interferes, he might wreck any hope of acceptance. On the other hand, could his reward be the best Christmas present ever?



This little Christmas story takes place before the epilogue in The Making of Jonty Bloom, and can be read as a standalone.



Chapter One

Christmas Eve

I don’t want to go. I don’t want to go. Oh God, I really don’t want to go.

Jonty had managed to delay their departure to Devan’s family home, but not stop it happening. Tempting Devan with his naked backside was a sure-fire distraction, but Jonty didn’t think either of them could come again that morning. Three times was pushing it. For Devan, anyway. Jonty grinned.

Then he stopped grinning when he remembered what he was worried about.

He frantically tried to think of a way to persuade Devan to turn around and drive back to London.

A frightening premonition that sinkholes were going to open up all over Surrey?

A rumour that zombies had invaded from France?

A feeling he was going to be sick? Because he was.

Devan glanced across at him. “Stop biting your nails.”

Jonty sighed and slid his hands under his thighs. His mind slithered on.

A sudden onset of appendicitis? Except which side was his appendix? Jonty thought that through. Devan would take him to hospital. He shuddered.

“I’m desperately hungry.” Jonty turned on his best pleading expression.

“For what?”

“A Big Mac.”

Devan laughed. “There’ll be plenty to eat at my parents’ house and if you end up telling my mother you’re not hungry because I stopped at a service station to buy you a burger, we’ll both be in trouble.”

Jonty’s mind was unexpectedly blank of ideas.

Devan indicated to peel off the busy motorway. “You’re going to be fine. They’ll love you.”

“As much as you love me?”

“No, not as much as me. No one’s allowed to love you as much as me.”

Jonty looked across at him and grinned. “That’s going in my book of Romantic things Devan has said to me. Right after Your feet smell.”

Devan chuckled.

Jonty’s fingers slid back to his mouth. Devan’s mother wasn’t going to love him or even vaguely like him. He’d heard her try to persuade Devan he was making a big mistake, though Devan had put the phone down on her. Jonty had also seen a couple of texts she’d sent, though Devan didn’t know that.

He wants you for your money. See sense.

You’ll tire of someone who’s not your intellectual equal. Think what you’re doing.

Devan’s family weren’t going to love him.

“Fingers out!” Devan snapped.

Jonty sighed, flipped open the button on his trousers and unzipped himself.

“What the hell?” Devan gaped at him.

“Eyes on the road!”

“What are you doing?”

“Keeping my hands occupied so I don’t bite my nails.”

“I can’t drive while you’re doing that.”

Jonty pulled his already hardening cock out of his shorts and slid his hand up and down.


“Was that a whine? Oh God, did you remember the wine?”

“Yes and yes.”

Jonty hadn’t actually intended to do this in the car. Teasing was all he’d had in mind, but now he’d started… He ran his tongue up his palm and dropped it back to his dick.

“Fuck, fuck, fuck,” Devan moaned. “You are such a little shit.”

Jonty started to breathe more heavily. “Oh, this is so good, really good.” He hammed it up, moaning and groaning, and Devan began to fidget.

“Stop it, Jonty!”

“Mmm.” Jonty brought a dab of precome to his mouth, rolled the pad of his finger over his tongue, then sucked noisily.

The car swerved and Devan swore as someone’s horn blared.

“Stop looking at me,” Jonty said.

“Stop jacking yourself off.”

“I’ve started so I have to finish.”

“This isn’t bloody Mastermind. You… Oh for fuck’s sake.”

Devan made such a rapid turn off the main road that Jonty was flung into the door.

When possible, make a U-turn said the sat nav.

“No,” Devan barked.

Recalculating. Recalculating.

“Shut the fuck up,” Devan snapped.

Continue for four miles. Recalculating. Where possible, make a U-turn.

“Can sat navs panic?” Jonty asked.

“We don’t need it. We never needed it. I don’t know why you made me turn it on.”

“Because it always makes me laugh when you argue with it. Plus, it was counting down the time and distance to Armageddon.” Jonty groaned as more precome slid onto the back of his hand. “Are we going the right way?” Obviously, they weren’t because the sat nav was still telling them to turn around.

“Yes.” Devan pulled off the road into an empty layby and switched off the engine.

Jonty’s eyes slid closed as he dragged his hand up and down his cock. He heard a click as Devan unfastened his seat belt, then felt Devan’s weight against his chest. Jonty shuddered as a familiar tongue slid around the head of his shaft, fluttering over the source of the precome. Jonty whimpered. He threaded his fingers in Devan’s hair and looked down at him. He was scrunched up over the centre console, bent at an awkward angle.

“Are you comfortable?” Jonty whispered.

Devan lifted his head and said, “No, am I fucking not,” before dropping his head again.

“So good,” Jonty whispered. “Almost as good as a Big Mac.” He paused. “I mean eating a Big Mac not sticking my dick in…ahhhh.”

Devan growled around a mouthful of cock. Jonty felt as though he was on a magic carpet, gently rising and falling, but moving faster and faster. He didn’t want the ride to end. Who would? Devan had his hand around him too now, jerking him off as he sucked, and Jonty swallowed to bring moisture back to his mouth. A complete waste of effort when a police car pulled up in front of them.

“Devan,” he choked out. “Police. Police.”

Devan chuckled around the mouthful of cock. “I like it when you beg.”

“Not please. Police. Here. Get off.”

Jonty flailed at Devan’s head, shoving him away as he struggled to get his dick back in his boxers and trousers. Shiiit! Devan caught sight of the policeman walking towards the car, and turned white.

“Let me handle this.” Jonty pulled the old map book from the side of the seat and opened it over his half-closed zip.

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