Home > Rocking His FAKE World(22)

Rocking His FAKE World(22)
Author: Alexis Winter

“Yeah, sure,” he agrees as I brush past him.

I make my way outside. I turn to the right then to the left, looking for Daniel, but maybe he hasn’t come out yet. I don’t want to walk inside for fear of running into Van, so I cross my arms over my chest to wait. Moments later, Daniel’s car comes to a stop in front of me. The passenger-side window is rolled down and he dips his head to look out it. “Need a ride?”

I smile and climb into the passenger seat. The moment the door closes, he hits the gas and we’re zooming off through the night. He takes my hand in his as he drives us to his apartment. Until last night, I’d never been to his place, but it’s nice and quiet and I know we’re safe there. The guys don’t know where he lives, so I don’t have to worry about them randomly showing up and catching us off guard.

He parks the car in the garage and we both get out and walk up to the elevator hand in hand.

“You hungry? I can order dinner.”

“I could eat,” I agree. “I’m in serious need of a shower after that show though.”

The doors open and he leads me inside. “You can get a shower and I’ll order us something to eat.” He pulls me closer, his lips softly brushing against mine. We finish our journey to his apartment and he unlocks the door, allowing me to walk in ahead of him. I shrug out of my coat and hang it up by the door, then head through the living room and his bedroom to the connected bathroom. I start stripping out of my clothes as the water warms.

He sticks his head into the bathroom with a stack of takeout menus in hand. He sees me half-naked and smiles. “Anything specific you want?”

I shrug. “Surprise me,” I reply, lifting my shirt above my head.

He tosses the menus over his shoulder as he stalks toward me. He pulls me against his chest and his mouth finds mine. He kisses me hard and fast, and when I try pulling away, his mouth just descends my body, kissing my jaw and neck, then moving down to my breasts.

I playfully push him back. “Oh no, I need a shower and food before any fuckery.”

I slip out of his arms and slide into the shower.

“Fine, I’ll order food,” he says, picking up the menus and leaving me alone in the bathroom. I dip my head back and let the hot water wash over my hair. I pour shampoo into the palm of my hand and begin massaging it into my hair. I feel a cold breeze and open my eyes to find him standing in front of me, completely naked. I get a full view of his hard body, and if possible, he only got sexier during the month we were apart. His biceps are bulging and tanned. His pecs are huge and his abs are rock-hard. I count six before following that trail of hair down to something I want to wrap my hand around.

“Are you checking me out, Ms. Rock Star?” he asks around a smile.

A grin escapes. “What if I am, Mr. Lawyer?” His hair is longer than it used to be and it gives him a carefree look instead of the stuffy lawyer look he always had before. His beard is growing out, putting a nice shadow on his angular jaw.

He reaches out and pulls me against him. “I may have to bend you over my knee and punish you.” He leans forward, pressing his lips to mine. He backs me into the water and moves his hands up to help wash the shampoo out of my hair. When it feels free of bubbles, he picks me up against him and presses my back to the shower wall. I can feel his excitement between us. He pulls his hips back, allowing himself to glide between my folds. My stomach tightens, ready to feel him inside, but the doorbell rings and he pulls back.

“Food’s here. That was fast.” He puts me on my feet and I’m breathless as I watch him throw on a robe and leave the bathroom.

I quickly finish up my shower and shut off the water. I grab a towel and wrap it around myself, exiting the bathroom and walking into his bedroom. That’s when I stop at the familiar voice. It’s Van.

“I didn’t mean to interrupt,” Van says.

“Oh, no problem. What’s up?” Daniel asks. I hear the sound of them sitting on the couch.

“I just wanted to come by and talk to you about Luna,” Van says.

“About Luna? We aren’t together anymore and haven’t been for over a month,” Daniel points out.

“I know, but I think something’s up with her,” Van says. “I think she’s about to come back to you. I don’t know how she feels about you exactly, but I do think you’re a nice distraction for her. You could take her mind off the band and the stress of recording a record. And as much as I wish I could give you my blessing, I just can’t. I’m concerned about the band. I’m afraid that if you two get too serious, she’ll back out of the commitments she’s made to the band and our contracts.”

What the fuck? Why would he come here with this shit? How did he even know where Daniel lives?

“I appreciate your concern, Van, but Luna and I are done. And, well, frankly, what we do isn’t any of your business. I appreciate your concern and I’m sure Luna does as well, but there’s nothing to worry about. As I already said, we’re not together, but if we were, I wouldn’t ever dream of holding her back.”

“I know, and I’m not saying you would. I’m just afraid you would influence her decisions whether you wanted to or not. Anyway, I’m going to go. I just wanted to warn you.”

“Warn me? Warn me about what? That Luna might show up here wanting to start things again, or warn me that you don’t approve?” Daniel doesn’t sound happy.

“Both, I guess,” Van says, and I hear the door open.

“That’ll be $26.50,” someone else says. It must be our food.

“That’s a lot of food for one person,” Van says.

“Who said I was alone?” Daniel throws back.

I don’t hear anything after that except the sound of the door closing and locking. “Luna, food’s here!” Daniel calls out, and I finally walk out of his bedroom.

“What the hell was that?” I ask, falling onto the couch in my towel.

Daniel sets the food on the table in front of us. “No idea, but Van doesn’t seem happy about us being together.”

“Like I told you, I don’t know what his deal is. I mean, there’s a fine line between being a good friend and acting overbearing, you know? I know he’s concerned about the band, but this is getting a little crazy, right?”

Daniel shrugs as he digs our food out of the bag. “I guess I don’t blame him. I mean, they do have a lot riding on you. The whole band is counting on you to get them where they want to be. Van’s just wanting to ensure his ticket to fame isn’t snatched out of his hands.”

I take a deep breath and accept the cheeseburger he’s handing over. I guess he’s right, but it still aggravates me to no end. This is my life—my affairs, my business. Not his. I’d never dream of telling him he couldn’t be with someone. I don’t know why he thinks it’s okay to do that to me.

“Don’t worry about it. That’s the whole reason we’re together, right? To leave our lives at the door?”

I nod.

He leans over and pulls me closer to him, his lips only an inch from mine. “When we’re together, it’s just you and me. There’s no work, no stress, no friends, no bandmates, and no fame lingering over your head. Only us. Got it?”

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