Home > Rocking His FAKE World(32)

Rocking His FAKE World(32)
Author: Alexis Winter

I nearly choke on my ice cream but manage to hold it back.

Daniel smiles. “Thanks, but that’s not really my scene.”

“What?” Van questions. “A good-looking guy like you can’t stay single for too long. Or are you still with that sexy model you brought to the party?”

I’m already grinding my teeth together to hold back the anger that night brought on.

“No, Dee Dee and I called it quits. We’re better as friends.”

“So you’re single?” Van verifies.

Daniel looks at me quickly, then back to Van. “Yeah, I guess I am.”

“I’ve got a couple of girls I could hook you up with if you’re interested.”

“Thanks, but I’m good. I don’t have a problem meeting women. My problem’s getting them to leave when I’m tired of them.”

Van laughs. “Heard that. Guess that’s a club you need to join, Luna.”

I jab my elbow into his ribs. “It’s not like that, Van. Daniel and I are just friends and we’re both cool with that.”

He nods. “Riiiight. We all know that you would jump back on it if he’d let you, Luna.” He raises his beer to his lips and takes a long drink, finishing it off.

“Fuck you, Van,” I say, getting up and walking away.

It doesn’t take long before Daniel’s behind me. “Hey, slow down,” he says, running up to my side. “Are you okay? You know Van was just drunk and being an asshole. No reason to let it bother you.”

I stop and turn to face him. “I know. I’m concerned with why he was drinking like that to begin with, but I’m too angry to care at the moment. It just pisses me off that he says that shit. I mean, does he know we’re together? Is he trying to call me out on keeping us a secret? Or is he really just that big of an ass?”

He wraps me up in his arms, his hands rubbing up and down my back in smooth motions. “Come on. Let’s get you home. It’s been a long day.” He leads me out to his car in the parking lot, where I climb into the passenger seat. The car is quiet as he pulls up to the fair entrance, which leads to the main road. As we’re approaching, I notice Van and the guys walking out. I quickly throw myself down on the floorboard so they won’t see me.

“What the hell are you doing?” Daniel asks, hesitantly hitting the brakes.

“Just saw the guys! Just drive by. Don’t stop,” I whisper like they can hear me—even though I know they can’t.

Daniel drives by, offering a slight wave as he passes. “I think Van was trying to flag me down.”

“Fuck him,” I say, climbing back up into the seat.

“This thing you’ve got going on with him can’t be good for the band. You need to talk to him.”

I take a deep breath. “I really thought that once he knew we’d broken up that he’d let it go, but he seems to be getting more controlling. I mean, on one hand, I understand it. He’s always been the older brother type. He watched out for me for years through high school and college. He chased away all the guys I didn’t want hitting on me. He even saved my ass a time or two when I got too wasted at a party. So part of me thinks that what he’s doing is just what he’s always done. But I don’t need saving when it comes to you. On the other hand, I also wonder if this isn’t just him trying to desperately hold on to the promise of fame and fortune. He’s afraid I’ll leave the band, and in his eyes, there’s no band without me.”

Daniel looks over at me and offers up a sympathetic smile. “Either way, it sounds like you two have some shit to work out.”

I nod. I guess we do.









We get to her place and walk up to her apartment. Since we’re completely stuffed from the fair food, we decide to take a shower and get to bed at a decent hour. Neither of us says much of anything as we shower together. I can tell she’s lost in thought about what I said. She needs to have a tough talk with Van, and I just want to let her know I’m here for her no matter what she decides to tell him. I wash her back and press soft kisses along her neck and shoulder. She spins around and moves against my chest, her lips finding mine. I pick her up against me and turn off the water, carrying her to bed. We fall down to the mattress, wrapped up in each other.

I break our kiss and look down at her. She’s beautiful—bare-faced with wet hair splayed out around her head. “I’m here for whatever you need, Luna.” I press a kiss to her collarbone. “I’m here to support you.” I press a kiss to her neck. “I’m here for it all.”

She offers up a sleepy smile as her eyes lock on mine. “I’m going to have a talk with Van, but I’m not telling him about us. We’re about to go on tour and there’s no point in bringing it up when it’s just going to be ending anyway.” She lifts her head and presses her lips to mine. Like always, everything I’m thinking about flies right out of my head and my thoughts are consumed with her.



In the morning, as I’m heading out to get some things done, she lets me know she has a band meeting during which she’s going to talk to Van about his recent behavior. We promise to meet back up tonight and I kiss her goodbye.

I swing by my place and change into some gym clothes before rushing back out the door. I run five miles, lift some weights, and even take a swim. By the time I’m done, my body feels weak and tired. I get home and shower before ordering a grilled chicken salad for lunch from the place down the street.

Soon, my doorbell is ringing and I go to retrieve my lunch. I eat on the couch, watching her music video over and over again. Like some stalker fan, I feel like she’s looking directly at me through the screen. That she’s singing to me. I even try to find little hidden messages in the video—a look that could mean more, or a way she’s telling me she loves me since neither of us has breathed those words to each other.

I end up putting the empty salad bowl down on the coffee table and lying across the couch to watch every video of her on YouTube. Some were filmed by people in the audience at a number of their small bar shows. I also find videos of last night’s performance, interviews they’ve done over the years, and then the video that has me sitting on the edge of my seat. It was recently posted by some entertainment news channel. At first, the news anchor starts talking about the band, their rising popularity, and how they’re about to go on tour and release their album. Then the focus shifts to the individual band members.

Luna’s the first one profiled since she’s the lead vocalist. It tells her life story: growing up in a music store, working to pay for her first guitar, and all the things she did in school: band, plays, and dance. It flashes to the current day, with the anchor saying that while Luna claims she’s single, they’re not convinced that’s the truth. The screen flashes to the picture of us that was taken the other day. She’s in my arms and we’re kissing, looking completely in love. Then it cuts back to the anchor and he goes on to reveal my name and the fact that I’m the band’s lawyer. He also insinuates that we haven’t been honest about the status of our relationship.

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