Home > Sharp Edges (Full Throttle Book 2)(13)

Sharp Edges (Full Throttle Book 2)(13)
Author: Elizabeth Knox

“Damn. I didn’t know it was that bad.”

“Yeah. The doc said morning sickness can be hard on her and he wasn’t lying.”

“Sorry to hear that.” He nods his head and shoves out of his chair before walking around toward me. Placing a hand on my shoulder, he says, “Me too but talk to your girl, Leo. Don’t let shit end like this. I trust you with the club, brother.” With that he walks out of the office.

I sit here for what seems like forever just thinking. She lied to me. That’s a huge no go on my end. I don’t like lies. But maybe she had her reasons for not telling me. Not that I’d know, I didn’t even give her the chance to explain. Blowing out a breath, I decide I’ll talk to her tomorrow, give us both the night to cool off.



Chapter Seventeen






As much as I wanted to head over to the club last night, I didn’t. I mean, I did almost get there after an Uber took me home. I hopped in my car and drove over to the club, determined to speak to him, but I turned my ass around and went back to my apartment. I knew he needed time to breathe, to process what I didn’t tell him, and going to see him would only make things worse. And then on top of it I needed to process what I did by not telling him. God, I fucked with his trust in me and I know that. And I’d be a fool to think this is something we can resolve super quickly. I’ll need to show him I’m sorry and continue to make up for it. Which is exactly what I’m doing right now. Leo doesn’t know it yet, but I’m walking through the doors of the Aces of Night MC, ready to tell my father I’m done being his pawn.

“Hey, Ant.” One of the guys comments, eyeing me up and down like a meal. At my father’s club I’ve never been given respect. They only look at me as a glorified clubwhore and that’s all I’ll ever be to them. Even my father doesn’t give a damn, which makes it all worse. At the end of the day I should’ve never believed him when he proposed this grand plan. He wouldn’t have ever passed the gavel to me and I see that now. Clearly, he’s going to be the same rotten, double-crossing bastard he’s always been.

“Hey,” I comment back, weaving my way through the club until I’m at my father’s office. Typically I knock, since you know, it’s respectful, but tonight I don’t give a flying fuck.

Pushing the door open, I make my presence known. “Antonia, what the hell?!” His tone is chastising, but I could care less.

I stare right into his eyes and tell him exactly what’s happening right now. “I’m not going to keep being your little bitch who runs around and does the hard work for you. If you want intel on the Devil’s Ash MC, you can do it your damn self.” I turn on my heel and start to walk out when his words cause me to stop right in my tracks.

“Don’t you want the club when I step down?” Well, what a fucking question.

I turn to face him and glare, “You wouldn’t have given me this club even if I was the last person on earth. Don’t try to fuck with my head, Dad, ‘cause I’m fucking over it. There isn’t a day where you’ll ever pass the gavel to me, or another woman for that matter.”

A devious smirk pulls at his lips, “I can see you’ve been speaking to your mother.”

I can’t hold back rolling my eyes, “Don’t you dare pull that shit with me! I don’t even have to fucking speak to her to see what you are. I only wish I’d seen it earlier, before I got my fucking hopes up and you dragged me into another one of your bullshit missions. I’m done.” I start to walk out of his office again, yet he speaks up in another attempt to stop me.

“If you keep walkin’, Antonia, you’ll never have this club. I’ll give it to someone else. Someone far more willing.”

“Fuck you for dangling this in front of my face. I’m not a fool. Can’t you see that? Don’t you realize I’m not going to be your little toy anymore? God dammit.” I shake my head and take in a deep breath.

“Jimmy told me you’ve been getting rather close to that Leo. This have anything to do with your erratic behavior?”

Wow. Just like him to give a damn when it involves something he wants. “Since when have you ever given a flying fuck about my behavior? Go choke on a dick. I’m done with you.”

“And I’m done with you, Antonia DeGrossi, if you walk out that fucking door!” He roars so loudly I can practically hear an echo in the club. “You won’t ever get this club!”

I glance back and cock a brow with a devious smirk tugging at my lips, “Who needs your shitty little club when I’ll have Roma?”

If he wants to play a chess game, we’re going to fucking play. What he’s failed to realize is that I’m the one with the king, not him.



I left the Aces of Night’s clubhouse and came straight over to Leo’s club, ready to grovel, apologize, and do anything I need to make this up to him. I didn’t want to admit this to myself, but I like the guy. I couldn’t pinpoint it at first, but I’ve come to realize I like the way he makes me feel. When Leo looks at me, he makes me feel like I’m the hottest bitch on the planet and that I’m untouchable. I feel more power than I’ve ever felt with another man, but more than that, I feel craved. He’s an addict and I’m the drug, and if he could he’d devour me in one hit, but instead he keeps coming back for more.

Grinder, one of his brothers, is at the door, eyeing me up and down as I approach. “Not sure I should let you in, all things considered.”

I cock a brow, “If you know what’s good for you, you’ll let me in. Leo will tear you a new asshole if you don’t.”

“Oh really? I have a feelin’ he doesn’t really wanna see you right now.”

I look right at him and know he’s trying to fuck with me. “I’m sure he’ll wanna see me when I tell him my father placed a rat here in the club, and I know who the fucker is.”

Grinder cackles and wipes his hand over his jaw, “Well, shit. Wasn’t expectin’ you to come at me with somethin’ like that. Come on in, girl. Let’s start some shit, shall we?” Damn, he’s so amused with this. If I were him, I’d be ready to break some necks, not cackling over someone sneaking in the club under their noses.

He opens the door and we head inside, walk past the bar and I see Jimmy sitting at a table with two of the other guys in the club. Meanwhile, Leo comes walking over to me with purpose. “What the fuck are you doing here?”

“Proving my loyalty,” I declare.

“What?” He seems so confused.

“Showing you, I wasn’t fucking using you”.”

He doesn’t say a word.

“Telling you, that despite what happened, you don’t know everything and I’m prepared to tell you every detail.”

Leo shuts his eyes and shakes his head. I’m not sure if he’s processing what I’m saying to him, or if he’s about to tell me to get the fuck out. Though, I hope he gives me a chance. I just need one shot at this. One opportunity to show him I’m not like the rest.

“Can you get to the point? I got shit to do.” He grits, clenching his jaw. Yep. He’s pissed.

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