Home > Sharp Edges (Full Throttle Book 2)(17)

Sharp Edges (Full Throttle Book 2)(17)
Author: Elizabeth Knox

“Jimmy has never missed a check-in. Not once. He tells me everything that goes down at their club, and I mean everything. I know what you fuckin’ did in front of him. Fuckin’ slut,” he backhands me again and again, so much so that my cheeks constantly burn from the impact, feeling like I’m getting slapped raw.

Soon enough, stars are forming in my vision and I can’t feel my face. He simply continues coming at me again and again, but eventually the pain starts forming at other points of my body. My left arm, legs, my side, but nothing quite bothers me like when he grabs a hammer from a nearby table and swings it from left to right, his eyes focused on my right hand. “All my life, I tried to fuckin’ protect you from shit. The street, your grandfather, hell even your fuckin’ mother . . . but what I should’ve been tryin’ to protect you from was yourself.” He closes his eyes, “You betrayed your family, Antonia. You betrayed the club, and even though you’re my daughter, this isn’t something I can simply look away from. You’re going to pay the price like everyone else who crosses us—with blood.”

He raises the hammer and slams it down on my right hand. My scream rings out, soaring through my mouth like I’m a trained opera singer. I’ve never felt pain like this, but something tells me this won’t stop anytime soon. I’ll be in this chair until I’m either dead, or until Leo comes for me . . . if he even comes.

I’ve never been the praying type, but right now I’m praying to any god that will listen. I’m praying, hoping, and pleading the man I’m falling for will get to me before it’s too late.



Chapter Twenty-Two






“What the fuck do you mean she’s gone?” I scream at the nurse that stands in front of me. I’m beyond pissed.

“I’m so sorry, sir. She isn’t in her room and from what I’m being told she isn’t in the building.” Anger surges inside of me, burning straight to my core. I suck in a deep breath knowing exactly where she is. I turn on my heel, ignoring the guys that have shown up and storm through the front door of the hospital. Tugging at my hair, Phoenix, who has been hollering at me since I walked out, grabs my arm and pulls me to a stop.

“I know damn well you hear me, Leo!”

“They fuckin’ took her, Prez! They took my girl and now I’m going to get her back. I’m going to burn that motherfucker to the ground,” I roar. Phoenix nods his head, keeping his grip on my wrist.

“I hear you, brother. Let’s get shit together before we storm them,” he says but I shake my head. No, I know guys like Edge. They won’t back down and they are downright ruthless. I know because I’m just fucking like him. I will tear the world apart for that girl.

“No time for that shit. She’s hurt, Prez. I don’t know how much more she can take. I’m not fuckin losing her.” Something crosses his features and I know he understands what I’m thinking.

“You’re right. I would do it for Kenna.” He knows exactly what I’m thinking and I’m damn thankful for it.

“Exactly. I need to get to their clubhouse. It’s not far from here, Phoenix. I don’t need the club to back me on this but I’m going to get her back.”

“You claiming her, Leo?” he asks.

“What the fuck does that matter?” I ask, throwing my hands in the air.

“Answer my fucking question,” he growls.

“Yeah. I am. She’s mine, Phoenix. Mine!”

“Then let’s go get your girl,” he says, turning and heading toward the line of bikes. I hold my hand out to Grinder and he quickly passes me his keys. I walk with long hurried steps until I reach his bike and climb on, slipping the helmet on my head. I can’t even describe what I’m feeling in this moment. I know I lost without her. I know what that feels like and I refuse to feel that again. Not over her.

We speed through the streets, Grinder following in the truck. Most of the guys came to the hospital to wait with me and it was appreciated.

When the clubhouse comes into view, anger dances in my veins. I slow down and park the bike, cracking my neck from side to side. Tension coils in my muscles as I pull my gun from the back of my jeans and check the ammo.

“Don’t do something stupid until you have her,” Phoenix reminds me. I nod my head as the rest of the guys check their weapons and come to stand next to me.

“Shoot to kill. I want Edge. Don’t touch the women,” I tell them. They all nod and agree to my terms as we start stalking toward the front door. I give hand signals to a few guys to go around back. I watch them go as I suck in a deep breath and head for the front door. My gun is raised and as soon as I step inside, I fire. Before anyone knows what’s happening, we’ve taken out everyone in this room.

“Spread out! Grinder, get those women outside!” I order in a gruff tone. My eyes scan the room quickly finding a few closed doors. The guys split up and each take a door. I head for the closest one that happens to lead downstairs. I can feel her. She’s here and what a better place to take her but the basement.

I take the steps slowly, keeping my eyes open and listening when I hear her screams. My insides tighten, my finger stroking the trigger. As calmly as I can, I keep moving. As soon as I step foot in the basement, I see another room in the center. Swiftly, I make my way to the doorway and throw it open, seeing her. Tied to a chair with her hand a mangled mess. Tears stream down her cheeks as she tries to hold her head up. My strong, brave girl. Swinging my arm around, my gun aimed right at her dad. I pull the trigger and watch as he falls to the floor, holding his leg.

“What the fuck?” He roars. Quickly Phoenix fires and takes down his little helpers before moving toward Edge. I rush to Ant and drop to my knees in front of her.

“Baby, look at me. Please, look at me.” I’m begging and I don’t care. I need her to respond to me. I need to know that she’s here with me. Slowly, she lifts her head which had fallen forward and locks eyes with mine.

“You came?” She says softly.

“Did you doubt me?”

“I didn’t know. I hurt you, Leo. I know I did.”

“Yeah, you did but you know what? I fucking love you. That’s all over with, yeah? What’s important is you.”

“I love you, too.” Fresh tears spill down her cheeks as I cut the ties free. Ant tries to stand but she’s too weak.

“Stay here. I’m gonna handle that motherfucker,” I tell her. She nods her head and leans back in the chair as I turn to her dad.

“I’ve hated you since the first second your name left her lips,” I tell him.

“Fuck you!”

“You used her. Hurt her. Broke her down until she believed what you told her. You threw a rat in my club and thought you’d get away with it. You lost, Edge. You lost it all.” He smirks at me but I wave Phoenix away from him before pulling the trigger. The bullet strikes him right between the eyes just like I wanted it to. In a perfect world, I would have made him suffer longer but judging by the look of Ant, she needs medical attention and I will not risk her health for this piece of shit.

I tuck my gun and slide it into the back of my jeans before walking over and scooping my girl into my arms. She moans and cries out in pain as I hold her to me.

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