Home > Sharp Edges (Full Throttle Book 2)(2)

Sharp Edges (Full Throttle Book 2)(2)
Author: Elizabeth Knox

“I know you won’t confirm it, but I don’t need confirmation. I have proof, Antonia. Now, I’m sure you’re wondering what’s going to happen with the Aces of Night. Considering many Presidents don’t give a fuck if they have a daughter or son. They’d rather hand it over to their bloodline . . . but I’m not going to give you something so precious to me, just like that. You’re going to work for it just like I did when I started this club. I built it from the ground up, and I won’t have you burning it down.”

Wow. He has so much faith in me. “I foresee a massive speech.”

He scoffs lightly, “Not so much. You just need to prove yourself to me and I have the perfect assignment for you. One that you might be the only one who can pull off.”

Why would I be the only one who can pull this off? Wait. Tits. I have tits. “You need a woman, don’t you?”

He nods, “Yes, someone less conspicuous. I need someone to go on a recon assignment for the club. It’s down in Miami at the Devil’s Ash MC. They open the club up to the public on Friday and Saturday nights for parties. I figure you can find a way to get in their club, considering I gave you the perfect opportunity.”

“What do you need me to find out?” I ask, finally placing my glass back down on the table.

He shrugs his shoulders, letting a chuckle loose before he looks to Talon. “She has a good sense of humor, doesn’t she?”

“Depends who you ask.” Talon remarks.

This time I don’t fight rolling my eyes. “I’m not a fucking mind reader you know.”

“And your mother’s temper comes out. Just do me a favor and try not to fuck anyone to get information. You’re not a whore, Antonia.” He quips, beginning to rise.

I could sit here and take it like I always do, but not today. Not when he’s continuously disrespected me my entire life. Reaching across the table, I grab his glass of whiskey and throw it right in his fucking face. “I’m growing damn tired of the way you treat me. I’m your daughter, old man. Not some piece of trash you’ve brought in from the street.”

Rising, I turn and walk down the corridor until I reach the top of the stairs. Heading down, thoughts plague my mind. It’s obvious to me he would’ve much rather had a son. Talon is living proof of that, taking the man under his wing. Hell, he probably cares more about him than he does me.

I get out of the club as quickly as I can and strut to the back door, inputting the code to allow me passage. Only the bikers and employees have access to this back alleyway. As soon as I walk through, the humid Florida air slaps me straight in the face.

Shit, I’m determined.

I’m going to pull this off, even if he doesn’t think I can fucking do it. I’m going to be successful just to spite him.



Chapter Two






“Come over here,” I call out to Grinder. He picks his beer up off the counter and strolls over casually. Asshole takes his dear sweet time.


“Don’t you fuckin’ what me. Asshole,” I snap.

“You’re interrupting my drinking, Leo.”

“That’s all you do. You drink too damn much.”

“There is no such fucking thing as drinking too much,” he replies.

“Whatever, brother. I didn’t call you over here to talk about your alcoholic issues. Did you pick up everything we need for the party this weekend?” I should have sent one of the damn girls. They’d do a better job than this dipshit.

“Yeah. Got everything you had on the list. I also picked up some more beer,” he tells me. I have to resist the urge to roll my eyes. As if we didn’t have enough beer here.

“You’re on the grills. We’re gonna cook out and have a good time. Just keep your ass sober long enough to do it,” I warn him.

“Come on, VP. When have I ever fucked up the grills?”

“That time you were drunk as fuck and added the lighter fluid. You didn’t have fuckin’ eyebrows for months,” I deadpan. Grinder looks at me and shakes his head, a smile tugging across his face.

“That was different. I was younger back then.”

“Motherfucker, that was like a year ago!”

“Good times, brother. Good times.”

Some days I wonder what the hell is wrong with that man. I find myself wondering if he’s all there mentally. Phoenix said he was but I have a hard time believing that most days.

“If you say so. Hey, did you head over and check out that liquor store I told you about?” He nods his head and takes a long pull from his beer.

“Yeah, the site looks good. The store isn’t in the best shape but we can clean that up.” I nod my head, pulling a cigarette from my pocket and lighting it up.

“Think it’s worth investing in? Or is it too much work?” I ask seriously. We’ve been looking at legit businesses that we can get into. We need more legitimate income coming in here and ever since Kenna came into the picture we’ve been doing better.

“I’d say it’s worth it. Get a couple prospects over there to clean it up. Licensing won’t be shit to get. The area is a good one too.”

“I was thinking about placing a few of the girls over there to work. We have the shop running smoothly so it makes sense to venture out a little more.” Grinder nods his head.

“I agree. We can bring it up at church, yeah?” He asks.

“Yeah. I will. I’ll give Phoenix a call and run it past him, too. I doubt he’s gonna have an issue with it though,” I tell him truthfully.

“Are we expecting anyone interesting this weekend?”

“Not really,” I say blowing out a cloud of smoke. “A few guys from up north may take a ride down here.”

“No shit? Been awhile since we’ve had anyone from out of town here.”

“Agreed. Told them we’d have a good time.”

“Don’t we always?” I turn my head to face him full on and shake my head.

“Not when you’re damn near burning the clubhouse down. Let’s see if you can keep it a little calmed this round, yeah?”

“What the fuck, Leo? I’m not that bad.” I cut my eyes at him, narrowing them slightly.

“Not that bad, huh?” I aggravate him.

“Nope. One of the best goddamn cooks we have here,” he says causing me to break into a fit of laughter.

“Keep telling yourself that.” I slap a hand on his shoulder before I walk through the room heading for the office. Taking over while Phoenix is out is a big job. I know I can handle it. I know I can deal with everything that needs to be done. Yet, when I take a seat at Phoenix’s desk, I feel it all slam into me at once. I have to make him proud. I have to run this club the way he would if he were here. This is my life.

I start looking over paperwork and signing off on anything that needs it when someone knocks on the door.

“It’s open,” I call out. The door creaks open and in walks Nessy, one of the club girls.

“Hey, Leo,” she says sweetly making her way over to me.

“Hey, Nessy. What do you need?” Her eyes flash with lust and I know exactly what she came in here for. Not that I don’t appreciate the girls, I do, but there is just something not sitting right with me. Something’s missing. Maybe it’s because I’ve seen the way Phoenix looks at Kenna. Maybe it’s seeing the other ol’ ladies with their men but I miss that. I miss having someone by my side, in my bed.

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