Home > Sharp Edges (Full Throttle Book 2)(7)

Sharp Edges (Full Throttle Book 2)(7)
Author: Elizabeth Knox

“What happened?” She asks nearly breathlessly.

“A little prospect issue. I need to handle this but I don’t want you going anywhere. I’m not done with you yet,” I tell her. She smiles and the air is sucked from the room. Fuck, I’m going to be in trouble with this one.

Stepping away from her, I move toward Jimmy. Stupid fuck doesn’t even notice me, he’s too busy staring at her. My hand wraps around his throat and I slam him into the wall listening to the air whoosh from his lungs.

“You got a damn problem, prospect?” I ask, my tone gravely and low.

“What the fuck are you talking about?” His eyes finally move to meet mine and I want nothing more than to snap his goddamn neck.

“You’ve been awful close to me lately. You got a thing for me? Something I need to know about?” I know I’m pissing him off and that’s the point. I want him pissed. I want him angry.

“Have you lost your fucking mind? I don’t have a thing for you!”

“Then why are you always in my goddamn business?” The last word comes out as a growl right before I pull my fist back and slam it into his stomach. He doubles over as I release him. Then he stands back up ready to fight. I smirk and wave him on. He comes at me and fists fly. It’s been a long time coming. I’m sick of seeing his face everywhere I am. I’m sick of the unknown with him.

I’m not sure how long the fight goes on and I don’t really care. What stuns the fuck out of me is the one breaking it up. I’m about to swing again when Toni steps in between us. She brings her beer to her lips and takes a long pull as she eyes Jimmy then turns her head to look at me.

“As much fun as that looks, I think there’s something better you can do with your time,” she says eyeing me like a piece of fucking meat. I reach up and wipe the blood from my lip onto the back of my hand before I reach for her once more. Jimmy growls as Grinder shoves him away from us and I tug that sexy little body back against mine.

“You got in the middle of a serious fight,” I state. She nods her head before bringing her lips closer to me and whispering in my ear.

“I think your energy is best used another way,” she purrs.

“Is that right? You think you can handle a round with me, darlin’?” She giggles mischievously and I can barely contain myself.

“Let’s find out.”



Chapter Nine






Jesus. I almost thought there wasn’t any way I was breaking up that fight, or maybe I should call it a pissing match. They practically did everything except take their cocks out and compare size if you ask me. I half expected it.

Leo’s arm is wrapped around my waist as we head through the club, but my eyes are right on Jimmy. I don’t feel the least bit bad. He made his choice and now he has to sit his ass down and stay in his lane. He might’ve come here because my father asked him to, but he won’t be the one closing this deal. I’ll find out whatever I need to about the MC, not him. Honestly, I don’t know what pisses me off more. The fact my dad sent Jimmy here and didn’t even bother to tell me, or how Jimmy almost fucked up the progress I made with Leo.

“Somethin’ the matter, sweetheart?” Leo asks all of a sudden.

I turn my neck and look up to him, “The only thing I can think of is that we’re still out here, when we should be in your bed.” I smirk, hoping my playful attitude doesn’t look fake as hell. ‘Cause honestly, I thought it would be at first, but there’s a part of me that wants to fuck Leo just to rub it in Jimmy’s face. Fuck, I’d let him watch just to prove a point.

A devious idea runs across my mind. One I’m not sure Leo will be cool with, but I’ll ask. “That guy want to take your position or something?”

Leo scoffs, “If he does, he has no clue what it takes to do this. He’ll run with his tail between his legs. Probably wouldn’t even last a day in this job.”

“So, I don’t get it. Does he have a thing for me, then? I mean, I saw the way he was watching.” I tease, dragging my finger over Leo’s stubble, I bite my bottom lip and look into his baby blue eyes. “I have a naughty idea, if you’re open to hearing it.”

“Well if it’s naughty how could I say no?”

I lean up on my tippy toes and press my mouth to Leo’s ear, “I mean, how hot would it be to tie that guy to a chair and make him watch you fuck me? It’s kinda obvious he finds me hot, and you’d be showing him just who’s in charge.” I taunt, pulling my lips away.

A flash of deviousness crosses his eyes, “You know, I didn’t know you were a daring little devil but I like it.”

I was so much of a daring devil that Jimmy stopped fucking me the way I like it, saying he’d probably hurt me. What a pussy ass bitch.

Skimming my hand across Leo’s jeans, I grab his hard cock through his pants. “You have no idea what kind of nasty girl I can be, Leo, but if you’re lucky, you’ll find out. Now go get your jealous little prospect, and come take what I’ve been offering up. My kitty’s been purring for you all night long, so don’t keep her waiting.” I tell him, walking forward just a bit. There’s a guy standing in front of a doorway so I head over to him. His arms are crossed and he’s wearing sunglasses like a bouncer would at the clubs downtown.

“I’m going to Leo’s room. If you’d be so kind to point me in that direction, I’d appreciate it.”

The guy glances down at me for a second, pulls his glasses down a tad and looks off in the distance. What in the fuck is he looking for? I turn my head back and see Leo on the opposite end of the club. He gives a head lift over to the guy in front of me and the bouncer guy opens the door.

“Alright, little lady, last room on the right and don’t steal no shit.”

“Do I look like a thief?” I question him.

He glances up and down over my body. “I don’t think you want me tellin’ you what you look like. Now get your ass back there before I change my mind.” He grumbles out. I pass through the doorway and it shuts behind me.

This is a wide hallway with only doors leading back, so I go forward and open the last door on the right. It’s obviously a man’s bedroom with the way the comforter is half hanging off the bed, messy clothes on the floor everywhere, and open bottles of lube. It looks like any club guy’s room, but I hope Leo is more than meets the eye.

I walk forward in the room and look out the window to his bedroom, seeing some bikers outside with women on their laps, giving them dances. I don’t think these are chicks from off the street, looking more like clubwhores. That’s who the men prefer to sink their cocks into versus girls off the street. It’s safer that way, dipping your cock into someone you know is clean.

It’s been too long since I’ve gotten laid and Leo is a damn hot man, but could I get close to him another way? Probably. There’re a plethora of options, but none of them are as entertaining and pleasurable than the path I’m going down tonight.

The door opens from behind me and I see Leo coming in behind Jimmy. Leo pushes him down on the chair and glares at him, “It’s obvious you wanna look, so watch real close while I fuck her tight heat.” He grabs something metal and I hear a distinctive clicking sound. Did he just handcuff Jimmy to the chair? God, I could laugh so hard right now.

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