Home > Gifts for the Season(35)

Gifts for the Season(35)
Author: R.J. Scott


December 23

The poem is done. I'd like to end this adventure with a face-to-face meeting. Will you do me the honor of seeing me on Christmas morning? I'll be at the Port Lodge totem pole at noon. Hope to see you there. X

The message had arrived today along with the last package. Today's gift was a Christmas music CD entitled "Little Drummer Boy". For twelve drummers drumming. Cute.

Yesterday's gift, eleven pipers piping, had been a cake piping kit. I probably wouldn't get much use out of that, but it might be fun for holiday cupcakes once in a while. The day before, it had been a set of candles with "leaping flames" for the lords a-leaping.

And now I had a message from Mystery Man. An invitation.

I read the message again. Mr. Twelve Days obviously knew enough about me to know I wouldn't be occupied on Christmas Day. But I'd told Dan, and Sean, and my friends on Capitol Hill. Hell, I'd mentioned it on Facebook. James could have seen it.

The question was: did I want to meet my mystery man on Christmas Day?

I did and I didn't. My interest lay decidedly in a different direction now—with Dan. But that wasn't going anywhere at the moment and maybe it never would.

I'd planned to ask Dan if he wanted to come over on Christmas Day after all. I figured I could make it sound casual enough, and I knew he'd be working late through Christmas Eve, so he wouldn't have time to do anything nice for himself. The problem was—I hadn't had the chance.

I tried not to take it personally that Dan had appeared harried and tired since our evening on the back deck. He'd been bringing my packages by at his usual time, just after lunch. He said he was working from five a.m. until ten or eleven at night with the holiday rush. He sounded apologetic, as if explaining why he couldn't stay and chat.

And I got it. I did. Obviously, it was the busiest time of the year for UPS drivers. Poor guy was probably being run ragged. But still, it was hard not to see it as him backing off —as a clear message that he didn't have time for another evening on the deck or anything else with me.

So my invitation for Christmas Day was never spoken aloud. Therefore, I had no plans and no reason not to meet my Mystery Man. I could satisfy my curiosity and thank him for the gifts if nothing else.

And there was still a little part of me that hoped....



Chapter Seven



December 25

I had a Zoom call with my parents and Ally early on Christmas morning. We opened our gifts on camera and chatted for a while. Mom had sent me a box of cookies, and I had some for breakfast while they had cinnamon rolls. It was bittersweet. But it helped to see their faces and spend a little time with them.

Afterward, I took my second cup of coffee into the bathroom and showered. I trimmed my hair and shaved. I examined, chose, and discarded clothes in my closet for far too long. Eventually I settled on a red button-down shirt under a cream-colored sweater and my favorite ass-hugging jeans.

I was nervous. No matter how many times I told myself to chill out, my hands shook as I blew-dry my hair.

What if I really dislike Mystery Man? What if he's creepy?

And I wonder what Dan is doing today?

Dan was probably sleeping. He must be exhausted. He probably took it very seriously, the responsibility of delivering each and every single Christmas package to make sure no one was disappointed. He was just that way.

I still wished I'd had a chance to invite him for a quick meal at least. I should have pulled up my big boy pants and just asked him. The worst he could do was say no. But it was too late now.

Just before noon, I drove down to the marina, parked my car, and walked down the path to the little promontory on its northern end. The jut of land was planted with grass and roses bushes and sported a ring of benches facing the water. A typically Northwestern totem pole stood proudly in the center of the space.

I was horribly anxious as I rounded the last curve. This was either going to be painfully awkward or--

A man stood at the totem pole, profile to me. Black puffy parka. Black mask. Jeans. Hiking boots. Dark hair. It was Dan.

Something like a bleat came out of my mouth. I was glad I was still far enough away that he couldn't hear it. I stuffed my hands in the pockets of my coat and hurried towards him.

He turned to face me as I approached. I couldn't see his expression, damn it. I stopped a few feet away from him.

"Hi," he said.


We stared at one another.

"So... all the time it was you?" I managed, my voice barely audible.

His head pulled back, as if surprised. "No. No! I.... here. I have something for you." Dan took an envelope from his pocket and held it out.

I looked at him in confusion. Mystery Man wasn't Dan? Then why was he here? But he just continued to hold out the envelope.

I took it. It was white and square and had "Paul" hand-written on the front. Inside was a folding Christmas card with a photo of the Port Lodge marina decorated with holiday lights. I opened it and read.


When I heard you'd be alone at Christmas, I felt so awful that we'd be out of town, especially since we convinced you to move to Port Lodge. I wanted to do something special to brighten your holiday. What I really wanted to get for you was a chance to know Dan. He's the sweetest guy, and you deserve someone who is genuinely a nice human being. I knew neither one of you would ever agree to being set up. So Graham and I thought making him deliver you a package every day for twelve days would hopefully give you two the nudge you needed to notice one another. Don't be mad! Hey at the very least, you got chocolate, wine, and cheese, right?

P.S. Graham came up with the gift ideas. Isn't my boy a genius?

P.S.S. Did the reverse psychology on the phone call work? That was my brilliant idea.


"Oh fuck," I breathed. "I never even considered Sean, because he's with Graham!"

Dan bit his lip. "I didn't know anything about this, Paul, honest. I didn't find out until Sean called me this morning. He told me what he'd done and where to find the card. It was tucked away on his porch. I guess they'd planned this all out before they left."

"Oh, I believe you," I huffed. "Sean. Christ." But I was smiling.

"Are you disappointed?" Dan asked, sounding unsure. "I mean, that your mystery man wasn't here to sweep you off your feet?"

I tucked the card into my coat pocket and regarded Dan. The breeze ruffled his hair and his eyes seemed vulnerable. Just a UPS man standing at a totem pole on Christmas Day. Something warm and hot bloomed in my chest.

"No. Thank God. I was worried I'd have to turn someone down on Christmas Day. I thought I'd have to explain to them that I was interested in someone else. That would have been a really sucky ending to the Twelve Days of Christmas game."

Dan's chest rose and fell as he took a deep breath. "You're interested in someone else? Who?"

I took off my mask and smiled at him. "A super nice guy. Local hero who drives a UPS truck."

Dan blinked. He took off his mask, and his expression was soft and hopeful. "Really?"

I nodded. "Yup. If you're not busy, would you like to come to mine? I have a small ham and all the fixings. I'd love to share Christmas dinner with you. I meant to invite you earlier, but I just never got the words out."

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