Home > Wild Child (Soul Sister #1)(49)

Wild Child (Soul Sister #1)(49)
Author: Audrey Carlan

“Thanks, Gen.”

Sonia got up from her chair and came to me with her arms out. “I’m so happy for you.” She tugged me into her arms and held on tight.

I patted her back, but she kept holding me. “I hated you working in that bar downtown. You’re finally going to be appreciated for your skills and talents. And best of all, you’ll be safe.” She let out a breath as she looked into my eyes. “I’m happy for you, honey.”

I grinned. “Thanks. I’m excited. But I have to admit, I didn’t just get it on my own. A+ Construction is owned and operated by Jonah’s dad and brother. However, he didn’t even know about the conversation when I spoke with his dad about finishing my schooling and wanting to go into office management. It just happened to be at the same time that their office manager was leaving to have a baby and not planning to come back.”

Charlie entered the kitchen, her red ponytail flapping with her bouncy steps looking cute as a button in her skinny jeans, vintage Pink Floyd tight tee, and bare feet. “Who cares how you got the job? All that matters is you got it and you’re going to slay at managing that office.” She came over to me and hip- bumped me. “Now where’s Addy? I thought her plane landed at noon. It’s six.” A frown marred her peachy lips and pearlescent complexion.

Sonia picked up her phone. “Let me check her flight.”

Blessing snorted. “Of course, you’re keeping track of her flight.”

Sonia glared at Blessing. “Right now, we can’t be too careful.” She kept punching buttons as the rest of us got pizza and munched.

Jonah got a call and squinted at his phone. “Hey, Ryan. How goes it? Still no leads on that number?” He shook his head and sighed.

“Speaking of…that number sequence has been driving me insane.” Charlie pulled out a crumpled piece of paper from her pocket. I recognized it as one of the pieces she’d made each of us that she’d written in crayon on Friday. “A-1-2-1-0-9-4.” She read each number out loud.

I chomped down on some veggie pizza, capturing a huge chunk of artichoke and plopping it in my mouth. So good.

Charlie continued. “A-121-094,” she said.

“Her flight landed on time,” Sonia stated still typing away at her cell. “I’ve texted her to come to the condo Mama and Gen are in. I also texted Quinn to call me if she was there sleeping off her travel.”

I nodded and sipped my wine.

Charlie spoke out loud again, determined to figure out the code. “A-12-10-94?”

“That’s Addison’s birthday.” Mama Kerri smiled and pushed through our huddle and looked at the piece of paper. “Yep. She was born December 10th, 1994. A for Addison, right? I love puzzles,” she hummed, not realizing what she’d said as she went over to the oven and pulled out the second bubbling hot pizza.

“Ryan, hold up, man. What did you say?” Jonah held the phone away from his ear. “Mrs. Kerrighan. Did you just say that number was Addison’s birthday?”

Chills raced across my skin and the hairs on the back of my neck rose to attention. I started to tremble.

“And she’s not here.” Genesis gasped then put her arms back around me. “She’s late. Why is she late?”

“No…” I choked out and stared into Jonah’s eyes, telling him every fear I had with that single look.

Blessing tossed her plate down on the counter and pulled her phone out of her back pocket. She furiously pressed a series of buttons then put the phone to her ear. “Addy, you better call me the very second you get this message. We are freaked way the fuck out, sister! We’re at Mama Kerri’s condo in Sonia’s building. Call me.” She growled and then hung up. Her chest moved up and down, her dark gaze focused and fearful.

Tears filled my own eyes as the possibility of what that number could mean raced across my mind.

“Yes. I know every one of my daughters’ birthdays by heart. Every mother does. Why?” Mama turned around and noticed how the vibe in the room became thick with emotion and coated in fear. “What in the world is going on?”

Charlie swallowed. “None of us showed you this number before now.” Charlie closed her eyes and a tear slipped down her cheek. “It’s okay. No. It’s okay. We’re probably wrong. We received this note on Friday. It’s Sunday now and Addison was in New York. Safe and in New York. With a bodyguard.”

Sonia had her phone to her and was talking. “Yes, hello, this is Senator Wright. My assistant hired your service to protect my sister. She’s a well-known model. Addison Michaels Kerrighan? Yes, that’s the one. Yes, I know, she’s very beautiful. Can you look up her detail and tell me where they are right now or patch me through to him? We’re afraid she may have been intercepted by a criminal which is the exact reason we hired your agency. Yes, of course I can wait while you look it up.” Sonia’s bright blue eyes stared holes through mine.

Jonah spoke softly to Ryan, but his gaze was on Sonia. All eyes were.

“He hasn’t checked in? The airport? The Town Car is still at the airport. Well can you get through?” Sonia’s voice lost any sense of patience or calm, her fear bleeding through her tone.

“Give me the phone, Sonia,” Jonah demanded.

She let it fall into his hand her face pale and her eyes matching mine, filling with tears.

“Yes, this is Agent Fontaine with the Federal Bureau of Investigation. I’m going to need to speak to your manager. We’re going to need an exact location of the car and driver. Now.”

Jonah took Sonia’s phone and exited the kitchen heading for the hallway toward the bedrooms.

Quinn raced into the kitchen from the front living room. “Addison hasn’t arrived back from her trip. I left Niko at home in case she shows. What’s the status? I got your text that she’s missing.”

Sonia licked her lips and spoke with a clear, concise tone. It was her Senator-in-charge voice. “Addison was supposed to arrive at noon. Her plane landed. None of us have heard from her. Mama Kerri figured out that the code the Backseat Strangler crumbled up and put in Helen’s mouth after he killed her was Addison’s birthday.”

Quinn gasped, his hand fluttering to rest over his heart. Mama Kerri braced her body at the edge of the counter. I let go of Genesis and went over to her and wrapped my arms around her beloved form from behind and rested my chin to her neck.

“Jonah and Ryan are going to find out what’s going on. Maybe we’re all wrong and she stayed in New York. Maybe she got caught in traffic. Maybe…”

Mama Kerri shook her head her body shaking uncontrollably as her fingers turned white with the effort to hold herself up. “He has my daughter. A madman has my Addy.”



“Tabby, honey, if you get this message, please call one of us. The man who tried to hurt me might have Addy, Tab. I’m scared. Mama’s freaking out. We’re all frightened out of our minds. If you could find a way to call or text us, let us know you’re okay…” I shivered and pressed the phone tight to my ear. “I just need to know you’re safe. I love you, Tab. We all do, sister.”

Jonah’s arm wrapped around my waist from behind. I was hiding out on the patio looking out over the city of Chicago. I hadn’t even heard him come up behind me. The city was beautiful from way up there. Buildings jutted up toward the sky like Lego bricks stacked in every color, shape, and size. Lights twinkled from rectangular-shaped windows in varying shades of white, yellow, and gold. Car lights and bright yellow taxi cabs trailed like caterpillars along the busy streets.

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