Home > Daddy in Cowboy Boots (Montana Daddies #9)(62)

Daddy in Cowboy Boots (Montana Daddies #9)(62)
Author: Laylah Roberts

She climbed off his lap.

“Okay, Daddy. Work hard.” She waggled a finger at him, giving him a stern look. “No slacking off.”

He whacked her ass as she darted away too slowly. She giggled then grabbed Princess Nana and her snuggly off the desk before settling into her reading fort.



It was about an hour before he started to notice her squirming. He eyed her water bottle. Not much had gone down. She was lying on her front, facing away from him. Every so often, she’d go to tug the T-shirt down, but it kept riding up giving him a glimpse of that pert ass.

“Do you need to go potty, baby?” he asked casually.

“No!” she replied.

“Then why are you squirming around so much?”

“No reason,” she said in a suspiciously tight voice.

He put down the invoice he was reading and looked over at her. Was she in pain? Discomfort?


“Is my baby turned on?” he asked huskily.

“Oh God.”

“You know you don’t get to come without my permission, don’t you?”

Another groan. He felt safe grinning since she was facing away from him.

“Is Caley’s book turning you on? Maybe you should read it out loud.”


Oh, that just made him more curious.

“Answer me, Mari-girl. Are you aroused?”

“I don’t wanna.”

“Well, I guess I’m just going to have to come over there and find out for myself.”

She whirled onto her back, her legs coming together. “No, you don’t!”

“Oh, I think I do. You’re squirming around so much it’s distracting me. Are you in pain?”

Her eyes darted around, looking everywhere but at him. “No.”

“Are you bored?”

“Nooo,” she groaned.

“Then what else could it be?”

“Okay, I’m turned on.”

“Then why didn’t you ask me to help you? I told you if you needed something you were to ask.”

“I can’t ask for that!” she told him.

“Sure you can. If my baby needs to come then I want to know and like I told you, I’m a very indulgent Daddy. Which is very lucky for you because it means I likely won’t deny you an orgasm unless you’ve been naughty.”

He walked over and knelt at her feet. “Part your legs, I want to see how wet this pussy is.”

She moaned and he thought she might put up a protest, which would have been futile, but she surprised him by parting those gorgeous thighs and showing him how wet she was between her legs. Leaning in, he licked at the crease of her thighs, tasting her sweetness. He took his time, lapping her mound without going anywhere near her slit.

“Daddy, please.”

“I want you to read to me while I’m eating you out.”

“I can’t!”

“I want you to try. You’re going to read to me until I say you can come, then you can put it down. But if you stop before I give permission, then I’ll stop and go back to my paperwork, leaving you unsatisfied.”

“You wouldn’t!”

“Try me.”

“But you said you would give me whatever I needed, I just had to ask.”

“But you didn’t ask, did you? You made Daddy guess. If you’d asked me if you could come straight from the get-go then you’d already have come and Daddy would be cleaning you up.”

“Damn it,” she muttered.

“Read,” he commanded.

“Dear Lord, can’t believe I’m doing this.”

He licked up along her thigh.

“Okay. Okay. Here goes.” She cleared her throat.


“Lean over the hay bale,” Jonty ordered.

Mars had already put a blanket over the hay. Always thoughtful.

Tase had brought the plug and lube. Yeah, that wasn’t so thoughtful.

Jonty was the undisputed leader of their little family. Firm but fair. He always got the final say.

Tase was the disciplinarian. Quieter than the other two and more serious. She couldn’t get away with much if Tase was around.

Mars was the sweetheart. The indulgent one. She had him wrapped around her little finger.

Although right now, he wasn’t looking all that indulgent. His face was stern. His arms were crossed over his chest. She gave him a pleading look. Surely, he’d argue on her behalf. He’d done it before when it came to discipline. When he turned to Jonty, she felt the knot in her stomach unravel slightly. She really didn’t want to feel the crop on her poor bottom.

“Should we plug her before she’s disciplined?” Mars asked. “Or after?”

Disbelief filled her. He didn’t just say that, right? He couldn’t have.

“Let’s plug her first. Tase, you can plug her. Mars would you like be the one to discipline her since you’re the one she disobeyed?” Jonty asked casually.

“Yes, I would.”

Lily felt the cheeks of her bottom being drawn apart. Tase pressed a lubed finger inside her bottom, stretching her, getting her ready for the plug.

Finally, she realized how serious they were.

And that she was in deep, deep trouble.


“Put the eReader down, Mari-girl,” he commanded. Gratefully, she dropped it to the side. She was scarcely able to read, she was so turned on.

Marisol started to whimper as her need grew. Her nipples were tight buds as Linc sucked on her clit, his finger moving from her pussy down to her asshole.

“Please I can’t . . . I can’t. . .”

He pressed his finger against the puckered bud, and she came with a scream, her entire body shuddering from the explosions. He continued to lap at her, bringing her down from her high. Then he lifted himself up over her body, peering down at her with a grin. “That was fun.”

Fun wasn’t the word she would use.

“We’ll have to do that again.”

She groaned. It was official. He was trying to kill her with orgasms.

And are you complaining?

Hell. No.






Marisol looked at the packages longingly.

They were all stacked in the living room, waiting to be opened. They were calling to her.

Open me, Marisol. Open me.

How was she supposed to resist? She’d waited sooo long already. Honestly, it felt like Linc had been gone for days not hours. When was he coming home? It had to be soon, right?

She’d been here four nights now. A whole lot of packages had arrived this morning, but it had been easier to resist their pull when she was busy reading Caley’s book.

But she’d just finished it. And she was on her own with nothing to do.

Surely opening one of them would be okay, right?

How long was it until Linc got home? Two hours. And then she’d have to eat lunch and have a nap before she was allowed to open anything.

That just wasn’t fair.

She’d open one then rewrap it. He’d never know. Marisol tiptoed over to the packages, even though there was no one in the house other than her. She grabbed a small package. Opening it up, she let out a delighted cry as she saw the box of building blocks inside. She couldn’t wait to build something.

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