Home > Yours (Beautiful Sinner Series #4)(47)

Yours (Beautiful Sinner Series #4)(47)
Author: Elena M. Reyes

“Where are we going?” I ask a few minutes later as we head down to the main floor and then exit through the back. The employees we pass smile at us—some have a knowing look, but no one stops or asks questions. “Did something happen? Is everyone okay?”

“Keep walking, Mariah. No more questions.”


“Trust me.” And he hits right where I’ll never argue. He’s like my brother and has never lied to or hurt me.

“Okay.” We walk down a private stretch of sidewalk that leads to the company garage in silence. It's quiet out, the sole noise coming from the distant horn or a street vendor calling out to sell his hot food items.

He doesn't pause at the door on this side of the building, just turns the handle without inputting the code. I'm surprised but don't voice it, choosing instead to bide my time.


“Sure.” Digging them out from my purse, I hand them over and hear the click of my alarm a few seconds later. I don’t park far from the entrance and we make it to the vehicle within a minute or two. “Can I have them back now or are you driving?”

He doesn’t answer and once again checks his watch. “Give me a sec.”

“Malcolm, this is getting weird. Even for you.”

“Hush, nerd.”

“Suck it, donkey face.” I’m smiling at the end of our exchange, more so because we haven’t used these nicknames since high school. He was as much a jerk then as he is now. “But seriously, cousin. What’s going on?”

“Always so many questions, Muñeca.” My entire being freezes, eyes closing as his voice wraps around me and the drink in my hand crashes to the ground. I don’t turn to look around for him, I don’t so much as breathe, but then he’s there. Right behind me. His warmth seeping into my pores. “Aren’t you going to welcome me home?”

“You’ve rendered her speechless, Lucas.”

“I should do it more often. Look at that—no arguing.”

“I’m going to kick both your...oh shit!” I’m whirled around before I can finish my threat and his lips meet mine, breathing life back into my body. At once I’m hot and needy and I whimper into his mouth, gripping his dress shirt to keep him where he is.

Where he should always be. With me. Touching me.

A sense of relief so profound fills my lungs, and I breathe right for the first time since leaving Colombia. Javier is home and I’m drawing in his taste, clinging to him like the needy woman he’s made me.

Our tongues twine, a loving caress and I moan. “When.”

“A few hours ago,” he growls into my mouth, his kisses desperate. Hungry. “Had to pick up Chulo first, but I’m here. I came back for you.”

“I love you.”

“I love you too, beautiful.”

“And I’m taking the dog home. I don’t want to see either of you until next Tuesday.” Turning my head, I meet my cousin’s stare and there’s a warmth there that surprises me. “Go be happy.”

Stepping out of Javier’s arms, ignoring his protest, I walk over to Malcolm and hug him tight. He wraps his arms around me and squeezes just as hard, and then steps back, grabbing the leash my man’s holding.

Oh shit! Chulo is here!

“He’s already in Malcolm’s car with Carmelo. We’ll see him in a few days.”

“Really?” I’m smiling so big and I know we have so much to discuss, but just having him here, makes my life brighter. Everything can wait. Right now, I just need him. To be us for a few hours, and then I’ll talk him into picking up my dog.

Because I’m claiming him. Chulo is mine.

“Yes, linda. He’s comfy and warm and getting ready to be spoiled by you.”

“That dog is brilliant.” Turning my head back in the direction of Malcolm, I find the area empty. “Where did he—”

“He’s gone, babe. Now kiss me.” Javier doesn't wait for me. His mouth slants over mine and I give in to his taste. The softness of his lips is a contrast to his aggressiveness—as if he can’t help himself—and Javier devours me. And I lose myself to him, to the feel of his cock hard and thick against my abdomen. Of the coolness of my car as the metal meets my back, his body covering my front while hands wander.

He’s gripping my right thigh with one hand and palming the back of my neck with the other. Dominating my senses. Controlling and pulling moans from deep within my chest.

I don’t know how long we stand there kissing and don’t care. Either way, this is what I’ve been missing. That is until we hear the click of a gun and freeze.

“Isn’t this sweet,” a voice says from behind him, and a quick flash of fear runs through me. Mildred tsks when we don’t disengage and turn to face her, but I feel the gun in Javi’s jacket and finger the cold metal, gripping it tight right before he turns.

His back is against my front, his muscles coiled tight. “Leave, Ms. Frederick. Killing so soon after being gone so long isn’t on my agenda for the day.”

“Step aside.”

“Last warning.”

“Why do you defend the whore?” she spits out, and I take in her appearance. The hell happened to her? Mildred is dressed all in black and her lip is busted, a large bruise forming at her jaw. “It’s because of her that I’ve lost it all.”

“I thought you were pulling my strings. That I’d be the one to lose it all?”

“You took him from me.” Tears fall and leave mascaraed tracks down her cheeks while her hand shakes. She looks unstable. “Had you kept out of my business—had you left Lane alone—I’d be a happy bride right now with a kid on the way. Instead, I’m alone on our anniversary and you’ll end up dead by my hands.”

“You mean, with you going to jail?”

“With your father burying his child.” Something about the way she says father catches my attention. It’s full of hurt and bitterness.

“Did he leave you? Is that why you’re pulling the dramatic act?” Antagonizing her isn’t ideal, but right now I’m seeing red. Seething at this bitch for interrupting our sweet reunion and I step from behind my love, standing shoulder to shoulder while keeping his Glock out of sight. “Or is he sleeping with someone else?”

Fury flashes in her eyes, but she tamps it down with a fake smile. “I’m going to enjoy killing you, and then I’ll end your mother.”

“Mildred, this is your final chance. Walk.” Javi reaches for my hand, trying to grip the gun. She’s too busy glaring to see the exchange, but he doesn’t miss the way I hold on tighter. This kill is mine; I’m not backing down.

“I want her dead,” Mildred sneers and lifts her shaking hand with the barrel pointing at my head.

“The feeling is mutual.” Still, I hold my ground without showing my weapon. Showing your hand before it’s time can be a costly mistake. “But I’m going to give you the opportunity I never offered Lane. Walk, run...leave Chicago and never come back.”

The mention of his name cuts her deep; I’ve come to understand within the last few weeks that she did love him, just had a shitty way of showing it.

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