Home > Crave All(9)

Crave All(9)
Author: Lindsay Becs

Sonny looks at me, and I see him trying to decide what to do in that moment. Thankfully, he gives me this. “She needs a friend. I’m being a friend. I swear, that’s it.”

I know that is what Harry needs to hear right now, but Sonny’s words cut through me. I don’t know if he means them or not, but either way, it hurts.

Harry looks at me, his eyes taking in my dance attire. “You could at least try not to look so desperate, Rubes. Put some damn clothes on, little girl,” he says as he leaves.

“You fucking…” Sonny seethes, taking a step in the direction where my brother just left, but I stop him. Putting a hand on his arm, I plead with him to let it go.

“Please?” I beg him.

Holding my eyes, he stares, nostrils flaring. Finally, he relaxes and gives in, his head leaning down on mine. “He shouldn’t talk to you like that.”

“I don’t care what he thinks.”

Lifting his head, he looks at me again. “You shower. I’m going to make you some tea to soothe your throat.”

It’s not an offer or a question. No, it’s a statement. An order.

Once the door closes behind him, I turn to look at myself in the mirror. Immediately, I regret that decision. My eyes are red, my cheeks are pink, my hair is everywhere. I’m a mess.

Stripping from my dance clothes while the shower warms, I think about the day. It’s had so many ups and downs, and it’s not over yet. Stepping into the hot spray of the shower, I invite the sting of the too-hot water.

After showering, I pull on my favorite pair of soft leggings and a T-shirt and run my fingers through my wet hair as I walk down to the kitchen, looking for Sonny.

I stop in my tracks when I see him. He’s lost his tie and dress shirt, leaving him in his slacks and a white tee that hugs his body. I’ve seen him this way lots of times before, but not in my kitchen leaning against the counter on his phone.

“You can stop objectifying me now,” he says, making me jump from my spot.

“I’m not…” I start, but he looks up at me with a smile and winks at me. “Jerk.”

“Here.” Picking up a mug of tea, he walks to me, putting it to my mouth to help me take a sip. Placing the back of my hand to my mouth, I force myself to swallow it down.

“You make terrible tea,” I tell him, trying not to choke on the too-sweet and too-weak liquid.

He huffs a laugh. “Sorry, I didn’t grow up with a British parent to teach me how to make a proper spot of tea,” he says with a fake accent.

“Thank you for trying.” I smile.

Tucking a chunk of wet hair behind my ear, he says, “You’re welcome.”

We stand there for a few second as it turns awkward and I don’t know what to do. “Are you going to make me drink that tea?”

Turning, he dumps it in the sink. “Want me to try again?” he asks when he turns back around, still holding the empty mug.

“No, that’s okay. I’m pretty tired. I think I’m just going to go to bed.”

He studies me, looking to see if I’m lying or not. “Alright,” he finally concedes. “Want me to tuck you in?” he asks with a devious smirk.

Rolling my eyes, I turn toward the stairs. “Goodnight, Sonny.”

“Night, Tink.”

When I’m halfway up, I look back over my shoulder and find him at the bottom, watching me go. Rolling my lips between my teeth, I give a lame wave before finishing my walk up to my room.

My butt has hardly hit the mattress when my door busts open. Harry stands there, his face shielded, but I can see the anger radiating off of him.

“Harry, I’m tired. Can this fight wait until tomorrow? It’s been a long day,” I tell him as I climb under my covers.

“Is it true?” he asks, and I’m confused because I’m not sure what exactly he’s talking about.

“Is what true?” I ask, needing clarification.

“Sonny sent me a text message. Several actually.”

“What did he tell you?” I ask, nervous about all the possibilities.

Walking to my bed, he sits on the edge. “For starters, he told me that Ricco’s been bothering you. But he told me that between him and Desmond, they’ve been watching out for you.” He pauses before adding, “Like they promised me years ago.” I nod, not knowing what else to say. “He also said that you have an eating disorder. Is that true, Rubes?”

Bowing my head so I don’t have to look at him, I nod again. His hand goes to my knee, and I break for what feels like the hundredth time today.

“Sonny said that he was suspicious for a while, but today you admitted it to him.” Another nod. “He told me I needed to tell Mom and Dad.”

My head snaps up at that. “No!” I violently shake my head. “I don’t want them to know. They have so much going on already with…” I stop, realizing what I was going to say.

“With me. The kid who has made life hell for everyone. Yeah. I get that.”

“Harry, please,” I beg. “I can do this. I can get over it. Sonny, he said—”

“I don’t give a fuck what Sonny said,” he snaps, cutting me off. “You need help. Professional help. Not help from a guy trying to get in your pants.”

“You’re one to talk about getting professional help,” I scoff. “You know what? Tell them. But don’t you dare sit here lecturing me when you do nothing to help yourself.”

“You know, Ruby, I came in here wanting to talk to my sister and maybe help if I could. But go ahead, listen to Sonny and eat his spoonfuls of pretty words while he tries to tie you to him in a way that you can’t escape.” He leans forward and gets in my face. “Because that’s what he does. He traps people and uses them for his own gain. Sonny is a selfish prick, and when he’s done with you, he’ll cast you aside like everyone else.”

“He didn’t cast you aside; you pushed him away,” I defend. “Like you’ve done to everyone.”

Harry stands and walks to the door, pausing before he closes it behind him. “I don’t want you hurt. Just… be careful. Thick and thin, Rubes.”

My door closes softly, and I feel like I just suffered whiplash from the first real conversation I’ve had with my brother in I don’t know how long.

Falling back on my pillow, I let out a breath, wanting this day to end.

Too many tears.

Too many truths.

Too much of everything.









My father told me I had to be at his office right after school today. Knowing it was a fight I wouldn’t win, I’m here. I hate that he is pushing more and more for me to know about the business. I wish he’d at least let me graduate and enjoy the rest of the year before I have to think about everything else. But no.

I sent Dez a text letting him know he needed to take Ruby to dance after school. Which I also hated. After last week when she admitted to having an eating disorder, I’d been with her every day. At lunch, I’d watch her choke down cups of applesauce, and then I’d reward her with ice cream before she had to be at dance. It was becoming our thing. Our time to be just us, shutting out everyone else.

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