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Gideon (Boyfriend for Hire #3)(5)
Author: R.J. Scott

Rowan laughed. “I think I can manage.”

“I didn’t mean…” Gideon looked flustered. “Whatever.” He gave a stiff wave and kept walking.

Now there’s a nice view. Rowan chewed on his thumbnail as he appreciated the lines of Gideon’s body. The man looked damn fine all dressed up, as always. Had he ever seen Gideon in anything but a suit? A naughty image popped into his head, warping the true meaning of the question. I meant something casual. Jeans. A T-shirt. Ugh. He pushed away from the wall and followed the signs to the bathroom. What was I even thinking? There is no way I should be leering after my boss, despite how fine he is.

Advice Rowan clearly ignored when he ended up rescuing Gideon. At some point, Gideon had been coerced out of his seat by Paula, Adrian’s mother, caught in a series of hugs and was manhandled into the center of the room. Like a bunny tormented by a predator, Gideon had looked helpless, and Rowan couldn’t ignore the puppy-eye pleas to be rescued, cutting in to take his hand and lead him to the other side of the dance floor.

“You’re really hating this aren’t you?” Rowan pressed one palm to Gideon’s waist and gently squeezed Gideon’s hand with his other as they slowly turned in a circle on the dance floor. The day was almost over as they settled into the part where the songs slowed and those who made it through to the end came together as friends, family, couples to lock hands, hold shoulders, and say goodnight.

“Yes,” Gideon uttered.

“I can hand you back to Paula if you prefer.”

Panic widened Gideon’s eyes. “Don’t you dare. I’m ordering you to stay right here.”

“Sure thing, boss.”

Gideon turned his head, seemingly avoiding Rowan’s gaze.

Ah, whatever. It had been interesting to see Gideon flustered, a rare side of the usually serious and controlled man where his emotions were concerned.

“Stop smiling.”

Rowan blinked. “Smiling? Who’s smiling?”

“You. You’re enjoying this way too much.”

“I guess I am,” he said. It had taken them a while to find any kind of rhythm together, and though it was nothing groundbreaking, the fact they could match one another and simply sway to the slow beat was enough.

Gideon side-eyed him. “Well, don’t.” He straightened, mistiming his footing and stepping on Rowan’s toes. “Sorry. I’m bad at this.”

Rowan chuckled, briefly pulling Gideon close. “Just relax. Loosen up.” He pushed against Gideon’s hip to encourage him to move, but Gideon gave him a blank look and seemed even more tense. “Never mind, this is good too.”

Feedback whined briefly from the speakers, interrupting the fading melody as the DJ announced the last song for the evening, and suddenly Rowan found Gideon pulled from his arms. Darcy appeared between them, gripping their shoulders as they were brought into one large circle with whoever had remained until the end. He grinned as Darcy planted a wet kiss to the side of his face. He smelled of alcohol and sweat, but he looked beyond happy.

Darcy Bridges had tied the knot. Rowan never thought he’d see the day his friend would be so in love and equally loved. From the scrappy kindergartener to an awkward teen, through coming out, finding himself, choosing a career only to be forced to leave. Darcy had come a long way in those thirty years.

I guess we both have. Rowan’s life had taken a few detours, but he was here, and he was content, and a large part of that was thanks to Gideon and him taking a chance on Rowan when he was at a low point. Leaning forward, he caught sight of Gideon, who appeared to have given in to the inevitable. Darcy had his arm around Gideon’s shoulder, pulling him in tightly and Gideon smiled. An awkward but honest smile.

Rowan looked away as the same fluttering sensation from earlier warmed his chest. He didn’t know if he could still blame the champagne from earlier, or maybe it was the fizzy soda this time, but whatever it was, he would cherish the moments he’d gotten to spend with Gideon. Tomorrow they would be back in the office.

And back to reality.









“Ugh.” Rowan groaned and pressed his forehead to the cool glass of the passenger door window. He and Gideon were in the back of a taxi headed for their hotel. “This is your fault,” he grumbled.

“How so?” Gideon asked. His voice was calm, soothing.

“You didn’t watch over your staff and stop them from drinking way too much. You’re a sucky boss.”

“If that’s the case, should I expect your resignation letter on my desk tomorrow afternoon?” Gideon side-eyed him.

What is with him?

There was no expression on Gideon’s face for Rowan to read and Rowan was irked. “You know, I’m starting to get the impression you’re actually trying to get rid of me.” He did his best to keep his tone light. He pressed his hand to his mouth when the back of his throat prickled from the burn of alcohol rising. Gideon didn’t refute, and Rowan’s heart clenched.

Alcohol had stirred his emotions, but not so much that he had no control over them. Don’t react. Don’t. You’ll just look like an idiot in the morning.

Rowan lifted his head, slowly blinking. He eyed the blur of lights they passed. “Sleepy.” Rowan slid sideways and leaned against Gideon.

“What are you—”

“I’m borrowing your shoulder until we get to the hotel.”

Gideon sighed. “Seriously?”

He closed his eyes. “Think of it as making it up to me for all those times you fired me today.”

“Want to be fired again?” Gideon asked.

“And rehired.” Rowan smiled and relaxed a little. It was all a joke, right? Teasing? Gideon needed him. As a PA, as a friend, as…

“You’re heavy,” Gideon said but didn’t push him away.

“Can’t hear you. Sleeping.” Rowan pressed his lips together, appreciating Gideon’s warmth and his solid shoulder. If he wasn’t careful, he would fall asleep for real.

They didn’t speak again until they reached the hotel, Gideon stirring him from his shoulder as he leaned forward to pay.

Rowan breathed in deeply as he stepped out onto the sidewalk and looked up at the starry night sky. The weather had stayed fine all day and even now the December sky was clear, lit with starlight and the large moon.

“Rowan.” Gideon was beside him.

Rowan looked at him and snorted.


“No need for a bubble with a frowny face when you’re already wearing one.”

Gideon grabbed Rowan’s arm when he swayed. “How were you on the dance floor until the end?” He sounded tired rather than annoyed.

“The trick is to never stop. You stop. You drop.” Rowan scratched the back of his neck and squirmed to try to free himself from Gideon’s hold. Gideon’s hand was hot through Rowan’s shirt, and the heat was spreading to places it shouldn’t.

Ah. I’m getting horny.

He couldn’t shake Gideon’s hold, giving in with a sigh. He fished his wallet out of the back of his pants. “Keycard,” he muttered and felt through the various slots.

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