Home > Even If It Hurts(12)

Even If It Hurts(12)
Author: Marni Mann

“You feel …” he roared while he leaned his hips back and bucked forward. “So. Fucking. Good.”

And so did he. Wave after wave of pleasure spread through me, his lips staying on me, even after he stilled.

His hands pressed against my cheeks. “I got to watch you come twice.” He glanced at my lips and slowly to my eyes. “Hottest sight of my life.”

A smile warmed across my face.

Despite it being extremely painful, I’d survived. I’d even enjoyed it. And next time, I knew it would be easier.

He eventually leaned back, carefully pulling out, and my eyes drifted down his body until I saw the red on the condom. It took me a minute to realize it was blood.

And that it was mine.


His hand was on my cheek before I even finished saying his name. “I expected this to happen. Don’t worry, and don’t be embarrassed.” His thumb brushed my skin several times, easing the embarrassment I was feeling. “I’m going to go clean up. I’ll be right back.”

By the time I got comfortable, tucking myself in the comforter, Oliver returned. And once his arms were wrapped around me, I found his lips and kissed them.

“Thank you,” I whispered.

I wasn’t sure he had even heard me until he said, “For what, sweet girl?”

“For being the most amazing man in the world.”






The sound of an alarm was what woke me. My eyes stayed closed as I reached for the blanket, feeling a chill move across my bare chest. I pulled the comforter up to my chin, loving how softer than usual it was, how the pillow was extra firm—the way I liked it but hadn’t had in a while.

I searched for my phone, where I kept it on the desk behind my head, and my fingers slammed into the headboard.

That was the moment it hit me—I wasn’t in my dorm where my blanket was scratchy, and my pillows were super fluffy. I was at Oliver’s, in his bed, where I’d stayed the night.

After I’d lost my virginity.

An excitement burst through me as the mattress shifted, the alarm turned off, the room becoming silent. Oliver’s arms circled around me, pulling until my back was resting into his chest—a position I was learning he liked more than most.

“Mmm,” he growled, his face in my neck where I felt him breathe me in. “How did you sleep?”

The feel of his body overtook me as did the memories from last night.

And as I lay in his bed, feeling the weight of his arms, I didn’t even feel like the same girl who had come over to his place yesterday. Not with the ache that was between my legs and the scent that was on my skin.

I found his hand in the center of my stomach and clasped our fingers together, pushing through the morning in my voice. “Amazingly well.” Having never spent the night at a guy’s place, I was surprised I’d slept so soundly. Of course, by the time he’d eventually let me pass out, I had been so exhausted that I couldn’t keep my eyes open. “How about you?”

“Perfect. Didn’t wake until this morning.” He kissed the top of my shoulder. “What time do you have class?”


“You’ll stay for breakfast?”

There was a feeling in my chest that ached so strongly, and then a smile slowly grew across my cheeks as I said, “I would love to.”

“I cook them pretty traditional …” His beard brushed against the center of my back as he kissed it. “Fried eggs, bacon, sausages, tomatoes, mushrooms, and buttered toast.”


He chuckled and turned me around, laying me on his chest while his arms circled my back. “I like cooking for you.”

“Feel free to anytime.” I laughed back. “I’ll eat anything you make; you’re an excellent chef.”

While he kissed the top of my head, I traced my fingers across his pecs, soaking in all of his warmth and attention. And we stayed just like that, tangled in a web of legs, blanket, and heat until I heard, “How about we take a shower before I go into the kitchen?”

I glanced up; his light-blue eyes were so bright in the morning sun.

“You can wash yourself out of my beard …” His teeth gnawed his bottom lip while he stared at my mouth. “But I’m going to lick you again first.”






“I want your details to have sub-details, and don’t you dare leave a single one out,” Molly said as she answered my call in a deeply hoarse morning voice.

I owed her a lifetime of mimosas for the way she was handling the time difference and the fact that she wasn’t getting any sleep because of me.

But now that I had a minute alone, I had to call regardless if my best friend was awake.

“I don’t know where to start,” I sighed, dropping yesterday’s clothes in my laundry bag. I wrapped myself in a robe and climbed into my bed.

“Find a place, sister, because it’s the ass-crack of dawn, and patience doesn’t exist at this hour.”

I pulled the scratchy blanket up to my neck and stared at the bumpy ceiling, wishing so badly I could crawl into her bed, tuck myself under her lime-colored comforter, and purge the whole night to her.

“You know this already, but …” I started, my eyes closing while I processed what I was about to say. “It happened.”

“Yasss, and about fucking time.”

My eyes shot open, and I burst out laughing. “This is why I love you.”

She waited until we both quieted before she asked, “Was he good to you?”

Each time I moved, the soreness between my legs brought back another memory from last night. And every ache made my heart pound faster. “He cuddled me this morning, showered with me, and then cooked me breakfast before he walked me home.” I took a breath, feeling the warmth spread through me. “He was perfect, Molly. In every way.”

“I just died.”

I rolled onto my side, holding a pillow against my chest. “I know.” I rubbed my chin over the top of the pillow. “I felt him everywhere. I mean, there wasn’t a part of me he wasn’t paying attention to.”

“More details, girl. Way more.”

My eyes were closed again, and I squeezed my lids together, seeing the moments play out. “Once I got past the beginning part—which wasn’t pretty, at all. My God, that hurt—he touched this spot and …” I took a breath as I recalled the intensity of that sensation. “I completely lost myself.”

“He made you come after he took your virginity. The man is a fucking unicorn.”

“Well”—I laughed—“he technically made me come twice.” I filled her in on what his tongue had done first.

“Oh, honey, I have all kinds of wildly inappropriate reactions, but the most important thing I can say right now is, I’m so ridiculously happy for you.” She paused, and I could see her expression even though she was thousands of miles away. “You picked a good one, babe.”

He wasn’t a man I’d dated for a long time or someone I could say I’d fallen in love with. But my gut told me he was someone special, and these were the strongest feelings I’d ever had.

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