Home > Rescue Me(50)

Rescue Me(50)
Author: Claire Raye

My jaw clenches as anger washes over me. Of course that’s what he would think, it’s what everyone fucking thinks. That I beat up the esteemed college professor for no reason. That I’m a loose cannon who can’t be trusted. That I’m a fucking criminal.

I don’t bother answering as I yank my arm away from him.

“Hey, dude, seriously I get it,” he says and something about the way he says this makes me stop.


He offers me a smile as he bends down to grab his books. “I mean the guy’s creepy as fuck. Tried to hit on my girlfriend once when I wasn’t in class.”

“Are you serious?” I ask, my lungs expanding as I force in a deep breath.

“Yep,” he nods. “God, I wanted to beat the shit out of him when I found out. But the guy has a rep for failing people who do shit that pisses him off.”

My hands go to my head, clasped in my hair as I try to comprehend how the fuck this guy has been allowed to get away with so much shit for so long. “How the hell is this guy still teaching here?” I ask.

The guy shrugs. “Fuck only knows,” he says. “I’ve got one more class with him and then I’m done. Can’t come soon enough if you ask me.”

One more class. Shit, does that mean Ruby will have one more class with him, too?

“Listen,” I say impatiently. “You don’t happen to know Ruby Collins, do you?”

“Yeah,” he says smiling. “We have a few—” He pauses, his face suddenly going pale as he stares off behind me. “Oh fuck.”


He turns back to me. “Shit, I just saw her. She was on her way to get her books. She was late, the last one and he…fuck, he’s there. She’s with him now. Alone.”

“WHERE?” I practically scream as my heart starts to hammer hard inside my chest. It feels like it’s about to smash through my ribcage.

“There, straight through those doors,” he says, pointing behind me. “What can I do to help?”

I take off running, not bothering to thank him as I yell out, “Call the cops, security, everyone.”

I run up the steps to the double doors, my breathing coming hard and fast as I yank on the handle. But the door doesn’t budge, staying firmly closed despite how many times I pull on it.

“Fucking hell,” I scream, my fists pounding on the glass door in frustration as I look around for another way inside.

I notice a fire escape farther along the building, the door propped open with a brick for some reason. Jumping over the side of the stairs, I race toward it, pulling it open and running inside. The door slams back against the brick, the late afternoon light all but disappearing so only a sliver shines through the small gap that’s left.

I pause, desperately trying to get my eyes to adjust the darkness as I look around, trying to decide which way to go. Eventually my eyes focus and I see a small set of stairs leading up to a closed door. I run over, taking them two at a time as I yank on the door at the top, praying it’s not locked.

It gives immediately, nearly smacking me in the face as I pull it open and I stumble through into what I now realize is the front entrance of the building. Glancing around, I see the closed and locked doors I was trying to get through only moments ago.

The foyer area is huge, with three other doors leading off it. Two of them are open, the third and farthest of them closed. I make my way toward the closest one, glancing inside to find a reception and office area. A woman glances up at me. She’s on the phone but she offers a smile that I don’t bother returning as I immediately turn and head toward the second open door.

This leads into a student common area, with a bunch of chairs and coffee tables and a small kitchen at the back. But it’s empty. No Ruby anywhere.

With mounting dread, I turn toward the closed door, remembering now that this leads into the lecture hall. I remember coming here once to pick up Ruby and finding her stuck inside, that fuckhead professor all over her, even as she was clearly uncomfortable and trying to get away.

I fucking knew he was bad news back then. Could feel it in my gut. Maybe it was because of everything I’ve been through the last two years or maybe it was just because he gave off a vibe that screamed asshole, I don’t know.

What I do know is that I should’ve done something back then. Back before any of this shit with him outside Ruby’s window happened. Maybe she wouldn’t be stuck wherever she is now. Maybe she would be safe.

And maybe this asshole would be in jail.

I reach for the door handle, my hand shaking and my heart pounding inside my chest. My breathing is coming hard and fast, my lungs burning with every inhale of breath. I feel sick and dizzy and like a lead weight is sitting in the pit of my stomach.

If anything has happened to her, I’ll never fucking forgive myself.

Just as my hand meets the cool metal handle, I hear a crashing noise on the inside, followed by scuffling and muffled voices. Yanking on the handle, I open the door and step into the room.

And my blood turns to ice in my veins.

Oh fuck.

Almost immediately, my head starts to spin, a loud screaming noise blocking out all other sounds as my vision turns red and my hands curl into fists at my side.

I see that fucking asshole with his hands on my girl, pulling her against his body as he crowds over her, clearly restraining her.

The door slams shut behind me and he looks up in shock at the sound of my entrance. But as soon as he sees it’s me, his surprise turns into a leer, his eyes wild and wide, his mouth twisted into a maniacal grin.

My gaze moves to Ruby, standing with her back to his front, his arms wrapped tightly around her waist. Her mouth is set in a firm line as she meets my stare. I move to reach for her, her name falling from my lips, wanting to get her as far away from him as possible.

I want to kill him, but I know that’s not what I should do, not when he has Ruby. Not when she needs me more.

But before I can even get to her, Keller twists away from me, pulling Ruby with him.




Chapter Thirty-One




As soon as my eyes connect with Caleb’s I feel instantly relieved, but it’s short-lived as Professor Keller pulls me away from him. Panic begins to rise up in my throat, choking my words and my ability to scream for help.

I can only hope Caleb has called the police or at least the campus security. I have no idea how this guy has gotten away with this kind of shit for so long. Failing students, attacking and raping girls, and now he can add taking someone hostage to his long list of illegal activity.

I hear the sound of another door opening and closing, and it catches Professor Keller off guard. With Caleb here and now obviously someone else, he’s outnumbered. He’s used to intimidating girls, manipulating a situation where he’s in control, but all of that is about to change. He doesn’t get to fuck with my life anymore or anyone else’s for that matter.

I use the opportunity of the door closing and his grip loosening to stomp hard on his foot with the heel of my shoe. It connects and he lets out a groan of pain, but I don’t stop. I stomp again and a third time until he releases me.

I have no idea what I’m doing, but all I know is he’s still standing and a threat to me, Caleb and whoever else is now in the lecture hall with us.

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