Home > Reverb (Trojan #2)(21)

Reverb (Trojan #2)(21)
Author: S.M. West

These sessions are a secret, much like most of our relationship. Her father doesn’t want her driving or to have anything to do with me. Neither even has a possibility in that man’s mind.

Since she doesn’t have her own wheels, all of this is squeezed into stolen moments when there isn’t a chance of getting caught. If her father knew of her upcoming test, there’s no doubt he’d cancel it or lock her up, or do something to sabotage her chances.

And even with Mr. Ramirez and the little he thinks of me, this year has been the best of my life. Who knew things could be this good? Especially for a dumbass kid no one wanted.

I missed Eva over the summer but filled my hours working at the pizza joint and with the band. I saved as much of what I made as I could. Work was a blessing, or else I’d have gone crazy without her. Her absence made me see just how much she’d become my world.

And some small part of me fought it—this bond we had, unlike anything I’d ever had before—not sure if I could handle this kind of commitment or feeling, But I didn’t stand a chance. I couldn’t have stopped it, stopped loving her, even if I tried.

When she returned from Spain, we picked up right where we left off as if the separation never happened. This time I had my shit together and didn’t go all punk-ass and try to write her off. No way.

Her father is still our biggest obstacle and that’s saying a lot given my situation. He hates me but also sees I have more influence over his daughter than he does. I try not to be cocky about it, although I’m not going to lie, it feels fantastic that Eva values my opinion. Trusts me above anyone else.

And I feel the same way.

Life with the Garcias isn’t any better or any worse. I’m counting the days until I turn eighteen in February.

Eva and I have talked about it. Since there’s only a few months left until I’m free of the system and graduation, I could ask Val if I could stay on, but screw that. I want out.

I’ll leave the Garcias’, find somewhere to live so I can finish school. Then I’ll work until she graduates. She’s got a good chance at a scholarship to the school of her choosing. Wherever she goes, I go.

This is my senior year of high school and I will make it the best yet with my girl.



“Come in for dinner.” Eva seductively coasts her gorgeous body along my chest before pulling away.

We’re in my car and she’s on my lap. It’s the sweetest torture there is. We’ve grown closer and more intimate. We finally slept together over the holidays. We’d come close—too many times to count—before that, and surprisingly, I’d been the one to stop us every time.

I wanted her first time, our first time together, to be special. And now that we’ve gone all the way, I can’t keep my hands off her, more so than ever.

“I can’t. I’m going to meet Ike.” I’ve just finished my shift at the Romano’s, where Eva did her homework in a booth, and now Ike wants to see me.

Groaning, she bites her lush bottom lip and lifts a leg to slide onto the passenger seat. I feel her loss instantly, rubbing at the phantom ache in the middle of my chest.

“This is just so frustrating.” Long black hair shimmers like a river in the twilight as she rifles through her bag for her house keys.

“Hey.” My hand caresses the sliver of silky skin just above her knee. “We’ll have our own place soon and hopefully, one day, your dad will see we’re good for each other.”

We’ve had this conversation many times before. Eva is unflappable and steadfast in her resolve to change her father’s mind. She’s convinced he’ll see me one day and toss out all his biases because of my background.

So far, no matter what I do or say, to him, I’m worthless.

“I know.” Her tone is strangely griping. “It just isn’t fair. I’ve told Papi as soon as I’m done with high school, wherever I go for college, you’re coming.”

“I’m sure that went over really well.” A pang of guilt raps at my chest. I should try harder to keep the sarcasm out of my tone. It isn’t her fault he thinks so little of me, or that he may be right.

Eva could have anything and anyone she wants. She’s smart, funny, caring, loving, ambitious, and beautiful.

And she chose me.

He hates that. He hates me.

I don’t care what he thinks about me. All I care is that it hurts her.

“Stop that.” She purses her lips. Ah, there’s the girl I know and love, Miss Optimistic.

“We’re building a life together and my father has no say in that. You’ll pursue your music career and become some famous musician, and I’ll…” She fusses with the tassel on the zipper of her bag. “I don’t know what I’ll do, but I’ll figure it out.”

Chuckling, I pull her hand to my lips, brushing a lingering kiss on the soft skin of her knuckles. I love her confidence in our future, and most of all, I love that she sees me at her side.

“You’ll be amazing at whatever you do. It’ll come to you.”

“Yes. I have to start dinner.” She leans over to kiss me on the cheek.

I flatten one hand on her back, gliding it down to rest in the hollow of her waist, as I curl the other around her shoulder.

I bury my nose in her hair, bringing our chests flush, and I’m engulfed, lost, by the sweet smell of her shampoo and the rapid beating of her heart against mine.

Warm lips graze my neck and slender fingers dig into my sides, clinging to me. Her breathing is unsteady and fast, almost as if excited. She feels it too. This enthralling draw between us.

“Park, later?”

“Yes.” One more kiss and she’s gone.

I wait until she’s inside before leaving to meet Ike. My Jeep slides in behind his ride—this time it’s a Lexus—and before it’s even in park, he’s marching over to me, Eminem’s “Lose Yourself” blaring from his car.

“Yo, took you long enough.” He leans in through the open window and his features are taut, impatient.

“Look, I told you, I had work, and then I had to drop Eva home. What’s so important that I had to come out here?”

A slow, sly smile creeps over his mouth. “Milo’s got a big job tonight. Like, I’m talking big. I’d be set for months and he needs all hands.”

Looking to either side as if someone may be listening—there’s no one around—he lowers his voice. “If you want in—actually, he wants you in—all you gotta do is say the word.”

Ike beams like he’s Santa Claus and he’s given me the toy of the year. I close my eyes. Frustration courses through my veins because we’ve been through this.

“I’m not working for Milo.” Temptation bites at my words, not going to lie.

It sounds like a sweet payoff, definitely more than I make in my current job.

“Come on, J, don’t be stupid.”

Shaking my head, my gaze drifts into my lap. I busted my ass this summer, putting away every penny. A little of it will go toward a surprise for Eva—I want to take her away for the weekend—but the rest is for our future.

Eva will probably get a scholarship, and wherever she goes for college, I want to pay my airfare—that’s if she leaves California. And I want to contribute to our living arrangements. This job with Milo would be a huge jump in savings, maybe even double what I already have, and that’s tempting.

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