Home > Make You Mine

Make You Mine
Author: Danyell A. Wallace








I close my eyes and inhale deeply, taking in all that’s unfolding around me. The weather is beautiful, not too hot but just right. The wind blows through my naturally curly strands while I allow the sun to kiss my already brown skin. I open my eyes and look across the campus that stands in front of me, and I’m in awe that I’m starting my sophomore year at a four-year college. After graduating from high school, I took a year off and decided to attend the local junior college in my hometown for a year until I was able to improve my grades and get accepted into the University of East Florida, home of the Tigers. God, I can’t wait to start my bachelor’s degree studies in Business Administration and then my master’s.

Students are scattered around the campus. Many are carrying boxes to their dorm or apartment; some were saying goodbyes to their loved ones while others are simply trying to get to their next destination.

“Tamia, honey, are you going to help me and your dad get your stuff unloaded and up to your apartment? I mean, this is your stuff!” my mom says with a chuckle.

Before giving my attention to my parents, I continue to survey the large campus, trying to familiarize myself with some of the buildings before drawing my attention to the building in front of me. Elation coursing throughout at the realization that I’ll be calling this place my home for the next two years.

“Tamia!” my mom sing-songs, knocking me out of my reverie.

“I’m coming!”



Once my parents help me get settled into my apartment, they give me the “lecture” about being responsible and remembering that I’m here to study and not party before making that long trip back to Georgia. After we exchange tearful goodbyes, I begin unpacking a couple of boxes to pass the time before new student orientation.

Two hours later, I’m back at my apartment, checking my email for my class schedule. Next, I unpack some more, and just as I’m finishing up with my bedding, I hear a light knock before the door to my bedroom opens. A girl with straight, blonde hair and striking blue eyes walks in, talking on her cell. I can only assume that she is my roommate. Even though I wasn’t staying in a dorm but an on-campus apartment, I still didn’t have a clue as to who I would be living with until move-in day. The mystery girl ends her call and gives me her full attention.

“Hey, you must be my new roomie!” She squeals and gives me the biggest hug as if we’re long-lost friends. “I’m sorry. I’m Katie by the way and you are?”

“Tamia,” I respond with a smile.

“Well, Tamia, it’s nice to finally meet you. I hope you’re getting settled in okay. I actually got in yesterday.” She plops down on my enormous bean bag chair. “Do you need any help unpacking?”

“Actually, I think I’m about done but thank you so much for asking.”

“No problem! Is this your first semester here? I don’t think I’ve seen you around campus before.”

“Yeah,” I respond, looking around my room. “Before, I attended a junior college then transferred here once a spot became available.” I leave out that I almost flunked out of high school and really needed to bring my grades up before transferring to a four-year college. “So, yeah, I’m one of the newbies.”

“Well, I think you’ll love it here. There’s plenty of sunshine; the people are friendly, and oh yeah, the guys are hawt! This is my second year, and so far, I’m enjoying it,” she says, smiling. “You know what? How about a break? I can take you on a quick tour of the campus, and I’ll introduce you to a couple of people, and then maybe we can get a bite to eat at the Sandwich Shoppe. All this unpacking can wait.”

“Sounds like a good idea. I could use a break. Lead the way, Katie!” I tell my bubbly new roomie with a laugh.



Katie took me all over the campus. She showed me where all my classes were going to be held, places to shop and eat, and which frat house threw the best parties. I was so exhausted that all I wanted to do was go back to our apartment and go to sleep. Plus, I had my first class tomorrow at eight thirty. I looked at the time on my phone, and it was already six thirty in the evening. Where did the time go? Since I hadn’t finished unpacking, I decided it was best to get a bite to eat before calling it a night. As if reading my mind, the tour ends, and we’re standing in front of the Sandwich Shoppe. Just as we’re about to enter, I hear a guy yelling in our direction.

“Yo, Katie!”

We both turn in the direction of the voice. The next thing I know, this guy is picking Katie up in a bear hug and spinning her around like lovers who haven’t seen each other in months.

“What’s up, girl?! Man, it’s good to see you!”

“It’s good to see you, too, Jay!” Katie adds, pulling away.

I stand there, looking at them both, and notice a girl standing behind the guy with her arms folded across her chest. She’s looking at them, too, only she doesn’t look so happy to see us. Maybe she is this guy’s girlfriend, I think to myself. Katie turns in my direction and introduces me to both of them.

“Tamia, these are my friends Jay and his sister Tasha. You guys, this is Tamia! She’s new here at East Florida.”

Tasha was the first to speak. “Nice to meet you, Tamia.”

Jay then approaches me and extends his hand out to shake mine. “Hey, beautiful, it’s my pleasure to meet you.” He pulls his hand away, and all I can do is blush. “So, Tamia,” he continues, “do you have a boyfriend?”

“Seriously?!” Tasha fusses. “Must you hit on every girl you come in contact with?” she asks, rolling her eyes.

“No, Jay,” I answer, laughing at his straightforwardness. “I don’t have a boyfriend at the moment, and I’m not actually looking for one either. Right now, school is my top priority,” I finish sweetly.

“Well, that’s just too bad,” he counters. “Anyway, how are you liking the campus so far?”

“So far, so good!” I answer honestly and can’t help but check him out. Jay is probably around six two and with a banging body. He isn’t too big but lean with just the right amount of muscle. His brown skin is a shade lighter than mine, and his hair is cut short to bring out the natural wave pattern. His best feature, though, is those brown eyes, the color of homemade plum wine.

Then there is Tasha. Why did I think she was his girlfriend? They look almost identical, but she is gorgeous with straight, shoulder-length, black hair with brown highlights.

“Tamia?” Jay calls out and startles me.

“I’m sorry, did you say something?”

He chuckles. “Yeah, girl; are you hungry? We’re about to go in.”

I nod and Jay opens the door for us all to walk in.



Damn, this is good. I moan while chewing my sandwich. But then again, it’s been five hours since the last time I ate, so I’m not really sure if the sandwich is really that good or if I’m truly starving.

“Damn, Tamia, keep moaning like that, and I might need to—”

Before Jay could even complete his sentence, his sister pops him in the back of his head. “Don’t you even say it!” she warns.

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