Home > An Outcast and an Ally (A Soldier and a Liar #2)(40)

An Outcast and an Ally (A Soldier and a Liar #2)(40)
Author: Caitlin Lochner

“Oh yeah, Peter mentioned the same thing,” I say. “I’m going with him to screen some potential new recruits today.”

“Thanks for helping with that.”

“Of course.”

“The trainees are coming along, too,” Al says. She grins with a fierce pride of a different sort than I’m used to seeing her wear. “They’re going to be kicking ass and taking names in the next battle.”

“Let’s just hope that isn’t anytime soon,” Lai murmurs.

“Always the pessimist,” Al says with a roll of her eyes. “C’mon, the Order’s been doing great for months. Have a little more confidence in your friends.”

“It’s not a lack of confidence in everyone that’s making me worried.” Lai’s eyes find their way back to the field. “It’s the knowledge of how capable and strong Ellis is. She isn’t going to take all of this lying down. We had the element of surprise on our side in the beginning, but that’s gone now. It’s only a matter of time before she switches gears and comes at us seriously. Seriously enough to try and wipe us out.”

“There’s no use worrying about it until we either receive new information or something else happens,” I say. “We’ll pull through as best we can, just like always.”

“That’s right,” Al says. “With all of us together, we’re practically unstoppable.”

“Almost all together,” I say quietly. The image of Erik grinning and giving one of his flippant two-fingered salutes flashes in my mind. I wish he was here with us. I wish I knew how he was doing or that he would be safe. It feels like a year has passed since we all parted.

“The sooner we end this war, the sooner Erik can come back,” Lai says grimly. “And if his position over there becomes too risky, we’ll get him back.”

“He knows what he’s doing.” Al’s voice is rough. “We just have to do what we can to support him from here.”

Lai’s smile returns, although in less force now. “You’re right. I just can’t help but worry.”

“Well, try to keep that under control so it doesn’t spread,” Al says. “Because I do not want to catch it.”

“Worry is an emotion, Al, not a sickness,” Lai says with a roll of her eyes.

“Hey. Emotions are definitely contagious.”

“I can attest to that,” I say.

“Oh, not you, too, Jay.”

“I’m merely stating my observations.”

Lai gives me a playful shove. “Yeah, well, no one asked for them.”

“As long as he’s siding with me, I’ll ask,” Al says.

“Terrible. Just terrible, both of you.” Lai shakes her head. But then she laughs, and it’s the most relaxed I’ve seen her since before we returned from Ellis’s ambush all those months ago. When I sense her presence on my grid, it isn’t wrought with stress, fear, or doubt. For once, she’s genuinely happy. And so am I.


* * *


I find Peter outside the small, rundown apartment we’re to meet the potential recruits in. I’m still high on the military’s wanted list, so though interest in our team has subsided significantly due to the war, I had to use Seung’s power crystal to get here. Even with the crystal, I couldn’t help wanting to look over my shoulder every ten steps to confirm no one was following me through the busy streets. I switch off the crystal’s illusion once I’m safely in the shadows of the indoor hallway.

Peter holds a clipboard in one hand and flips through the numerous sheets attached to it with the other. He looks tired—who of the higher-ranked members doesn’t anymore?—but I know his exhaustion comes from more than physical tasks. A large part of his presence is still dark and heavy with grief from the day we lost Paul.

But there’s something more troubling him today. He frowns when he looks up at me, in the way one usually does when they have bad news they don’t want to convey.

“What’s wrong?” I ask.

“No, it’s…” He sighs. “Well, I guess you’ll see. We have an interested party today you might not be so … interested in seeing.”

That gets my attention. “What are you talking about?”

“Do you want to take a break from today’s screening? I really wouldn’t mind.” His ignoring my question merely makes me more concerned—and curious. Who could possibly be here that Peter doesn’t even want to say their name?

“I won’t shirk my responsibilities when everyone else in the Order is giving it their all,” I say. “No matter who’s standing on the other side of that door.”

Peter watches me. Then he sighs once more. “You’re way too good of a guy, Jay. I’ll give you a heads-up before we go in, and then you can let me know if you change your mind.” He meets my eyes. “It’s your dad.”

I don’t register the words at first. Or rather, I can’t register them. The idea is so preposterous it goes straight over my head. “My father? There’s no way he’d be here. He’s not interested in seeing peace between the gifted and ungifted. He hates”—it takes a heartbeat to control the words—“the gifted.”

“Then maybe we do need you today to make sure he’s not here for any unsavory reasons,” Peter says. “But I get it if you want to sit this one out. Really.”

The words are still swirling in my head without connecting to anything. It doesn’t make sense. There must be a mistake.

However, I know the Order. And the Order doesn’t make mistakes when it comes to researching newcomers.

I take a deep breath. It’s shakier than I expected. But I think of Lai, doing a million things at once for the Order’s success, running herself ragged. I think of Al and the pride with which she spoke of the Order members she’s been training, even though she wore her weariness like a mask. Of Erik, risking his life amid the rebels to get us critical information. They’re all doing so much to try to end this war at their own expense. If they can do that, I can at least face my father.

I lift my head high. “Thank you for your concern, but I’ll be fine. Let’s begin.”

Peter watches me carefully for a heartbeat before something like a smile breaks his lips. It’s the first time I’ve seen anything like it since Paul’s death. He extends a second clipboard to me. “Well, all righty then. Let’s get this show on the road.”

He opens the door and steps inside without further ado. I follow without hesitation.

Inside waits a group of about ten people. It’s the maximum number the Order will screen at a time, to ensure no one gets overlooked. Everyone looks up as we enter.

A few mutters spread at the sight of me—a gifted ex-officer wanted by the Council for turning traitor. But they quiet soon enough when Peter gives them an almost reproving look. I can’t say how much I appreciate it.

Against my will, I seek Father instantly. He’s seated on one of the folding chairs the same as everyone else, but his eyes lock on me as fast as mine do him. He appears older than I remember. Gray strands run through his messier-than-typical black hair, and the lines around his severe, sharp face are deep. I haven’t seen him outside of a suit since I was a child; however, now he’s wearing worn clothes stained by dirt as though he just came from working in the fields. When was the last time he did that himself? Not since he taught me the basics of farming when I was a child, surely.

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