Home > The Words(126)

The Words(126)
Author: Ashley Jade

He just holds me tight while I fall apart.

My muffled sobs soak through his T-shirt as he runs his fingertips up and down my back.

Moments later, the nurse comes over. “I’m very sorry but you need to leave.”

I lift my head. “But—”

“I know it’s an incredibly difficult time for you,” she interjects. “And while I sympathize, I’ve already given you a lot of leeway.” She flicks her hand at Mrs. Palma, who’s coming out of the room. “Not only is it well before visiting hours, but it’s only supposed to be one person at a time.” She narrows her eyes at Phoenix. “Three is pushing it.”

I hate these stupid hospital rules, but I know it’s not her fault. Plus, she’s right, she has been incredibly accommodating.

“If I leave, will you allow him to stay with her?” Mrs. Palma questions, surprising me.

“No,” I quickly say. “I don’t want you to leave.”

My chest caves in as I peer up at Phoenix.


I don’t want him to go either.

Leaning down, he kisses my forehead. “I’m staying, Groupie.” He turns to the nurse. “Get the CEO on the phone. Now.”

Peeved, the nurse raises an eyebrow. “I beg your pardon? Who do you think—”

“I’m Phoenix fucking Walker,” he snarls.

The nurse must not be a rock fan because that doesn’t seem to faze her one bit.

However, the two women in scrubs making their way to the nurses’ station damn near trip and fall on their faces when they notice him.

“This can go one of two ways,” Phoenix continues. “One—you can put me in touch with the CEO so I can make a very generous donation to the hospital and tell him what a wonderful employee you are. Or two—I can tell the entire country what a terrible experience I had here and do everything in my power to get your ass fucking fired.”

His threat works because she turns on her heel. “I’ll be right back.”

I shouldn’t condone Phoenix throwing his weight around like that, but I’m too fixated on my dad to object.

It’s almost eight in the morning, so the doctors should be starting their rounds soon. I’m hoping they’ll give me a better update than the last one they gave Mrs. Palma.

Uneasiness etches Phoenix’s face as we walk into the room and I feel bad for not preparing him because it’s a lot to take in.

I’m about to apologize, but he pulls me into his arms. Placing a hand on the back of my neck, he gently guides me to his chest.

“I’m gonna run down to the cafeteria and get us all some coffee,” Mrs. Palma whispers.

Emotions get the better of me again and before I can stop myself, a sob breaks through the surface.

Don’t leave me an orphan, Dad.

I clutch his shirt for dear life, my tears falling like rain as sobs of agony escape me.

I can’t lose him. I can’t.

However, thinking such miserable things isn’t doing him any favors.

My dad needs to be surrounded by positive energy, which means I have to keep it together and not let myself go down that dark road.

“He’s gonna make it.” Standing upright, I clear my throat. “He’s a fighter.”

Giving me a soft nod, Phoenix brushes my tears away with his thumb.

Irritation billows through me when I catch the sorrow in his expression. I don’t want or need his pity, because everything will be okay.

It will be.

“He’ll be fine,” I bite out before I walk over to my dad.

There’s no way he’d leave me here all by myself.

He always joked that he’d stick around to bother and embarrass me until he was at least a hundred.

I take hold of his hand, gripping it as hard as I can. So hard his fingernails dig into my skin, but I don’t care.

“You always said it was me and you, Dad. So, I really need you to keep your word and wake up soon, okay?”

Don’t leave me.

Because even though his mind wanders off most days, there are still times when he comes back to me.

I need those times.

I need him.

A knock on the door startles me out of my thoughts and a short, older man wearing a white lab coat enters the room.

“Hello, I’m Dr. Gannon. The attending physician.” He briefly glances at Phoenix but doesn’t appear upset over us breaking the rules. “Do you have some time to talk?”

Some time to talk. I breathe a sigh of relief because that’s good news. If he needs time to talk, that means there must be a treatment plan in place. It will most likely involve physical and occupational therapy and I might have to hire a private nurse to come to the house temporarily…which won’t be an issue because I have the money to do so now.


I kiss my dad’s cheek before making my way over.

The doctor looks at Phoenix. “I’m going to have to kindly request that you step outside.”

“I’m going to have to kindly request that you fuck off,” Phoenix grunts, shocking the doctor, but not me because this is par for the course when it comes to him. “I’m staying.”

Appearing annoyed, Dr. Gannon looks between us before his gaze settles on me. “Is that okay with you?”

I nod.

“All right then.” He gestures to the two chairs near the wall. “Why don’t you have a seat?”

A weird knot twists my stomach, but I shrug it off. “I’ll stand.”

Blowing out a breath, he takes a seat. “Tell me what you understand about what happened to your father.”

While his tone isn’t exactly condescending, I don’t particularly care for it or the question.

“My dad had a stroke.”

“That’s correct.” He studies my face and whatever he sees has him frowning. “Your father’s condition is quite serious.”

No shit. He’s lying in a freaking hospital bed.

However, he’s strong.

“I know, but with the right medication and some rehabilitation, he’ll recover.”

That weird knot is back, and I look at Phoenix.

He gives me a soft smile, but sorrow flickers across his face again.

“I’m afraid that won’t happen,” the doctor says, and I snap my attention back to him. “The stroke caused your father to be without oxygen for too long.”

“Mrs. Palma called an ambulance right away, though. And she gave him CPR.”

“Yes, but unfortunately, the damage he suffered was too extensive.” His frown deepens. “I’ve contacted the neurologist. He’ll be doing a final consult shortly, but he doesn’t think there will be any improvement. I concur.”

They’re wrong. These guys might have medical degrees, but it doesn’t mean their assessment is infallible.

“Then you don’t know my dad,” I fire back and Phoenix moves closer.

Features pinched, he rises from the chair. “Lennon, I’m very sorry, but your father is not going to make it.”

That’s not true. “Yes, he will.”

“No. He will not. The ventilator is what’s keeping him alive right now.”

Then I guess he’ll just have to stay on a vent.

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