Home > The Words(129)

The Words(129)
Author: Ashley Jade

“Last I checked, they don’t make time machines.”

“Too bad,” Storm states. “Maybe then I’d let you die instead of pulling your sorry ass out of that car.” He salutes me with his middle finger. “But hey, enjoy the rest of your life with your new bride. Gotta hand it to you, man. Manipulating the girl whose song you stole into marrying you was a genius move. I’m sure Chandler and Vic are thrilled.”

I expected his anger and hostility. It’s Storm, it would be weird if he wasn’t having a bitch fit.

But wishing he left me for dead and thinking I married Lennon as some kind of PR stunt is a special kind of low.

I considered this asshole my family. My brother.

And he knows damn well that I love Lennon because three minutes before I coded in that goddamn ambulance, I told him.

“You know I’d never do that to her.”

The corners of his eyes crease as he scrutinizes me. “The only thing I know is that you’re a snake.” His expression turns hard. “A worthless scumbag, just like your pops.”

Indignity surges through me…and then comes the rage.

He’s hit below the belt, not once, but twice now. Fuck this motherfucker.

I launch my fist into his face.

Storm stumbles back in disbelief. Then he punches me in the stomach.

I cough a few times. Getting hit in the stomach fucking sucks, but this shit is far from over. “You hit like a bitch, Reese.”

He hates being called by his first name because it’s his father’s. The only one who’s allowed to use it without meeting the wrath of God is Grams.

Storm puffs out his chest like a peacock and rolls his shoulders back, like a boxer getting ready to fight.

Bring it on.

“Good thing we’re at a cemetery because you’re a dead man.”

I motion for him to hit me again. “And you’re a fucking pussy.”

“Better than being a liar. I hope Lennon takes you to the cleaners before kicking your ass to the curb.”

White-hot rage surges once more and then I lose my shit…and so does he.

Snarling curses and slinging punches left and right, we pummel the shit out of each other.

Commotion rings out behind me, and a few people gasp. One of them being Skylar and the other Grams.

“I told you to talk to them, not start a brawl. What is the matter with you boys?” She whacks us with her purse. “Stop attacking each other. This is a funeral, for crying out loud.”

It’s about to be Storm’s.

“I’m not sure which one to put money on,” Quinn exclaims. “Storm’s bigger, but my brother’s scrappier.”

“Nothing to see here, folks,” Memphis says to the horrified onlookers. “Just a little family discussion.”

Memphis tries to get in the middle of us then, but we end up taking him down with us as our rumble moves to the ground.

“Fuck,” he grunts, kneeling beside us. “I’ll give you assholes another minute to get this shit out of your systems and then I’m gonna start throwing punches.”

My former best friend is a big oaf, so he gets the upper hand and climbs on top of me. “Why didn’t you tell me the truth?”

I plunge two fingers into his eye sockets. When his hands fly up, I take the opportunity to slam him into the ground. “I wanted to, but I didn’t know how.”

Blinking, he tries to toss me off him, but he’s weaker than he was before. “With your fucking mouth, you idiot.”

I punch him again, but it doesn’t have much force behind it because I’m losing steam, too. “And that’s exactly why I didn’t, you oversized dildo.”

Gripping the collar of my shirt, he gets the upper hand once more. “What the fuck are you talking about, you anal pore?”

I give him the truth because I’m man enough to admit it now. “I tried to write a song for years, but I couldn’t…because I’m an idiot.” Embarrassment courses through me as I continue. “We only had one shot with Vic. Our dream was right fucking there. I didn’t want to blow it.”

Rolling off me, he catches his breath.

I peer up at the gray clouds. It’s gonna rain any second.

“You’re not an idiot,” he says after a few moments.

I might be good at some things, but can’t read, write, or spell well because my brain doesn’t work the way brains are supposed to.

I fucking hate it. But it’s still no excuse.

“What I did to Lennon—and to you guys—is beyond fucked up. I wish I could take it back.” Tilting my head, I eye Storm and Memphis, who are on opposite sides of me. “I’m sorry you both got caught in the cross fire of my mess. You guys are my family and I not only stole and lied, I ruined everything you worked for.”

Closing my eyes, I take a deep breath. I don’t know what the future holds, but there’s no longer a crushing weight on my chest.

The truth—the horrible thing I did—is out there.

But my newfound freedom comes at a heavy price. These guys.

Storm snickers, catching me off guard. “Did you call me an oversized dildo?”

My lips twitch. I guess I did. “You called me an anal pore.”

“He got that from me,” Quinn calls out somewhere in the distance.

Memphis snorts. “Guess Phoenix isn’t the only one who steals.”

“Yeah. I stole an insult; Phoenix stole a song…” Storm’s tongue finds his cheek. “And you stole your brother’s girl.”

“Foster brother,” Memphis mutters under his breath. “And she was never my girl.”

Storm and I exchange a glance. Bullshit.

Sighing, Memphis gets off the ground. “What happens now?”

Storm’s the next to stand. “I don’t know.” His gaze swings my way as I rise to my feet. “That’s up to this anal pore.”

My focus drifts to Lennon, who hasn’t moved a muscle. She didn’t even come over here during the fight, which only further confirms that her head’s in a bad place right now.

She’s always been there for me. It’s time I take care of her.

“I don’t know,” I tell them truthfully. “I need to be with Lennon.”

I don’t give a fuck about anything else.

Memphis’s stare snags on Skylar, who’s talking to Quinn and Grams. “I think we all could use a break.”

Gripping the back of his neck, Storm blows out a breath. “Agreed. I’m looking forward to kicking back, smoking a few blunts, getting my dick sucked, and relaxing.”

I asked Lennon if she wanted to go to my house in California a couple of days ago, and the death glare she gave me was my answer.

She’s not ready to leave and I won’t make her.

“Well, you’ll have the entire house to yourself now. Go nuts.” I point a finger in his face. “Don’t fuck in my bed.”

I didn’t ask Lennon, on account of her grieving and shit, but I don’t foresee her having an issue with Quinn staying with us. In fact, I think it will be a good thing since I know how much she adores her.

As if on cue, Quinn moseys on over.

“This weather sucks,” she whines as the sky opens up and it starts drizzling.

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