Home > The Long Way Home(47)

The Long Way Home(47)
Author: Harper Sloan

“Oh hush, you. Not everything has to be done at a spectacular level.”

Asher laughs. “Going to remember you said that.”

Sway clears his throat, and I steady my breathing the best I can, bracing myself for what’s about to happen. With a little flex of my fingers in warning to Olivia, I start walking and pull her behind me. She anchors me, holding me steady for the storm ahead.

My brother’s back is to me, no doubt something Sway planned. His careful manipulations during the day to minimize the pain on everyone hasn’t been lost on me.

I owe that man more than I’ll ever be able to repay.

God, I take in my brother and feel that part inside me that has ached for him start weaving and mending. Each stitch making it feel that much closer to being healed. Full.

Even from behind, I would be able to pick him out of a lineup. We had a connection. Growing up with the evil mother we had, we struggled to find meals, and it makes you grow closer than most siblings.

Aside from his hair showing a lot more gray than blond, he looks the same even from behind. Same cocky stance. Same relaxed arms. That energy that tells people not to fuck with him.


I’ve missed my big brother.

My heart picks up speed as I open and close my mouth a few times with no sound escaping. It feels too great, the emotions slamming into me so harshly, that if not for Liv, I would be on my ass. My words are stuck in my chest, too thick and clogged in the reaction to seeing and hearing my brother.

Olivia places her free hand on my forearm, and I look down at her. Understanding, worry, and love in her eyes. Her touch calms my wrecked system enough for me to breathe. With a calming breath, I try to shake off a little more without success, and I clear my throat. My brother doesn’t move much, but I see the slight tic that tells me Ash knows something big is happening. It’s the same twitch he always had, ever so slight, and that left leg with the relaxed knee, clicks straight into place as he stands tall—no longer relaxed. He turns, slowly, and I see Sway in the corner of my gaze clasp his hands over his chest moments before my brother’s eyes meet mine.

Fucking hell.

Emotions flash over his features.

So many of them, they blur into one of hopeful heartache deep within me.

I did that, caused that pain in his face.

Olivia hiccups.

Sway sniffles.

No one moves.

No one speaks.

My throat gets thicker when I see his eyes fill with unshed tears.

Still, no one moves.

Not one goddamn word is spoken.

Not for the longest fucking time.

In the next moment, before I even have a chance to react, I see him jerk forward. Though it wasn’t the movement that shocked me the most … it was the anger that burned bright just before he did. It was enough to distract me, and I’ll never for the rest of my life forget what happened next.

Sway screamed—later I’ll look back on that shit and smile over how one grown-ass man could sound so high pitched and shriek-of-the-century loud.

Asher bellowed, warning me too late of the shitstorm coming.

It was Olivia who stopped my heart.

The sound she made when Asher’s fist connected with her face mixed with the sound of shocked horror from my brother’s, which only made Sway’s screaming louder.

“What the fuck, Ash?”

“Me what the fuck? You what the fuck!”

“What the fuck!” I hear coming from the back of the house.

“Oh boy,” Sway whispers, finally stopping that damn noise he was making.

“Come on, sweet girl.” Davey steps into the crowd around where Olivia had stumbled after Asher’s fist hit her. A fist meant for me that she stepped in front of. To protect me. My God, this woman. She knew exactly what he was about to do and put her own body in the way to protect me from hurting.

I don’t deserve her.

I also know without a doubt that I won’t ever let her go either.

“I’m okay,” she whispers, her hand reaching out to rest her palm against my cheek. “Look at me, my giant,” she says even softer. I look down and wince when I see the red mark already starting to bruise on her cheek. “You know that wasn’t intentional, okay. You know that, honey. Do not let that moment affect this one, love. You’ve waited long enough for something you thought would never come—both of you have. Don’t waste this moment by being angry.”

“I can see his mark on your fucking face,” I respond a lot calmer than I feel.

“Holy shit.”

“Oh God.”

I’m not sure who said it, but the various shocked proclamations come from behind us. I let Olivia’s words settle and look up to meet my brother’s gaze. The storm of emotions clear now, leaving only one thing behind.


“Hey, man,” I rasp lamely.

He closes his eyes, dropping his chin down. His shoulders start to shake, and I feel my heart drop to my stomach. Then he looks up, and I realize he’s laughing. Not even close to the reaction I thought he would have today.

“Over twenty damn years I think you’re dead, and the first thing you say to me is ‘Hey man’ … Prayed for you every fucking day. For this very miracle. Not sure what I should address first, though—the fact that you think ‘hey man’ is a good lead or that my baby brother isn’t fucking dead.”

“Probably should start with apologizing to my woman.”

He holds my eyes.

Dark blue against light blue.

Brother on brother.

And nods.

“I doubt I’ll ever be able to express how sorry I am that happened. There’s no excuse for my behavior or the pain that it caused you.”

Olivia drops the bag of frozen veg from her face. When the hell did someone give her that?

Get your shit together, man. Stay alert, for fuck’s sake.

“Please don’t beat yourself up. That was unfortunate, but all things considered, I think you can give yourself a little slack. Let’s forget this happened and focus on this beautiful miracle happening here.”

“Not sure I can just forget that I punched a woman in the face away.”

She lifts the bag back up to her face and shrugs her shoulders.

“Not sure I would call that a punch anyway.” She smirks, placing the frozen veg back on her face.

My whole body relaxes with that little adorable twitch of her lips. God, I love this woman. She just took a fist to the face—for me—and instead of reacting how anyone would expect her to, she reacts with calm humor. No doubt minimizing her pain so that this night can be salvaged.

“Talk about an icebreaker, honey child … next time, just use your shoe and whack one of the big guys. Closest one usually will do the trick.”

“Hush, Sway,” Davey scolds with a giggle.

“What? Am I wrong?”

“I’ve dreamed of this moment every goddamn day since I had to leave,” I tell my brother.

I stand straight, my brother mirroring the movement, reluctantly letting Olivia’s hand fall from my hold. I wouldn’t have let go, but after that I need to know she’s okay more than I need her as a safety blanket.

I see Olivia walk into Sway’s awaiting embrace. She steps into his side, and his arm closes around her shoulder. I look from his hand to her face, meeting her uncovered eye and seeing only love reflecting toward me. I get that slight uptick of her lip that I fucking love and with a small nod to her, I return my attention to my brother. She’s still feeding me strength, even from across the room.

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