Home > Indecency : A Dark Billionaire Romance(37)

Indecency : A Dark Billionaire Romance(37)
Author: Remy Kingsley

“Well, that’s all Axel was trying to say. Neither one of us wants to see you get hurt again, man,” Declan says, clapping me on the back.

“I’m in love with her,” I admit, and Declan looks surprised.

“Shit, man. I didn’t know it was that serious,” he says.

“Yeah, well, it is. At least to me.”

We’re both quiet for a minute, staring into our drinks.

“I hate to say it, but I think Axel really needs to meet a good girl, you know? I mean, you settled down and got your shit together when you were with Jasmine, and now Madison. Maybe Axel needs a woman to tame his wild ways,” Declan grins.

“You know, you might be right. Being in a real relationship definitely changes things,” I say, thinking of Madison and how I’d rather be in bed with her right now than in this club.

“But he’s never going to meet a nice girl at a place like this,” Declan observes, gesturing around him to the club.

“Maybe we can set him up with somebody,” I muse.

“Sure, does Madison have any cute friends you could introduce him to? Oh, wait, Clara is her best friend,” Declan teases wickedly. I playfully punch him in the shoulder, glad to see that he, at least, isn’t upset with me.

“Hey, shut up,” I say, unable to keep from smiling.

“Let’s get out of here and go to a normal sports bar or something. Axel can stay and play all he wants, but this place weirds me out,” says Declan, finishing his drink.

I send Maddox a text telling him where Declan and I are headed, and with that, we leave our empty glasses at the bar and walk out the door.









The next morning, I grab coffee and bagels from a place near Maddox’s house, hoping breakfast in bed will help alleviate his anger at me for blowing him off last night.

Clara and I both fell asleep on the couch, although I kept myself awake most of the night to make sure she was okay. I was worried she might not remember our truce from the night before. But she woke up and turned her head, which was still in my lap, to face me, and I saw she was smiling despite having a vicious hangover.

“Thanks for taking care of me,” she said quietly.

“Of course,” I murmured. “What are friends for?”

“Best friends,” she replied, and suddenly all was right in my world.

I told her how I’d inadvertently blown off Maddox last night.

“Oh, he’ll get over it. Just bring him some food and he’ll be fine. Who could stay mad at you?” she said.

“You did,” I pointed out.

“Well, whatever. We’re fine now. In fact, I’ll even let you take my car to go see him.”

So, I pick up the bagels and coffee (another recommendation from Clara, who said it’s Maddox’s favorite breakfast place) and head to Maddox’s house.

Wanting to surprise him, I remove the hidden key from the potted plant by his front door, smiling as I think about how he did the same to me not too long ago. We’ve come so far since then.

I climb up the stairs to his bedroom and push open the door.

Maddox is fast asleep, sprawled shirtless across his giant bed. I set the food down on the bedside table and crawl under the covers next to him.

He stirs, then rolls over and opens his eyes. He looks puzzled to see me at first, then smiles.

“Hey, you,” he says groggily. His breath smells like alcohol.

“I’m so sorry about last night,” I say, snuggling into him. “Clara was having an emergency—”

“Is she okay?” Maddox looks alarmed.

“She’s fine, everything’s fine now. We made up,” I say, grinning.

“That’s great,” he says, sounding relieved.

“My phone died and I didn’t have a chance to charge it. I’m so, so sorry.”

“It’s okay,” Maddox yawns. “I can think of a few ways you could make it up to me…”

He reaches his arm over and starts sliding it down my pants. I look down at his hand as it makes its way down my body.

And that’s when I see it.

A bright red star, inked onto the back of his hand.

At the sight of it, my heart stops beating and my blood runs cold.

“What…what is that?” I say faintly, even though I know exactly what it is. I recognize that star. It’s the exact one the sex club uses to stamp people’s hands upon entry. It would be hard to forget; it took me forever to completely scrub it away after our night there together.

“What’s what?” Maddox frowns, looking down at his hand. He notices the star and looks sheepish. “Oh, that. Listen—”

But I don’t want to listen.

“How could you do this to me?” I cry, flying out of bed. Maddox looks bewildered. “What, I missed plans with you one time, so you just go to the fucking sex club? I wasn’t around, so you just found someone else to fuck? Was your ex there?!”

“Madison, please, calm down, I wasn’t—”

“Don’t tell me to calm down!” I scream. “I was afraid of this! I knew you wouldn’t ever take me seriously! Do you know how hard it was for me to let you in? I’ve never told anyone the stuff I’ve told you! I’ve never…” I lower my voice. “I’ve never let anyone touch me the way you have.”

“Madison, I swear to God, I—”

“No, let me finish!” I shout. “You told me you love me, Maddox. Was that just a lie to keep me around? Did I matter to you at all? Do you have any idea what I’ve been put through for you?! I almost lost my best friend, my grades are slipping… I’ve sacrificed so much…only to find out that you did this!”

I hold up his hand with the offensive star and start bawling. Maddox tries to speak, tries to console me, but I won’t hear him.

“Madison, please… The guys dragged me there, I didn’t even want to go… I only stayed for one drink at the bar. I never went past the front room… You have to understand, please…”

I hear his words, but they do nothing to assuage my anger toward him.

“It doesn’t matter,” I say through tears. “This is exactly what I was worried about. This is too hard, Maddox. You’re…you’re ruining my life,” I say quietly.

Maddox looks up at me from the bed like I’ve punched him.

“Don’t say that… Madison, please…” he pleads.

“I’ve got to go, Maddox… Don’t call me anymore, okay?”

And with that, I storm out of the house and drive off, leaving the bagels and coffee untouched on the nightstand.









I lie back against my pillow with my hands covering my eyes. What the fuck just happened?

After Madison leaves, I’m confused, hungover, devastated, and pissed. I should probably run after her, but I don’t even know what I would say.

I don’t know if I’m more upset with Madison for abandoning me, Axel for dragging me to that club last night, or myself for being so stupid.

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