Home > The Sainthood (The Sainthood - Boys of Lowell High #1-3)(199)

The Sainthood (The Sainthood - Boys of Lowell High #1-3)(199)
Author: Siobhan Davis

Theo’s eyes blaze with warning as he holds me at arm’s length, but I know he’s not mad. While I won’t push him, because I promised, I’ve decided to help nudge him in the right direction, because I think he needs it. And okay, I might be a little more enthusiastic today, because they kissed last night and there was no guilt, no remorse, no second-guessing.

“Your seductive tactics won’t work either,” he says, adopting an affable tone. “Now get your sexy butt in the Lexus. We don’t need any more tardy slips on our records.”

Morning classes drag, but I have one free period I use to catch up on some homework, while ignoring requests from the career guidance counselor to meet in her office. I know she wants to discuss why my attendance has taken a nosedive these past couple months, and I really don’t want to lie to her, because I’ve always respected Mrs. Horkan, and she deserves better. It’s not like I can tell her exactly what’s been going down, and I don’t want to give her vague half-truths either because that would be an insult to our relationship. So, I’ve been dodging her attempts to corner me, feeling like a coward but accepting it’s minor in the grand scheme of things.

The cafeteria buzzes with gossip as news of our wedding has reached the masses. Envious glances follow me as I walk across the room with my tray. “I hear congrats are in order,” Emmett says when I claim the seat across from him.

“I’ll accept your congratulations if you mean it,” I say, popping a piece of bread in my mouth.

“I didn’t say I understood it, but I was sincere because I can tell they make you happy.” He slurps on his Coke, slanting me a lopsided grin. “Guess there’s no accounting for taste,” he quips on purpose as Saint arrives at the table.

Saint slams his tray down, sitting beside me, drumming his fingers on the table. “Careful, ass face. Being friends with my wife doesn’t give you concessions. You’ll treat me with respect like the rest of this fucking school.”

“I see your ego is alive and well and living on its own planet,” Emmett replies, no longer scared of pushing his buttons. He knows I’d never let them do anything to jeopardize Lynn’s treatment at the hospital. “And I don’t answer to you. I’m friends with your wife. You’re nothing to me.” He jabs his fork in the air, making his point clear.

Saint’s lips tug up at the corners in begrudging admiration.

“Be nice, Emmett,” I warn, because he can’t disregard Saint in public like this. I slide my fingers between Saint’s. “Saint is my husband, and I expect you to treat him the same way I’d treat your wife or girlfriend—with respect and like an extension of you.”

“The other Saints are fair game now, right?” a feminine voice says from behind, cutting into our conversation. I twist around in my seat, watching a small dark-haired girl with big boobs and beady eyes drape herself all over Galen.

Galen meets my eyes, urging me to go for it. Saint smirks while Caz chuckles and Theo quietly observes.

I take my time getting out of my chair, my rage expanding every time the bitch paws at my man.

“Who are you?” I ask, towering over her. Menace drips from my tone, but she’s either too dumb or stupidly brave because she doesn’t even flinch, continuing to run her long nails up and down Galen’s arm. His lips twitch in amusement as he waits to see how I’ll handle it.

“I’m Josie.” She juts her chin out, as if I’ve offended her because I haven’t a clue who she is.

“Well, Josie.” I push myself right into her personal space. “It seems you’re laboring under a misconception. Allow me to set you straight.” I grab her arm, yanking her away from Galen. “What part of we’re married do you not understand?”

She attempts to wrench from my grip, and that pisses me off, so I tighten my hold on her arm and force her to the ground, pinning my boot on her calves to keep her there. She glares up at me, and her cheeks darken with a mixture of anger and embarrassment. But she gets the message, and she stops fighting. “You’re married to Saint. What’s that got to do with Galen?” she hisses.

Her belligerent tone irritates me, and I’m already getting bored. “I married all of them. Check their hands.” I project my voice across the now silent room, ensuring everyone gets the message. All four guys lift their hands, showcasing their black wedding bands. Low murmurs descend across the cafeteria.

“I…I didn’t know.”

“Clearly.” I narrow my eyes to slits, slicing her with imaginary daggers before letting her go. “Next time you touch what belongs to me, I won’t be so charitable.” She gawks at me, her expression a mix of shocked disbelief and jealous anger. “Now fuck off before I change my mind and decide to make an example of you.”

Her nostrils flare and her eyes darken with pure venom as she scrambles to her feet. She looks two seconds away from lunging at me, so I pull my Strider from its sheath, tracing my finger along the sharp blade. “This isn’t an accessory.” I pin her with a deadly look. “And if you’re still here in three seconds, I’ll happily demonstrate just how skilled I am with a knife.”

Caz howls with laughter when she hightails it out of the cafeteria like she’s got a bee up her butt. Guess she’s not so dumb after all.

“That was cruel, Lo,” Sean says, joining the conversation for the first time.

“It was,” I admit, reclaiming my seat. “But it was necessary. The guys don’t have time to fend off hordes of drooling women. I’ve just resolved the issue.”

“That shit still turns me the fuck on,” Saint admits, making no effort to lower his voice.

“Want me to suck you off in the bathroom?” I offer.

“Hell yeah,” Caz replies.

“She wasn’t offering to blow you,” Saint smugly retorts.

“And you got your rocks off in the bathroom at my house yesterday,” Galen interjects.

Emmett almost chokes on his soda. “Is that all you do?”

“Fuck?” Galen smirks, popping a brow.

“Pretty much,” I confess, grinning. “I’ve got four guys to please. It’s a tough job, but someone has to do it.”

We all burst out laughing, and it’s a much-needed tension reliever.

“Have you heard from Bry?” I ask Saint as we exit the cafeteria later, making our way to class.

“No, and he’s starting to piss me off. How long does it take to talk to your brother?” Saint says, sliding his hand into the back pocket of my jeans as we walk.

“You think he’s still lying?” I ask.

“I think Diesel is correct,” Theo says before Saint replies. “His brother is the issue. Not Bryant.”

“I agree,” Galen says. “Bryant appeared to be telling the truth.”

“Let me call him after school. See if he’ll meet with me. I’ll get to the bottom of it.” I have a good relationship with Bry, and if he’s going to divulge anything to anyone, it’ll be me. If there’s a problem with his brother, we need to know now. Not after he’s gone to the authorities and handed our asses to them on a platter.

“Okay,” Saint relents, kissing me when we reach my classroom. His cell pings in his pocket, and he groans. “Is Sinner still hounding you?” I inquire because he’s been blowing up his phone nonstop since Mom disappeared Saturday night.

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