Home > The Sainthood (The Sainthood - Boys of Lowell High #1-3)(202)

The Sainthood (The Sainthood - Boys of Lowell High #1-3)(202)
Author: Siobhan Davis

Bry was calling his brother’s bluff, and it paid off. I nod in Bry’s direction, conveying my thanks.

“You should know,” I say, eyeing Howie from my seat on Saint’s lap. “That Sinner doesn’t care about that recording. We are the ones who want it back. If you hand it to the authorities, he’d probably pat you on the back and thank you for getting rid of a problem for him.”

Bry folds his arms across his body, leaning back against the wall, fixing his brother with an “I told you so” look.

Howie shakes his head. “Sinner would do anything to protect his flesh and blood. It’s why…” He stops himself midsentence, leaning forward on the back of the chair, stabbing Saint with a curious look.

“Why what?” Saint grits out.

“Why wouldn’t he do everything to protect his only son?” Howie asks instead of answering Saint’s question.

“He’s never cared about me,” Saint admits, his voice devoid of emotion. “Even now, he only tolerates me because he’s arrogant enough to want someone carrying his name to continue a tradition of leadership within The Sainthood.”

“I’ve heard stories. I know what you guys do.”

“We do what we have to, to survive,” Galen snaps. “That doesn’t mean any of us like it or choose it.”





“DON’T YOU GET it?” Caz says. “We were born into this world. All of us, but Theo. Even then, he had little choice when his parents disowned him. Sinner preys on those who are vulnerable, and he manipulates people into carrying out his will.”

“He’s very good at it,” I add. “And he traps people into corners so there is no way out. That’s why he’s able to get the wider membership to agree to test-drive sex trafficking as a new business model.” My tone drips with disgust, and the air is heavy with tension.

Howie’s jaw flexes as he stares at Saint in a way that’s starting to make me uncomfortable. If he makes one move against my man, I will flatten his ass to the floor and slice his skin to shreds before he’s even blinked.

“My brother has told me you’re a prick. How are you any different from your father?”

Saint turns his head to Bry, arching a brow, seemingly nonplussed about the comparison, but we all know the rage bubbling under the surface, because there is nothing Saint hates more than being compared to that sick psycho bastard.

Bry levels Saint with an earnest look, not shying away from the truth. “You know you’re a prick. I didn’t tell any lies, but my brother seems to have misinterpreted it.” Bry walks over to Howie, standing in front of him. “Yes, Saint’s a prick. So is Galen. So am I. Lo is a complete bitch at times.”

I grin, because I take that as a compliment.

“But I never said Saint was like Sinner, because that’s not true,” he continues. “Saint isn’t like his dad. He isn’t a cold-blooded murdering bastard of women and torturer of children.” He looks over at us, waggling his brows. “He loves Lo, and he’d take a bullet for his cousin and his friends. His loyalty may be hard-earned, but it’s steadfast. Sinner doesn’t know the meaning of that word, and he’s incapable of anything even close to love.”

“Is it true?” Howie asks, clutching the back of the chair.

There’s a pregnant pause as we all wait to see how Saint responds. I’m wondering why we’re so focused on him and where this is leading, but I’m trying to summon patience. Saint slowly nods. “I hate him. He’s a bully and a psychopath, and I want to put him in jail where he can’t hurt me or anyone I love. He needs to be removed as Sainthood president before his poison infects every part of the organization.” His Adam’s apple bobs in his throat, and I know this is tough for him. Frankly, I’m surprised he’s being so open, but there’s a weird vibe in the air, something I can’t put my finger on.

“When I was little, I was his punching bag,” Saint adds. “Now that I’m older, I’m a minion he pushes around to do his bidding. I’ve always been a means to an end for him. That’s all. I’ve never meant anything else.”

A crack appears in my heart, and I bleed for my broken man. Inside, I curse Sinner for the damage he’s caused, and I curse his mother for running off and leaving him with a monster.

A strangled sound rips through the air, and I eye Howie curiously when he drops to his knees on the floor in front of us. Bry stiffens, his brow puckering. Saint goes rigidly still underneath me.

“I had no idea it was like that for you growing up. I should’ve stayed here. I should’ve taken care of you and Bryant,” Howie says.

“What the fuck are you talking about?” Bryant snaps, rubbing his temples.

Howie gulps, looking up at his brother. “I didn’t tell you the whole truth.”

Tension is so thick you could slice it with a knife. I cling harder to Saint, because I sense a whirlwind is coming.

“What are you saying?” Bryant asks, his gaze dancing between his brother and Saint.

“Sinner didn’t murder your sister because she knew too much,” Howie admits.

My eyes lift to Galen’s, and I see the moment it registers with him too.

Holy fuck.

Howie turns to Saint. “Sinner knocked my sister up when she was just nineteen. She was so sweet, so pure, until she met that bastard,” he hisses.

My heart is lodged in my throat as I look at Saint’s shell-shocked expression. I can tell he’s connected the dots too. “He ruined her. Abused her. Beat her. Forced her to take drugs even when she was pregnant. Now that I know about his history with Giana, it makes sense. He knocked Jess up on purpose after he found out Giana was expecting Harlow. It was some sick retaliation. I knew Sinner was dangerous the first time I met him, and after I checked him out, I was even more worried. I begged Jess to leave him, but she refused. She loved him up until the end, when he told her point-blank he never loved her, that Giana was the only woman he would ever love.”

I hold Saint tight, and his body trembles as anger rolls off him in waves. Tears prick my eyes, and I want Howie to be wrong about this, but my gut says he’s telling us the truth.

“What happened?” Theo asks. “What did Sinner do?”

Howie eyeballs Saint. “Jess realized what a monster he was, and she planned to run away with her baby. I helped her to get a new ID, and she fled to Texas a couple of weeks before she was due to give birth. I helped her get settled in the little two-bedroom house she found, but I had enlisted by then, and I was gone a few days later.” He swipes at the tears pooling in his eyes. “I should never have left her alone. She wouldn’t let me call our mom because Mom was still grieving our dad plus she was pregnant with Bryant.”

Bry is as white as a ghost, and it’s obvious this is the first time he’s hearing this.

Howie maintains focus on Saint. “Sinner found her, and he refused to let her leave until she’d had the baby. Jess gave birth to you in that house, and he took you from her the second you were born.” Tears stream down his face, and I’m fighting to keep my emotions in check. “She never even got to hold you. That bastard listened to her scream and cry and plead for you.” Murderous rage washes over his features. “He killed her right there and then,” he sobs. “Burned her body, and buried what was left of her in the backyard.”

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