Home > Ethan (Confessions #7)(13)

Ethan (Confessions #7)(13)
Author: Ella Frank

Chloé gasped, her cheeks flushed pink, and Ethan had his answer.

“Are you really going to say no to a chance to experience that?”

She swallowed and looked back down at the papers, clearly trying to decide how far she was willing to go. “This feels a lot like a business deal.”

“It is a business deal.” She flinched, but Ethan wasn’t about to sugarcoat this shit. “You get one night with us, and during that night, we get to do whatever we want to you.”

“Whatever you want?”

“Within your limits, of course. That’s why we’re giving you this.”

“I…I don’t know. This contract, the submissive part, I wasn’t expecting that. I just thought—”

“That we would fuck.”

Chloé nodded. “Yes.”

“That’s not how we play, and if you want us, these are the rules. If you aren’t sure, then we might as well end this now.”

“That’s not what I said.”

“Then you need to make a choice.” He pointed at the papers. “That isn’t just a contract—it’s also a cheat sheet. It’s designed for us to understand what you want and for you to understand what we want. There are questions so we know what your limits are. But if you’re not interested, then maybe we can find you someone else.”

Over his dead body.

She seemed to think about that for a minute and then reached for the papers. “Can I take it home and think about it?”

Ethan looked at Zayne, who grinned in triumph. Gotcha.

“Of course. But we’ll expect your answer by next Friday, midnight.”






I’ve always struggled with who to listen to.

The angel on my shoulder or the devil himself.

But why choose, when both sleep in your bed?

~ Zayne



ZAYNE STARED DOWN the street as Chloé’s car disappeared around the corner, and thought about everything that had just gone down.

He’d known that Ethan was interested in her yesterday, but after having to put the brakes on, he hadn’t been sure which way Ethan would take things tonight.

He had his answer now, though. Hell, he’d had it the second Chloé walked into the office and finally stepped in between them.

The subtle shift in Ethan’s voice, the unmistakable interest in his eyes, the way he’d tested whether she would follow a simple order—it all pointed to which way Ethan had landed, and the paperwork confirmed it.

Now, they were just waiting on Chloé.

He headed back into the club and, after a quick goodnight to Lillian, exited through a hidden door into a private hallway. He made his way down to their personal elevator, and a quick ride later, it opened up into their apartment.

Zayne walked inside, tossed his keys on the kitchen counter, and heard the shower upstairs running. He smiled and headed across the hardwood floors. The glow from the moon was the only source of light, as it shone through the three arched windows at the far end of their apartment.

He passed through to the open living room, where an L-shaped sofa bordered a plush rug, and a large, heavy coffee table made from metal and wood sat in the center of the space. It complemented the industrial architecture of the overall design, which had been one of the main appeals of the building—besides the lower floors and basement.

It was exactly what they’d been looking for out of old Chicago, and damn had she delivered.

Zayne made his way over to the wrought-iron stairs and headed up to a landing that split off in two directions. It was tempting to go up to the roof and get a better look at the night sky, but the running water in the en suite of their room was irresistible.

He took the stairs two at a time, entered their room, and caught sight of the open bathroom door. Ethan was still in the shower, the steam from the warm water fogging up the glass, and while Zayne was tempted to strip down and join him, the idea of watching was one he would never pass up. He kicked off his shoes and took a seat on their king-sized bed, and just as he was settling in, the water turned off.

Ethan appeared from behind the glass and, like any predator who enjoyed the hunt, zeroed in on what he wanted most. Zayne was really fucking happy that was him—because damn, that look was potent.

“Did she get off okay?”

He knew Ethan was talking, saw that his mouth was moving, but after their week apart, Zayne was more interested in getting closer to the naked body in front of him. Perfectly toned, perfectly proportioned—there wasn’t one mark on Ethan’s flawless physique. He was the ultimate illusion. He had the face of an angel and the appetite of the devil.

“Zayne,” Ethan said as he picked up a towel and ran it over his body. “Did she get off okay?”

“Yeah, she’s probably home or close to it by now.”

“Good.” Ethan threw the towel onto the counter. “That’s good.”

Zayne nodded, his words a little difficult to find now that all the blood in his head was pulsing in his dick.

“And you?” Ethan trailed his fingers down Zayne’s cheek. “Are you good?”

“If I don’t count my throbbing cock, yeah, I’m great.”

Ethan looked down at the bulge behind Zayne’s jeans. “Well, we definitely shouldn’t discount your throbbing cock. That never leads anywhere good.”

“Last time I checked, it always leads to you.”

“Exactly. Nowhere good.”

Zayne was about to disagree when Ethan gestured to his jeans.

“Get rid of these.”

Zayne pulled down the zipper and shoved his jeans off.

“Lie back on the bed,” Ethan said as he stroked himself. “Arms out to the side. I want to look at you.”

Zayne did as he was told, relaxing back on the comforter in a pose he knew well.

“Are you happy with what happened tonight?” Ethan asked.

“I’ll be happier when you do something about this.” Zayne jutted his hips up.

“Answer the question.”

“Yeah, I’m happy. We would’ve had her last night if that white band hadn’t been there. But…”

“But what?”

“What’s with the decision to take things off site? You never said back in the office.”

Ethan climbed up onto the mattress and straddled his lap. “Are you doubting me?”

“No, never. But—”

“I’m getting sick and tired of hearing that word on your tongue tonight, Zayne.”

Ethan moved again, and this time put a knee to each of Zayne’s arms, pinning him to the mattress. Jesus, that fucking burned. But it was worth it, because nothing in the world beat this view.

“In fact”—Ethan shifted up on his knees so he could brush the head of his dick across Zayne’s lips—“I think we should erase it right now. Open your mouth.”



ZAYNE COPELAND WOULD be the death of Ethan. He was the only person alive who could ever make him doubt himself.

He knew the decision he’d made earlier was exactly what all three of them needed. It was the safe, smart option if things were going to get physical. But that wasn’t going to happen if there was any kind of doubt lingering in this bed. That wasn’t how they worked. They worked on trust. But it appeared that Zayne needed a little reminder of that fact. A reminder Ethan was more than happy to dole out.

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