Home > Royal Watch (Royal Watch #1)(28)

Royal Watch (Royal Watch #1)(28)
Author: Stacey Marie Brown

“You fucking touch her again…” Lennox jumped down on him, clutching his neck in a viselike grip, his body shaking with fury. “You look in her direction, see her from a distance, or even think about her… and you will be the one paying. I promise you that.”

“You idiot!” The lord choked through Lennox’s grip. “Do you know who I am? I will destroy you. You are nothing!”

Lennox’s fist cracked across his face, spurting blood across the rug from the old man’s nose, slamming his head back. Seizing his chin, he twisted the man’s face to his, getting in really close.

“Come at me, old man.” Lennox threatened, his voice raw and vicious. “I have killed people who were less garbage than you. Without thought. I will have no problem taking you out. You even think about touching another girl without her consent again, I will find you. Count on that… sir.” Lennox shoved the man’s head into the ground, stood up, and moved to me.

“Come on,” Lennox said softly, his fingers touching my elbow, steering me toward the private residence.

“You are nothing! I will destroy you, boy! You won’t be able to show your face in this country again! You are dead!”

Ignoring his threats, Lennox guided me down the hall, one hand lightly on my back, the other holding my arm.

Shock kept me silent most of the journey, my head still not wrapping around what had just happened. I retched at Lord William’s touch still ghosting my skin, the stench of his breath still burning my nose.

I floated through the space, not really understanding anything until we reached my room, stepping across the threshold. My bare feet skated across the floor; my eyes locked on my red toenails.

“My shoes…” I muttered. “I need to get them.”

“Really?” Lennox lead me to the bed. “You’re thinking about your shoes right now?”

It was odd, but I didn’t want any evidence left.

“I will go get them.”

“No, you won’t.” Lennox plunked me down on the bed. “You will not leave this room.”


“No. I will get them later.” His warm hands gripped my arms. The feel of his touch was comforting, a buoy that kept me from going under.

“You promise?” My regard lifted to his face, not understanding my desperation to retrieve my shoes.

“Yes.” He nodded, his palms slipping down my arms, checking me out for marks. It was not sexual, but my skin flushed with electric goosebumps. “Did—did he do anything to you?”

“No.” I stared up at him, his eyes possessing mine as his hands dropped away. Instantly I missed the human connection of his touch. “But only because you came back. Thank you, Lennox.”

Our gazes locked on each other, the moment wrapping around us, blocking out the rest of the room. The gratitude I felt swelled through my veins.

“I don’t know…” A grin hinted on his face. “You seemed to be handling yourself just fine. You have a good right hook.”

My lips parted, a soft smile breaking over my face. His eyes dropped to my mouth for just a moment. It was a snap of fingers, a blink, and the playfulness shifted, and everything came alive. The intensity of what just happened drenched the space, wrapping around us like barbed wire and silk.

He inhaled and stepped back. “You’re shaking.” His attentions fluttered around the room, not landing on anything. “Your body is going through shock. You need some sugar to level out your blood sugar.”

“I’m fine.” I wrapped my arms around my waist, trying to stop the trembling in my arms as I stared at the flickering flames in the fireplace, draping the room in shadows.

“Funny, pretty sure I’m the one with years of military service and training, seen it dozens of times, but sure, you’re the expert.”

And the arsehole was back. Annoyance sliced my attention to him, before darting back to the fire.

“Fine. I will let you rest.” He sighed, moving to the exit, grabbing the door handle.

“No. Please. Don’t go.” I jumped up, the words popping off my tongue before my mind even knew what was happening. Fear of being left alone spiked through my blood, spiked through my hatred of him. “Stay with me.”

Lennox didn’t move, his hand on the door, his back to me, his shoulders rigid. Silence rang like a bell, tumbling embarrassment down on me like rain.

“Sorry, I didn’t mean…” What did I mean? The realization of what I had asked hit me. From a guy I loathed, who despised me. How desperate I must’ve sounded. “Forget it.”

He didn’t respond but straightened his spine, cracking the door open to step out.

“Don’t tell Theo what happened.” The fear of anyone finding out, especially Theo, bolted the plea from my chest.

“What?” He twisted his head around to stare at me, the denial of my request filling his expression, opening his mouth.

“Please.” I pressed my hand to my collarbone, my toes curling in the plush rug. “I don’t want anyone to know.” I knew speaking up against Lord William would be suicide here. In a place that already wanted me out, this would give them a reason. They’d take his side against mine, saying I was in search of attention. Someone who couldn’t handle an old man’s flirty ways wouldn’t be able to handle being a future queen. “Promise me.”


“You know what will happen if it gets out. I will be the one to fall on the sword.” I swallowed, my body still rattling with shock. “Plus, nothing happened. Let’s just leave it at that.”

“Nothing happened?” he bit out, his eyes flashing with fury. “He tried to assault you, Spencer.”

The sound of my name from his lips reverberated in my chest, bouncing around, forcing me to suck in.

“But he didn’t.” I ran my fingers through my hair, tugging on it as if I was trying to break the sensation he rattled through my bones. “You stopped it. So really, there is nothing to dispute against.”

“Are you fucking kidding me? You will let him get away with this?”

I leveled my gaze at him through my lashes, challenging him. Men didn’t get it. We were ruined if we spoke up and trashed if we didn’t. Everyone already knew he was like this but did nothing because of his stature and money. It almost felt like Lord William was a test. What I made of that encounter would determine my place here.

“It’s not your say.” My voice was clipped. “Thank you again, Lennox.” The dismissal was painted through my sentiment.

His regard leveled on mine, cutting through my skin. His mouth pressed together, his head bobbing.

“Good night, my lady,” he said stiffly, throwing open the door and shutting it behind him.

My lids shut at the sound of the door clicking, my body slumping back on the bed, a strange emptiness hollowing out my chest.

Not wanting to think about the events, all the things that could have happened, even the things William said about my family, I headed for the shower where I could wash this entire night off my skin, letting the smell and feel of that man slither down the drain.



Scrubbing my skin raw, the hot water eased my body and mind, making me crave sleep. I wrapped myself in the fluffy robe placed in my bathroom, set on crawling in bed and forgetting this whole night.

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