Home > Royal Watch (Royal Watch #1)(27)

Royal Watch (Royal Watch #1)(27)
Author: Stacey Marie Brown

“What is your problem?” I folded my arms, pushing back into him. “Look around you. Talk about privileged. You work for the royal family. Why does mine offend you so much? Why do I?”

“It doesn’t.” He arched an eyebrow. “I was making a point. You are not why I am working tonight. I’m on duty to watch over everything. There are a lot of guests and strangers going in and out. We always have to be ready. For thieves. For people using this as a way to sneak in.” He leaned into me. “For those trying to slice pretty throats like yours.”

My lids narrowed, anger stirring a beast inside me. I shoved him back, a growl in my throat as I grabbed my heels, storming away. His chuckle followed me down the hall, his footsteps barely audible across the rugs. I craned my neck to look behind me.

“What are you doing?” I snarled. “Go do your job watching the palace, and leave me alone.”

“Unfortunately, you are my primary job, and there are a lot of drunk nobles roaming around. Lord William has been known to get quite handsy when drinking. And not drinking. He is someone, as a woman, especially a young one, you avoid at all costs. My duty is to make sure you get back to your room unharmed.”

“Oh, my knight in shining armor, huh?” I snorted, curving down a hallway to the private residence, my shoes hanging off my fingers.

“Or the smartest predator here.” His timbre was low and taunting, and a slice of anxiety sank in my chest. Peering at him over my shoulder, his gaze burned into mine, his expression undetectable.

“Go. I don’t need you. I’m not helpless. I can walk to my damn room myself.”

“Not sure about that.”

“Bloody hell, Lennox!” I swung around. “Go away!”

His jaw twitched, his face trying to hide his real feelings. He clenched his teeth as he bowed, turning away from me, walking back toward the party.

Exhaling, I tried to push away the thread of guilt weaving in my gut. He deserved it. Complete wanker.

Stepping through the portrait gallery, my nerves buzzed with energy and aversion.

“Lady Sutton, right?” A man stepped out from the shadows, frightening me again, my shoes dropping on the wood floor with a clunk.

“I am so sorry to have startled you.” The man came closer, the dim light highlighting his features.

Oh, blooming biscuit. Speak of the devil, and he will rise.

Lord William. Easily in his late sixties, he was tall and thin but had a podgy belly that stuck out of his tux. His white hair had left his head and taken up residence as his eyebrows, nostril hair, and was dying a slow death on his lip. Some say in his day he was a ladies’ man, but those days appeared to be centuries ago, and he had yet to realize he was no longer the catch he once was. Though, with his misogynistic ego, I doubted he ever was. I had been at an event at fifteen where he had greasily hit on my mother and me at the same time.

He stepped closer, a leer shining in his light brown eyes and lifting his lip.

“You have grown up quite a bit since I last saw you.”

“Yes. Kids tend to do that.” I dipped my head, ready to walk around him, but he slid with me, blocking my way, causing alarms to go off in my head.

“Don’t run away so fast. Please, I would love such a stunning girl as you to keep me company.” He stepped closer to me, his breath smelling of stale whiskey. “You are a beautiful woman, Spencer. You look so much like your mother.”

“Thank you,” I replied briskly. “I really need to go. Theo is waiting for me.”

“Yes, you and the prince.” The hair in his nose wiggled. “Your uncle must be thrilled. How the mighty have fallen. Using you as a life raft. I must say he is tenacious.”

“I must go.” I tried to move around him again.

“Wait there, sweetheart.” His fingers wrapped around my arm.

“Let go.” I sneered at him.

“I just want to know how much you are worth to them; what is your family willing to take to stay afloat?” He leaned in, his grip tightening. “Because I am a billionaire. I have more money than the king. I could make your family very comfortable again.”

“What?” I jerked back, disbelief knocking me backward. “What are you talking about?”

“Please, my dear, you are not an ignorant little girl anymore. You know how much your family is in debt to me, to so many people.”

His statement punched me in the gut, my mind going numb to his accusations.

“You are lying to me.” Instinct had me wanting to defend my family, to not let a weasel like Lord William wiggle in with doubt. But I recalled my father’s words, telling me we couldn’t afford my schooling, even if Fredrick let me go. I knew we weren’t doing great, but what the Lord was suggesting seemed way past a few tough months. “I don’t believe you.”

“I am not a fool, Spencer. Do not treat me as such. I know why you are here, even if no one else does.” His glossy eyes rolled over me hungrily. “Fredrick couldn’t have picked better bait for the prince if he tried. You are delectable, my dear. And I think it would be in your best interest if I got to have you.”

Bile coated my throat, churning my stomach with disgust. “You are disgusting.” I tried to pull out of his grip. “Does your wife know you proposition teen girls?”

“She understands a man has desires. Women hit a certain age and can no longer provide for all a man’s needs.” His fingers slid over my bare shoulder, rushing vomit up my esophagus. “To touch skin this soft and tight makes me feel virile and vigorous.” His tongue ran over his dry lip. “You are not a child anymore, Spencer. You are a sexy young woman.”

“Don’t touch me.” I tried to yank out of his grip, but he clamped down harder. Using his weight, he shoved me up against the wall, fixing me to the paneling, his mouth trying to lean in and reach mine.

“Noooo!” I screamed, clawing and punching at his chest, fear turning me feral. He shifted, blocking my legs from moving, his weight fully on me, locking me in his hold.

“I want to sample before I buy.” He tried to kiss me again, his stinky breath spluttering over my cheek as I twisted my head away from him. “If you please me, I will pay handsomely for you. You could save your family, Spencer. Don’t you want that?” He clasped my chin, forcing my face back to his. “Don’t turn away from me, girl.”

“Get. Off. Me,” I spit, my body thrashing underneath his, my fight only causing his erection to grow against my leg. He clasped a hand over my mouth, pushing into me.

“Got some fight in you. Like a filly.” His voice vibrated with desire, his hand grabbing roughly at my breast through the fabric, working to get under the dress. “So much vitality and spunk. Oh, Ms. Sutton, you will be a dream to sink into.”

Terror sizzled up my spine, lashing down my limbs, my body wiggling enough that he lost his grip on me. Shoving him back, I tried to bolt to the side. His hand clamped down on my wrist. Without a thought, my first swung around, my knuckles bursting across his cheek.

“Ah,” he cried, stumbling back, his hand going to his face with shock. “You little bitch! You will pay for that,” he snarled, leaping for me.

Suddenly his body flew backward, his spine crashing to the floor with a loud thud.

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