Home > From Cold Ashes Risen (The War Eternal #3)(64)

From Cold Ashes Risen (The War Eternal #3)(64)
Author: Rob J. Hayes

"Stop!" The Sourcerer standing beside the throne was a Necromancer and his order carried a weight my Cursed could not ignore. Even as more of them forced their way through the throne room doors, the royal guard advanced upon them, swords cutting them down in a one-sided massacre. Two of the soldiers turned my way, braving the Arcstorm, their enchanted armour absorbing the lightning strikes.

They attacked as one, too well-trained to come at me one at a time. I had seen their like before, had fought against them before. Long ago, up on the tallest tower of Fort Vernan, at the Fall of Orran. Terrelan royal guard with their enchanted armour and weapons, leaping through portals and charging toward Josef and I. I had fought them then and defeated many, but I had Sources then, magic at my command.

Now you have something even better.

They thought me weak and slow from weeks or months of torture and malnourishment. They did not count on the fear lending me so much strength. I ducked and dodged sideways from the first of the soldiers, meeting the second head on. I think he assumed his armour would protect him from my wings, but they were not formed from Photomancy and there was no magic at play. My right wing slammed into the man, knocking him to his back and skewering him through the neck and waist where his armour was thinnest. The second soldier was on me in a moment and would have cut me down if not for Ssserakis' reactions. My horror blocked the strike with my other wing and wrapped it around the man, crushing him so fast he barely had time to scream.

Brace yourself.

I crouched down low and Ssserakis threw my wings forward, sending the bodies of both soldiers crashing into the ranks of their comrades. It did little to phase them. With the Necromancer subverting my will, the Cursed could do nothing but stand still while the royal guard tore them to shreds. The throne room floor grew wet with blood as more and more of my minions died, even as others forced their way through the palace doors, only to fall into the same trap as the others. The Necromancer needed to die.

We but need to get close. I leapt, shadowy wings beating hard as they drove me up and forwards towards the throne. Aras Terrelan let out a screech and the fear sent a jolt of pleasure through me even as the Necromancer flicked a hand my way. An invisible forced smashed into me, driving me sideways to crash against the far wall of the throne room. Wood splintered beneath the impact and the air was forced from my lungs. I would have been dead, but for my shadow absorbing much of the impact.

I cannot sustain your shadow for much longer, Eskara. There was strain in my horror's voice. Even with all the fear it had gorged upon and even with the fear of an entire city nearby as legions of the Cursed slaughtered everyone they could find. Even then, we were burning through Ssserakis' power too fast.

My Arcstorm had retreated back inside when the kinetic wave hit me, so I struggled back to my feet, my wings giving me stability. The lantern was still in my right hand, the flame long since gone out, but the glass still miraculously intact. I reached out and drew on my Source, sending bolts of lightning ripping through the air, snaking their way towards the Necromancer by the throne. Again, the Emperor let out a shriek of warning and the Sourcerer waved another hand my way, the lightning veering sideways to strike the wall behind the throne, scoring smoking black marks along its finery.

A Necromancer, an Arcmancer, and a Kinemancer all rolled into one. I was running out of ideas; I knew exactly how powerful a defence those combination of magics could weave. Stop trying to use brute force. We have other tools at our disposal.


Fear. Make her fear us!

"Kill her!" the Emperor screamed again, pointing at me. Neither Prena, nor the Sourcerer moved, and the royal guard were too busy cutting down my Cursed. I could feel their numbers dwindling. Out in the city, the dead were already beyond counting, but here in the palace there were few of them left, and too many being sent back to death.

Ssserakis was right. I didn't need to kill this Sourcerer. I only needed her attention, to distract her from holding back my Cursed. I took a step forwards, letting my shadow pool around me. It rose and flickered like black flames. My wings crouched over my shoulders like a hawk waiting to swoop in and strike. My face was gaunt and ghoulish, my eyes flashed, and I focused my unwavering gaze on the Sourcerer. She glanced my way, but only for a moment, and flicked her hand again. I expected the blow this time and braced against it, one wing held up protectively, the other digging into the floor of the throne room, giving me the support I needed. Another step. And another. The Sourcerer glanced my way again and this time her eyes lingered on me, noticing my focused intent. I knew I had her right then. She tried a couple more times to throw me back with Kinemancy, but each time I dug in and resisted the blow, shrugging it off only to continue my slow pace toward her. The room grew darker, for us at least, I don't think anyone noticed. I could see the sweat standing out on her face, young but lined from stress, hair a slick severe bun tied above her head. I was maybe ten paces away when she broke, turning her attention from the Cursed and hurling her full power at me. It was useless. I absorbed the Arcmancy, letting it fuel the Arcstorm inside and used it to erect a shield around me. Kinemancy may be a kinetic wave, but it is still magic, and my Arcshield deflected her attacks.

My slow pacing continued and the Sourcerer grew more and more frantic, her fear of me giving the darkness a tangible quality. That's the odd truth about that ability of Ssserakis', the darkness does not really exist except in the mind of the person under its sway. Outside of that unnatural darkness, my Cursed surged back into motion and the royal guard suddenly found themselves in the middle of a fight they had not been prepared for.

By the time I reached the foot of the throne, the Sourcerer was a babbling mess, her sobbing barely audible over the sounds of the fighting. She was no threat to me anymore. I'm pretty sure she'd wet herself. Aras Terrelan wasn't far off either. He pushed himself into his throne yet had nowhere else to retreat to. Only Prena stood between us now, hand on sword hilt, but not yet drawn.

"Kill her!" Again, the shriek from the Emperor. We both ignored him.

She doesn't fear us. Doesn't fear death.

"Stand aside." My words were quiet, pitched for menace rather than command. Despite all Prena had done, despite her standing by and watching while I was tortured, I found I didn't wish her dead. Neither did I wish her a long life. I found quite simply that I just didn't care. If she got in my way, I would kill her. If she stood aside, I would leave her and be thankful if I never heard the name Prena Neralis ever again.

I was within striking distance and could remember well the feeling of Prena stabbing me once before, but I would not show fear to her. Especially not when I was so close to my quarry. How long did we stare at each other? I don't know for sure, only that when that contest of will was over, I was not the one to turn away.

"Prena, what are you doing?" Aras Terrelan hissed as his bodyguard turned and walked away. "First Blade Neralis, I order you to get back here and defend me!"

Prena ignored the Emperor, moving to the side of the room. The Sourcerer was curled into a ball next to the throne, rocking back and forth between sobs. The royal guard were up to their necks with my Cursed, desperately trying to survive even as the numbers of the dead swelled with every death.

"There's no one left to save you, Aras. Die with some dignity." He tried; I'll give him that. The Emperor of Terrelan wiped fearful tears from his eyes, straightened his jacket, and launched himself at me, a dagger flashing from his shirt sleeve. I turned aside, letting him stumble past me, his momentum carrying him. Tamura had taught me well how to flow like water, and even emaciated and weary, my body remembered the lessons. I kicked Aras Terrelan in the back on the knee, forcing him down, and whipped the noose from around my waist with my one hand, looping it over his head. Then, with a knee placed on his back, and my hand on the rope, I strangled the life from the Terrelan Emperor.

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