Home > The Name of All Things(170)

The Name of All Things(170)
Author: Jenn Lyons

Gorokai—female—a chimeric, constantly shape-changing dragon.

Morios—male—metal dragon made entirely from blades, swords, and other weapons. Vague stories about Morios survive from confiscated dreth accounts from Raenena. The creature was previously believed to be fictional. Last seen at Atrine. Cannot be harmed in direct combat.

Rol’amar—male—described as a skeletal-looking dragon whose bones continually break and heal. Believed impossible to kill by any known means. Last seen in the Korthaen Blight.

Sharanakal—male—described as an active volcano shaped like a dragon. Last seen in the island chains between Xherias and the Manol, an area known as the Desolation.

Xaloma—female—bioluminescent ghostly dragon who can move between the Veils of the Twin Worlds at will.






Aeyan’arric (EYE-ann-AR-ik)—a dragon.

Afterlife, the—a dark mirror of the living world; souls go to the Afterlife after death, hopefully to move on to the Land of Peace.

Agari (ag-AR-eye)—Marakori clan.

Agolé (ah-GOAL-aye)—a versatile scarf-like garment that can be worn in a number of ways.

Alvaros (AL-var-os)—a ward in Jorat.

Arasgon (AIR-as-gon)—a fireblood, Talaras’s brother.

Argas (AR-gas)—one of the Eight Immortals. Considered the god of invention and innovation.

Ash Flower—a Joratese farm horse.

Atrine (at-rin-EE)—capital of the dominion of Jorat, originally built by Emperor Atrin Kandor.

A’val (ah-VAL)—a friend of C’indrol’s.

Avranila (AV-ran-il-AY)—a small town in Tolamer Canton, in the Stavira ward of Jorat. Not directly affected by the Lonezh Hellmarch, but depopulated later as its residents moved away in search of better economic opportunities.




Baelosh (BAY-losh)—a dragon.

Baramon, Sir (BARE-ah-mon)—an aging knight who works the tournament circuit, primarily in Barsine Banner.

Barsine Banner (bar-SEEN-ee)—a district in Jorat.

Bikeinoh (beh-KEEN-oh)—Duke Kaen’s second wife.

Bitsy—an alias used by Dorna.

Black Knight, the—an expected figure in Joratese tournaments, meant to represent the unpredictable hand of the divine, often the only way titled nobles may compete in tournaments. Usually used for comic relief.

Blood of Joras (JOR-as)—a Joratese term for any wizard not of either Joratese, Marakori, or Yoran extraction.

Butterbelly—a deceased fence and member of the Shadowdancers who worked in the Capital.




Caless (kal-LESS)—goddess of physical love.

Censure—a Joratese custom by which a noble may be removed from power without bloodshed; at least 50 percent of the noble’s vassals typically present the titled noble with gifts, indicating that they have higher idorrá than the noble. Since one must present gifts to a noble in person to Censure them, nobles worried about Censure often travel extensively.

Cherthog (cher-THOG)—a god of winter and ice, primarily worshipped in Yor.

C’indrol (SIN-drol)—of of the past lives of Janel Theranon. Possibly a voras who died during the destruction of Karolaen.

Cloud—a Joratese gelding.

Coldwater—a small village in Barsine Banner.

Cornerstones, the—eight magical artifacts; the Stone of Shackles and Chainbreaker are two of these.




Dango (dang-O)—one of Ninavis’s crew.

Danorak (dan-OR-ak)—a fireblood who famously rode himself to death, in an attempt to warn people of Emperor Kandor’s intention to flood the Endless Canyon (which resulted in the creation of Lake Jorat).

D’Aramarin (day-ar-a-MAR-in)—the first ranked Royal House. House D’Aramarin controls the Gatekeepers, the guild of wizards primarily responsible for running and maintaining the gate system. They are thus responsible for and control almost all inter-dominion trade.

Havar (hav-AR)—High Lord of House D’Aramarin.

D’Kard (day-KARD)—a Royal House, primarily associated with crafting.

D’Lorus (du-LOR-us)—a Royal House, primarily associated with paper, books, schools, and education.

Gadrith (GAD-rith)—Lord Heir of House D’Lorus, an infamous necromancer and wizard, widely believed to be dead; also known as Gadrith the Twisted.

Thurvishar (thur-vish-AR)—son of Gadrith D’Lorus, Lord Heir of House D’Lorus.

D’Mon (day-MON)—a Royal House, primarily associated with the healing arts.

Darzin (DAR-zin)—Lord Heir; oldest surviving son of High Lord Therin D’Mon.

Galen (GAL-len)—firstborn son of Lord Heir Darzin D’Mon.

Kihrin (KEAR-rin)—youngest child of High Lord Therin D’Mon and only child of Queen Khaeriel of the vané. Also, the reincarnation of S’arric, one of the Eight Immortals.

Therin (THER-rin)—High Lord of House D’Mon.

D’Talus (day-TAL-us)—the Royal House in charge of the smelter and smith’s guild, known as the Red Men.

Ibatan—author of Rituals of War.

Dedreugh (deah-DROOG)—captain of the Barsine guard.

demons—an alien race from another dimension that can, through effort, gain access to the material world; famous for their cruelty and power. See: Hellmarch.

Devoran Prophecies, the—a many-book series of prophecies that are believed to foretell the end of the world.

dhole (dole)—a form of wild dog, domesticated in Jorat and also found throughout Marakor.

Diraxon (dear-a-CHON)—a quasi-mythical, infamous Marakori clan known for their skill at stealth and assassination.

Doltar (dol-TAR)—a distant country whose people have pale skin and light-colored hair and eyes. Occasionally, they will be sold in Quur as slaves.

Dorna (DOR-na)—an elderly Joratese woman who served as Janel Theranon’s nanny in childhood. She continues to travel with Janel.

Dragonspires, the—a mountain range running north-south through Quur, dividing the dominions of Kirpis, Kazivar, Eamithon, and Khorvesh from Raenena, Jorat, Marakor, and Yor.

Drehemia (DRAY-hem-EE-ah)—a dragon.

dreth (dreth)—see: vordreth.

drussian (drus-E-an)—a rare metal, superior to iron, which can only be created through superhot magical fires.

Dyono Tomai (DIE-o-no TO-my)—the Red Knight (Yoran words).




Eamithon (AY-mith-ON)—a dominion just north of the Capital City, the oldest of the Quuros dominions and considered the most tranquil.

Eight Immortals, the—eight beings of godlike power created by a ritual performed by Relos Var.

Empire of Quur (koor)—see: Quur.

Endless Canyon, the—an extraordinarily large, deep, and convoluted series of canyons that were used as the god-king Khorsal’s refuge and place of power. The Endless Canyon was destroyed when Emperor Kandor dammed the rivers that had eroded it, creating Lake Jorat.




Falesini blood sickness (fal-ES-en-EYE)—a hemorrhagic fever associated with mouse urine, sometimes encountered in dry, hot climates such as the dominion of Khorvesh.

Festival of the Turning Leaves—a yearly celebration to the goddess Galava. Here petitioners may, after one year of service to the goddess, petition the goddess to change their biological sex.

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