Home > The Name of All Things(172)

The Name of All Things(172)
Author: Jenn Lyons

Khorsal (KOR-sal)—god-king who ruled Jorat. He was particularly obsessed with horses and modified a great many of the people and animals under his power. Responsible for the creation of the fireblood horse lines and centaurs.

Khorvesh (kor-VESH)—a dominion to the south of the Capital City, just north of the Manol Jungle.

Kirpis, the (KIR-pis)—a dominion to the north of Kazivar, primarily forest. Most famous for being the original home of one of the vané races, as well as the Academy. Also, home to a number of famous vineyards.

Kirpis vané (van-EH)—a fair-skinned, immortal race who once lived in the Kirpis forest. They were driven south to eventually relocate in the Manol Jungle.

Kishna-Farriga (kish-na-fair-eh-GA)—one of the Free States, independent city-states south of Quur, past the Manol Jungle; Kishna-Farriga is used as a trading entrepôt by many neighboring countries.

knight, Joratese—unlike knights elsewhere, Joratese knights are more akin to sports athletes, who fight as proxies to establish idorrá/thudajé relationships. This affects every aspect of Joratese life, from business deals to trials.

Korthaen Blight, the (kor-THANE)—also called the Wastelands, a cursed and unlivable land that is (somehow) home to the morgage.

Kovinglass (KOVE-ing-lass)—a Gatekeeper formerly in the employ of the Count of Tolamer.

Kulma Swamp (KUL-mah)—a lowland swamp area in Southern Marakor.




laevos (LAY-vos)—a Joratese hairstyle consisting of a strip of hair down the center of the head and shaved sides, echoing a horse’s mane. Some Joratese grow their hair this way by default; it’s considered a sign of nobility.

Lonezh Hellmarch (LONE-ej)—an infamous Hellmarch that occurred in relatively recent memory, starting in Marakor and ending in Jorat; casualties were staggering.

Lorat (LOR-at)—an elderly nobleman.




Malkoessian (MAL-koz-ee-AN)

Aroth (AIR-oth)—Markreev of Stavira, one of the four quadrants or “wards” that politically divide Jorat. Count Janel Theranon’s canton, Tolamer, lies within Stavira’s borders.

Ilvar (ILL-var)—Aroth’s heir.

Oreth (OR-eth)—youngest son of the Markreev of Stavira, who often participates in tournaments as a knight. Briefly engaged to marry Janel Theranon.

Manol, the (MAN-ol)—an area of dense jungle in the equatorial region of the known world; home to the Manol vané.

Marakor (MARE-a-kor)—the Quuros dominion to the southeast of the empire. Politically important because Marakor is the only (relatively) easy entry point to the Manol Jungle. Consolidating the various rival city-state clans, which originally made up the region, has proved difficult.

mare—a Joratese person who identifies as a woman (note: different from being sexually female, see: gender, Joratese) and expresses “mare” attributes such as housekeeping, child rearing, farming, crafting, art, cooking—and embraces teamwork, family, and subordinate values.

Markreev (MAR-kreev)—a noble title in Jorat, just below duke.

Mereina (MARE-ee-NAH)—the capital seat of Barsine Banner.

Milligreest (mill-eh-GREEST)

Elana (e-lan-AY)—a musician from Khorvesh who married Atrin Kandor. After his death, she returned to using her maiden name and journeyed into the Korthaen Blight to negotiate a peace settlement with the invading morgage people; responsible for freeing S’arric. Past life of Janel Theranon.

Jarith (JAR-ith)—only son of Qoran; like most Milligreests, served in the military; killed by Xaltorath during the Capital Hellmarch.

Qoran (KOR-an)—high general of the Quuros army, considered one of the most powerful people in the empire.

misha (MEESH-ah)—a long-sleeved shirt worn by men in Quur.

Mithros (MEETH-ros)—leader of the Red Spears, a mercenary company selling their services to the highest bidder for tournaments in Jorat; a Manol vané.

Miyane (MY-an-ee)—queen of the vané, wife of King Kelanis.

Morea (MOR-e-ah)—a slave girl murdered by Talon; Talea’s twin sister.

morgage (mor-gah-GEE)—a wild and savage race that lives in the Korthaen Blight and makes constant war on its neighbors. These are mainly Quuros living in the dominion of Khorvesh.

Morios (MORE-ee-os)—a dragon.




Nakijan, Jem (Na-KEY-jan, JEM)—one of Ninavis’s crew.

Nameless Lord, the—the Joratese name of the Eighth of the Eight Immortals.

Nemesan (NEM-es-an)—a deceased god-king.

Nerikan (NAIR-eh-kahn)—a Quuros emperor.

Ninavis (NIN-a-vis)—an outlaw who has gathered together a group of like-minded bandits and exists on the outskirts of Barsine Banner, mostly sticking to the forest.




Ogenra (OH-jon-RAY)—an unrecognized bastard of one of the royal families. Far from being unwanted, Ogenra are considered an important part of the political process because of their ability to circumvent the god-touched curse.

Omorse (OH-mors-ee)—a banner in Jorat.

Ompher (OM-fur)—one of the Eight Immortals, god of the world.




Prialar (PRI-a-lar)—a town in Jorat.




Qhuaras (kwar-AHS)—a deceased god-king.

Qown, Brother (kown)—an acolyte of the Vishai Mysteries, assigned to guide Count Janel Theranon.

Quur, the Great and Holy Empire of (koor)—a large empire originally expanded from a single city-state (also named Quur) that now serves as the empire’s capital.




Raenena (RAY-nen-ah)—a dominion of Quur, nestled in the Dragonspire Mountains to the north.

raisigi (RAY-sig-eye)—a tight-fitting bodice worn by women.

razarras (RAY-zar-as)—a highly poisonous ore.

Red Spears—a mercenary company of Jorat.

Return—to be resurrected from the Afterlife, always with the permission of the Goddess of Death, Thaena.

Rev’arric—see: Relos Var.

Rol’amar—a dragon.




saelen (SAY-len)—Joratese word meaning stray.

sallí (sal-LEE)—a hooded, cloak-like garment designed to protect the wearer from the intense heat of the Capital City.

salos (SAH-los)—a type of snake native to the Manol Jungle.

Sandus (SAND-us)—a farmer from Marakor, later emperor of Quur.

S’arric (sar-RIC)—one of the Eight Immortals, mostly unknown (and deceased); god of sun, stars, and sky; murdered by his older brother, Rev’arric. Past life of Kihrin D’Mon.

Selanol (SELL-an-al)—the solar deity worshipped as part of the Vishai Mysteries.

Senera (SEN-er-AY)—a former slave of Doltari ancestry, later operating in Jorat as a witch and saboteur.

shanathá (SHAH-nath-AY)—a type of metal.

Sharanakal (SHA-ran-a-KAL)—a dragon.

Sifen family, the (SIGH-fen)—a family of farmers in Barsine Banner, primarily known for their mangoes.

Simillion (SIM-i-le-on)—first emperor of Quur.

snow hyena—a type of hyena adapted to the extremely cold conditions of Yor.

stallion—a Joratese person who identifies as a man (note: different from being sexually male, see: gender, Joratese) and expresses “stallion” attributes such as leadership, assertiveness, guardianship, entertaining, contests, and combativeness.

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