Home > The Name of All Things(171)

The Name of All Things(171)
Author: Jenn Lyons

firebloods—a race originally related to horses but modified by the god-king Khorsal to possess extraordinary size, power, resilience, loyalty, and intelligence. Firebloods are omnivorous, and although they don’t possess fingers, some are capable of manipulating tenyé. They have an average life expectancy of eighty years or more.

Forest—a Joratese legal practice of declaring a wilderness area “outside” legal protection or repercussions. Used as an early form of eminent domain, but with more opportunity for state-sponsored murder. Outside of Jorat, typically just an area of protected woodland, such as the Kirpis forest.

Four Races, the—four immortal, powerful races that once existed. Only the vané still exist in their original, immortal forms, with the other races having devolved into the morgage, dreth, and human races.




gaesh (gaysh), pl. gaeshe (gaysh-ay)—an enchantment that forces the victim to follow all commands given by the person who physically possesses their totem focus, up to and including commands of suicide. Being unable or unwilling to perform a command results in death.

Galava (gal-a-VAY)—one of the Eight Immortals; goddess of life and nature.

Gan the Miller’s Daughter—one of Ninavis’s crew.

gate—a.k.a. portal, the magical connection of two different geographic locations, allowing for quick travel across great distances. Only powerful wizards can typically create Gatestone-independent portals.

Gatekeepers—the guild who controls and maintains gate travel. Ruled by House D’Aramarin.

Gatestone—a specially inscribed section of stone that somehow makes gate travel much less magically onerous. Exactly how this is accomplished is a proprietary, heavily protected House D’Aramarin secret.

gelding—a Joratese term for any person, male or female, who does not fall into “stallion” or “mare” stereotypes. Note that this does not indicate the person is sexually neuter.

Gendal (GEN-dal)—former emperor of Quur, murdered by Gadrith D’Lorus.

gender, Joratese—Joratese define gender socially rather than biologically. So while they acknowledge biologically male, female, and intersex individuals, who is labeled a “man” or “woman” has to do with their societal role, rather than genitalia. There is a catch-all “gelding” category for people who refuse to conform to either extreme. But for the most part, gender is still binary in Jorat and still suffers from many of the same problems as binary genders elsewhere. Joratese gender can typically be determined by outward presentation, with “stallions” dressing in elaborately decorated clothing and “mares” dressing in much more modest attire. See: stallions, mares, geldings.

Godslayer—see: Urthaenriel.

god-touched—a “gift” or “curse” (depending on whom one asks) handed down by the Eight Immortals to the eight Royal Houses of Quur. Besides giving each house a distinctive eye color, the god-touched curse prevents the Royal Houses from making laws or ruling over territory.

Gorokai (GORE-o-kai)—a dragon.

Gozen, Sir (GO-zen)—an up-and-coming knight.

Grazings, the—southern Jorat, where large areas of plains and grasslands are dominant.

Great Silence, the—an unexplained event in which every wizard in Quur (and in fact the entire world) was inexplicably rendered deaf for three days.

Grizzst (grizt)—falsely attributed to being one of the Eight Immortals; famous wizard, sometimes considered a god of magic, particularly demonology. Believed to be responsible for binding demons as well as making the Crown and Scepter of Quur.

Guarem (GOW-rem)—the primary language of Quur.




Hamarratus (ham-ar-RA-tus)—a fireblood, previously a slave owned by Darzin D’Mon, also called Scandal.

Hará, Kay (HAR-ah, KAY)—one of Ninavis’s crew.

Hedrogha (hay-DRUEG-ah)—a Yoran captain.

Hell—distinct from the Land of Peace; it’s where demons come from.

Hellmarch—the result of a powerful demon gaining access to the physical world, freely summoning demons and possessing corpses. This usually results in a runaway path of death and devastation. It typically results from a demon escaping a summoner’s control. Before the breaking of the Stone of Shackles, demons could only be summoned to the Living World by corporeal entities (such as humans or vané). But demons quickly discovered they could exploit a loophole by possessing a living body—and forcing that body to summon more of their kind. Demons can also possess corpses in the Joratese/Marakori area but cannot summon more demons this way.

Hellwarrior—a prophesied villain who will rise up to destroy the Empire of Quur and possibly the world. Also a prophesied hero who will rise up to save the world.




idorrá—a Joratese concept of authority, dominance, and control. Roughly analogous to responsibility, duty, and authority, idorrá can be lost if the holder fails to protect or defend those under their charge.

Irisia—see: Tya.




Jalore (jah-LOR-ee)—the Quuros emperor who finalized the conquest of the Zaibur city-states.

Jorat (jor-AT)—a dominion in the middle of Quur of varying climates and wide reaches of grassy plains; known for its horses.




Kaen (kane)—the Yoran ducal line.

Azhen (AHJ-en)—Duke, or Hon, of Yor, grandson of the Joratese Quuros general who conquered the region and slew the god-king rulers of the region, Cherthog and Suless.

Exidhar (EX-eh-DAR)—Azhen Kaen’s only son.

Xivan (JI-van)—Azhen Kaen’s first wife; her Khorveshan ancestry made her unpopular with the Yoran people, and she was eventually killed in an assassination attempt meant for her husband.

Kalazan (KAL-a-zan)—one of Ninavis’s crew.

Kandor (KAN-dor)

Atrin (AT-rin)—an emperor of Quur who significantly expanded the borders of the empire; most famous for deciding to invade the Manol, which resulted in the destruction of virtually the entire Quuros army and the loss of Urthaenriel. This left Quur defenseless against the subsequent morgage invasion.

Elana (eh-lan-AY)—see: Milligreest, Elana.

Karolaen (KAR-o-lane)—former name of Kharas Gulgoth.

Kasmodeus (KAZ-mode-e-US)—a demon.

Kazivar (KAZ-eh-var)—one of the dominions of Quur, north of Eamithon.

kef (kef)—a style of trouser common in western Quur.

Kelanis (KEL-a-nis)—son of Khaevatz and Kelindel, younger brother of Khaeriel; now king of the vane.

Khaemezra (kay-MEZ-rah)—a.k.a. Mother, the High Priestess of Thaena, and leader of the Black Brotherhood; Teraeth’s mother; the true name of Thaena. See: Thaena.

Khaeriel (kay-RE-el)—queen of the vané, assassinated by her brother, Kelanis. Because Khaeriel was wearing the Stone of Shackles, she ended up in the body of her assassin, and was later gaeshed and sold into slavery to Therin D’Mon by her grandmother, Khaemezra.

Kharas Gulgoth (KAR-as GUL-goth)—a ruin in the middle of the Korthaen Blight; believed sacred (and cursed) by the morgage; prison of the corrupted god Vol Karoth.

Khored (KOR-ed)—one of the Eight Immortals, God of Destruction.

Khoreval (KOR-e-val)—a magic spear believed to have the ability to slay dragons.

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