Home > Fanged Love(19)

Fanged Love(19)
Author: Kylie Gilmore , Mimi Jean Pamfiloff

“Sorry. Yes, come in. Hi, Neli, good to see you too.” I was so taken with Mr. Bozhidar that I didn’t notice her standing there. My parents introduce themselves and my sisters to Mr. Bozhidar with no help from me. I can’t take my eyes off him. He’s wearing a black polo shirt with faded jeans that cling to his muscular thighs. He doesn’t look goth anymore. Maybe that’s what has me so enthralled. Before he covered himself in a strange costume, and the full beauty of his face was hidden by his long raven hair. But now he’s showing off every breathtaking, virile, manly inch. It reminds me exactly what lies beneath those formfitting clothes. I can barely think straight with the lust coursing through my veins.

And then Sadie stands up and howls. Mr. Bozhidar grimaces. So strange.

“Must be a full moon tonight,” Dad says jovially. “I’ll put her in our room.” He guides Sadie up the stairs to their bedroom, where she normally sleeps.

“Stella,” my mom snaps, drawing my attention, “everyone’s going to the living room for drinks. Could you help me bring the bruschetta in?”

“Yes, of course,” I mumble. The twins must’ve left.

I follow her, the hairs on the back of my neck rising. I stop and slowly turn my head to find Mr. Bozhidar standing in the archway of the living room, his legs shoulder width apart. He looks powerful, confident, and his gaze is eating me up. I flush hot and quickly turn away, heading into the kitchen.

I wonder what it would be like to feel those powerful-looking shoulders and chest—ow! I knocked into a kitchen stool.

“Are you okay?” Mom asks. “Did you have enough to eat today? You seem really out of it.”

I stare at the counter, not really seeing it. Everything’s a blur, like I’m swimming in a fog. “I’m fine. Maybe I’ll have some coffee. I’m a little unfocused.”

“You’re working too hard.” She gives my arm a squeeze. “I think things are going to start turning around for us now that we have a working relationship with Castle Sangria Vineyards. Knock wood.” She knocks on her head.

I smile. “Okay, let’s do this.”

A short while later, we’re all settled in the living room with sparkling water and a platter of bruschetta. The twins too, who apparently didn’t leave, instead settling in the living room to not so casually check out Mr. Bozhidar. Our living room is a cozy space with a fireplace, built-in bookcases behind glass doors, and ornate crown molding typical of old Victorian homes. I’m on the plush blue sofa with my parents, the twins are perched on the arms of the sofa, and Neli and Mr. Bozhidar are on the adjacent light blue upholstered armchairs. Neli has been explaining about the process of mixing different varietals, but I can barely focus. My gaze is drawn again and again to Mr. Bozhidar sitting in his chair like he’s the king. This is not a man who slouches. He owns the space. He hasn’t taken a single sip of sparkling water or eaten a bite of bruschetta. For some reason it bothers me. Like maybe he thinks our food and drink are substandard just like he said about our wine.

Horse piss mixed with putrid fish entrails.

Such a rude person. Wait. No. He’s an honest man. Which explains why I’m suddenly finding him so attractive. I despise lying men. Learned that the hard way. And I haven’t met any guys who appealed in a long while, and here’s this gorgeous muscled manly perfection right here in my living room, who lives across the street.

His eye catches mine, his lips twitching, and I turn away, blushing. That’s the second time he caught me ogling him. I need to get a hold of myself. It’s just that his new haircut really brings out his unusual eyes and the strong lines of his jaw and sensual mouth. And his formfitting clothes—

“Stella, honey.”

I blink, glancing up in surprise at my mom, who’s standing next to me. “Huh?”

“We’re going outside to the storeroom now. Do you want to lie down? You don’t look so good.” She puts the back of her hand on my forehead. “And you feel a little warm.”

I hear the faintest growl, and my head whips toward Mr. Bozhidar instinctively. His eyes gleam, the silver in them seeming to glow. I can barely breathe as I rise from the sofa, lost in those eyes. What is happening?

“I-I’m fine. Let’s do the tour,” I say, trying to shake it off.

My sisters stay behind, whispering to each other, uninterested in the business part of the evening.

Neli hooks her arm through mine and ushers me quickly from the room. “Can’t wait to see how you’re set up over here. Your mom had this great idea about you guys hosting private tasting parties on your patio using our wine. We never host. Way too busy. You can take a percent of the profits for the hassle, and we’ll probably sell more wine. Already I feel good about this collaboration.”

I snap out of it and focus fully on Neli. Somehow I missed the entire conversation. “I love that idea. You saw our patio the last time you were here. It’s a nice covered space with a view of the vineyards and your castle too. If you’re happy with the arrangement down the line, I could host special events in your barrel room, as well. I think a masquerade would be perfect for the ancient-looking space.”

“You’re full of great ideas,” she says, pulling me along even faster.

The front door opens ahead of us. Mr. Bozhidar moved so quickly I didn’t even hear him approach from behind.

I smile up at him as I pass, and he leans toward me, breathing deep.

Did he just smell me? I shiver as I step out into the warm night air. Neli appears by my side, chattering away, but this time I’m fully conscious of Mr. Bozhidar’s powerful presence behind me. Where are my parents?

I glance over my shoulder. They’re trailing behind, talking quietly to each other. Guess I’ll have to be the one to show off Stellariva.

After a brief tour of our manufacturing facility on the east side of the property, which thankfully my dad took the time to explain, my mom offers our guests tastes of different wines to help narrow down the best option for mixing with theirs.

I watch Mr. Bozhidar closely for telltale signs of disgust, but there aren’t any. I’m not sure he’s even sipping the wine. He draws it to his mouth, tips the glass, and then licks his lips, his glowing black eyes smoldering into mine. I want to know what he thinks of it, if he’s even tasting it, but at the same time all I want is to feel those lips tasting me.

This is crazy. I lift my hair off the back of my neck, suddenly fever hot. I can only pray I’m coming down with something. I can’t even consider getting involved with the man who’s the key to keeping our business afloat. What if things went bad between us? That would really be the end of Stellariva.

The rest of the evening passes by in a strange fog until he says his goodbye to my parents and then takes my hand, murmuring in a deep hypnotic voice, “Until we meet again.” He brings my hand to his lips and kisses it, and then he turns my hand, palm up, and places something cool and heavy there, gently closing my fingers around it. “A gift for you.”

My breath comes faster, my cheeks flushing. I open my palm to find a darling gold charm bracelet with several tiny charms. I’m floored by the sweet gesture. “Thank you, Mr. Bozhidar,” I whisper.

His voice is silky. “Please, call me Boz.”

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