Home > Fanged Love(21)

Fanged Love(21)
Author: Kylie Gilmore , Mimi Jean Pamfiloff

She covers her face and sobs with even more gusto. I want to cringe, but I hold it in.

“I can’t do this anymore, Boz. I can’t.”


“I can’t babysit a grown man, who also happens to be a powerful vampire that refuses to change.”

“What are you saying? I am the prime example of adaptation. Have you not witnessed my very impressive transformation these last few days?” I watched the friends, I used a credit card, and I cut my hair. I even stopped demanding that Neli launder my clothes. The hamper does it for me now.

Neli pushes back a lock of red hair behind her ear, her teary green eyes meeting mine. “Release me.”

“What?” I jerk my head back.

“You heard me.”

“But if I did that, you would turn into a pile of ash and dishonor your name, your family.”

“I don’t care! I want out.”

I lean back into the couch, feeling this odd sensation in my chest. Pain. “I-I do not understand, Cornelia. Why would you choose death over being my major-peon?” I refer to her official title as the head of the servants, a proud moniker from our time long ago. She came up with the idea herself after tiring of being called my slave.

“It’s majordomo! Not major-peon!” She inhales sharply and whooshes out a breath. “For the last five centuries, I’ve been free. Okay, with the exception of having to keep you alive. And figuring out how to move a dormant vampire halfway across the world. And move his castle brick by brick, then have the entire thing put back together because I knew he would never accept anything but the exact castle he inherited from his maker, and I would never hear the end of it if I let it be destroyed. But despite all those challenges, I built a life, Boz. I went to school, I learned about the world and different cultures. I worked hard to give us what you see, and even if I still suck at dating because the world keeps moving faster and faster and I can’t keep up, I’ve learned one thing.” She holds up a pale finger. “I don’t want to be your slave anymore.”

I thought she loved being my slave. This news is shocking. “Then what do you want?”

“I want to find love and live a normal human life.” She bows her head and shakes it with a sigh. “But it’s just not in the cards for me, so I’ll take freedom.”

She wants freedom. I allow that to sink in. “But you know there’s only one way to make that happen.”

She nods. “Yes.”

“Become a vampire.”

“God no!” Her eyes go wide. “I said I want you to release me. I want a swift and painless death.”

Death? “No. I will not allow it!” The ache in my chest grows stronger.


“Because…because…you are like family and…” I look away. I might be a vampire, but I am a man first, and it is a well-known fact that men do not discuss their feelings. It is a sign of great weakness. Also, the other men tease you, and nobody likes that.

“What, Boz?” Neli pushes. “Tell me, dammit! I’m like family and what?”

“Fine.” I meet her teary gaze. “If you wish to hear that I would miss you, then I will say it, but only if you promise to never leave. And bring me virgins when I ask.”

She shakes her head again, this time with disgust.

I sense that she’s back to wishing for that swift death. “Very well. If it is what you truly desire, Neli, I will release you, but I ask that you find me a replacement companion first. Stella.”

I see the wheels churning in her weak female mouse brain. “If I do that,” she says, “do I have your word that you will release me?”

Ha. Hahaha… Never. “Of course.”

Her eyes twitch. “I don’t believe you.”

“Too bad. It is either that or you can take your own life.”

“You know I’ll just become a vampire if I do that.”

Yes. Only one’s master can deliver the true death. It is a safety catch. Otherwise, a vampire’s human slave could leave at any moment. Death is a gift only I can bring her. Otherwise, she can become like me, though I’m fairly certain that the glamour of becoming a vampire died long ago. She knows this life isn’t for everyone. Being the fastest, smartest, deadliest, and above all, best looking is no simple task.

Neli takes my hand and squeezes. “Boz, I need you to promise that if I do this for you, you’ll let me die.”

I stare into Neli’s eyes. I hate to lie to her, but telling the truth is far too demeaning: I would be lost without my Neli. She is like a sister. Who waits on me. And helps me kill people.

“I promise.” I hold up my hand. “Now, let us get on with the business at hand.”

“You have to remove the whammy.”

“Why?” I clear my throat. “Not that there is one.” Because it’s unsportsmanlike to hypnotize a woman whom you desire in your bed, though, I must give myself credit; I merely hypnotized Stella so that she would want to spend time with me. All right, and I may have told her to think me handsome. So what? It’s just that I saw her lying there and couldn’t help myself. “Fine. I gave her the whammy, but in my own defense, I never intended to bed her while she remained under my spell. I merely wanted a taste of her attention.” It was sweeter than I imagined.

“Good. Because you and I both know you won’t be satisfied with winning her if it isn’t real.”

“Agreed. So what do you suggest is the next step?” I ask.

“First off, remove the whammy. Then get to know her. Spend time together. Show her who you really are. If she still wants you, then maybe she’s the one you’ve been searching for all these years. Your forever companion.”

My bride? My forever love? Could Stella truly be the one I’ve been searching for all these centuries? (At least I was before my forced nap.) I had given up all hope of finding my mate. It’s why I decided I wasn’t meant to be a one-neck vampire. Lack of hope will do that to your tender immortal soul.

Who wouldn’t give up hope after the years dragged on and on with no signs such a woman existed? I was forced to give up any ridiculous notions of finding my bride and embrace my bachelorhood. I accepted that Neli would be my companion and that my manly sexual needs would be met in other ways.

But now, this notion of Stella perhaps being the one excites me. Could she be my soul mate?

I heard rumors that a vampire knows his forever mate by the intoxicating scent and the taste of their mate’s blood. The flavor is said to drive a vampire mad with lust. Stella is the first woman who meets both requirements. “You are right. I must spend time with her to see if she could be the one. And I will go to her room tonight to remove the whammy.” I need to be sure her affections are genuine.

“Okay, but no more hanky-panky, Boz. I saw the huge hickey on her neck.”

“It was a tiny scratch,” I argue. “Only about the size of a chicken egg. With holes in it.” I shrug. “And a tad purple. All right, fine. It was a massive hickey, but can you blame me? She is very desirable.”

“Boz, she’s a good girl. And I believe, in my heart, that you are a good man, capable of extreme kindness—when you want. So please don’t ruin her life. Find some salty old crow to mess with if Stella isn’t the one.”

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