Home > Shadow Seeker : The Crow Haven Series(32)

Shadow Seeker : The Crow Haven Series(32)
Author: Michelle Areaux

“Maybe we should come back in the morning,” I suggested.

“No way. We would risk people seeing us,” Ace countered, already climbing the gate.

Shaking my head, I followed suit and began to climb the cold gates. Once we reached the other side, Ace took off toward the rows of graves. I kept close to his side, feeling unsure as I walked along the dead.

“What should I be looking for?” I asked, keeping my voice low like a whisper. It felt disrespectful to the resting souls to talk loudly.

“Shadows, Demons, a necklace…” Ace trailed off, listing everything he could think of.

I kept my eyes focused on everything around me, but it was hard to see through the darkness. The wind began to howl as a low rumble of thunder erupted in the sky. Glancing up I felt a drop of rain touch my kiss. Great, now we had to worry about rain.

Ace didn’t let the shift in weather deter him from stalking through the graveyard. As I struggled to see through the now downpour, something out of the corner of my eye caught my attention. Stopping, I focused on the figure approaching.

The shadow loomed over a grave, watching me with the same curiosity as I watched it.

“Lizzie, what are you doing?” Ace asked, turning to see where I was.

“I see a shadow,” I whispered.

Ace stopped dead in his tracks and just watched me.

The figure looked more like a heavy billow of gray smoke as it swayed against the howling wind. It wasn’t a Demon, I was sure of that. I didn’t feel the same sense of evil radiating through me.

“You need to find the necklace,” the voice stated loud and powerful.

“Where is it?” I cried out.

“Only a Shadow Seeker can find the necklace. It isn’t here, this is a resting ground for lost souls,” the shadow said, before disappearing into the night.

Tears sprang from my eyes as I realized we had hit another dead end.

“He’s gone. The necklace isn’t here,” I shouted, angry at the turn of events.

Ace ran to me, pulling me into his arms. “Lizzie, it’s ok. We will find it, you will find it,” he said, leading us back toward the entrance.

I stopped and pulled myself out of his arms. “No, I have no idea what I am doing. I’m a Shadow Seeker, but the shadows can’t help me. I can’t do this.” I winced as the disappointment stung.

Grabbing me, Ace held my shoulders and forced me to look at him. “Lizzie, you are doing great. The supernatural life is not easy. I have faith that you will find the necklace.”

I looked into his eyes and saw admiration and strength looking back at me. If Ace believed in me, then maybe I should, too.

“Ok,” I sighed. “I might have another idea. The shadow said the necklace isn’t here. It has to be at my house. I just need you all to trust me. I don’t really know what I’m doing, but I have a gut feeling.”

Maybe I was going insane or just relying too much on what I wished would be true. But, I needed everyone on my side if I had any chance of uncovering the necklace.

“Lizzie, I trust you,” Ace said.

His words gave me the final push I needed to put aside my own insecurities and continue to fight.

Later that night, after I was safely tucked into my bed, I spotted a Crow--Ace-- perched outside my bedroom window. His promise to always protect me sang through my mind as I drifted to sleep.



Chapter Eighteen

Shock Wave




he next week was filled with chaos. The entire town was on high alert with the news of the murdered body left on the courthouse steps. The victim, Christopher Coleman, was a local farmer who sold his fresh fruits and vegetables at the farmers market every Saturday. He was beloved by many and his death was a shock to so many, especially,in the manner that he was killed.

Thankfully, his murder had been ruled a freak animal attack, but that didn’t lessen the fear that filled every resident of our small, southern town.

My days were filled with school, while my nights had been consumed with training at Crow Haven with Ace and Maylee then searching my property for signs of the necklace.

Sitting in class, my mind was lost on anything but history.

“Hey,” Sawyer whispered, as she leaned in to me.

We were supposed to be working on a group project, but I had been in my own haze.

“Yeah,” I replied, looking up from my textbook.

“Have you heard about the Jamboree Festival?” she asked me.

Maylee was sitting at the table adjacent to ours and I saw her look up at the mention of the Jamboree.

“No,” I shook my head.

“Well, it’s this three day event we have each year. This year, they are having it at the end of the month. I know everyone is freaking out about the animal killing, but the town is still hosting it,” Sawyer continued. “There is a parade, carnival, and booths lining Main Street with lots of shopping.”

“Sounds fun,” I said, trying to fake interest.

“I know you aren’t into many things,” Sawyer kidded. “But, this will be fun and Garrett said Kade wants to ask you to go to the dance.”

“Dance?” I asked.

Our teacher was walking around the room and noticed us talking. We all tried to appear busy and on task, even though we were discussing anything but the assignment.

“The school has a big Fall dance the Friday before the Jamboree. We all wear costumes and masks and get dressed up. It will be fun,” she insisted.

“I will think about it,” I lied.

Right now, I had too much going on in my life to worry about a school dance or a festival. I had Demons and my life to consider.



By the last period of the day, I had somehow evolved from my haze and started to notice the world around me. Flyers announcing the dance and upcoming Jamboree littered the halls. Everyone was buzzing with excitement and it was comforting to hear something other than talk about the animal attack.

Maylee walked along with me as we approached our last class of the day.

“Are you considering it?” she asked, pointing to a large poster with the dance information.

Shrugging my shoulders, I averted my eyes from the poster. “I doubt it. I’m too busy with training and searching for the necklace.”

“Lizzie, you should go to the dance. It might be fun,” Maylee told me.

“Are you going?” I asked her.

A small smile crept over her face. “Maybe. No one has asked me, but it still might be fun. I think you should go with Ace,” she prompted.

Now, that had me sirking. “Ace would never go to a dance,” I said.

The words stung like a thousand bee stings. It didn’t matter how I felt about Ace, I knew for him that our relationship was only about training and protection.

We walked into the class and sat down, but Maylee’s words remained with me until the final bell rang.

Later that afternoon, I changed into a pair of black yoga pants and an East Jessamine t-shirt. I went for a run to clear my head. It was refreshing as the cool September air washed over me. The leaves on the trees were beginning to change, and I felt like I was running through a shower of reds, oranges, and yellows.

After dinner, I showered and had a nice dinner with my parents. My mom informed me that the town had created a team of hunters that were going to search for the wild animals that were making their way into town. While there are many deer, coyote, and wildcat sightings in small, rural towns like ours, the animals never bother humans. At least, not until now.

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