Home > Shadow Seeker : The Crow Haven Series(34)

Shadow Seeker : The Crow Haven Series(34)
Author: Michelle Areaux

I was just too frustrated with Ace to have to spend time in a car with him. Sure, it was my own fault for allowing any false pretenses to sneak up on me that Ace may actually want to go to the dance or spend any time with me outside of training and searching for the necklace.

As I escaped my house for an early run, I saw a thick white fog rolling over the road like waves on an angry ocean.

The morning sun was just waking and it was the perfect time to run and just be alone. While I knew the risk of Demons was still there, I put it all aside to pretend like my life was normal.

Running along the road, I turned off Chrisman Mill and continued over the small bridge that housed the large creek that snaked around our town.

I stopped once I reached the end of Chrisman Mill and turned, making my way back to my house.

After showering and dressing in a light mustard colored sweater and jeans, I prepared for the drive to school. I almost felt guilty for ignoring my car for so long.

Pulling into the school parking lot, I instantly spotted Ace’s Camaro in his designated spot. He and Maylee watched me pull in and I tried to pretend like I didn’t notice them staring at me.

Kade’s massive monster truck idled in next to me and I saw a beaming smile spread across his face as he spotted me in the space next to his.

Jumping out of his truck, he ran over to my car. Opening my door, he looked adorable.

“Hey, Lizzie,” he greeted, grabbing my backpack out of the back seat.

“HI, Kade,” I said, tucking a loose strand of hair behind my ear. Kade made me nervous-- giddy even. I liked that feeling, but still in the back of my mind, I knew it wasn’t the same emotions I felt when I was with Ace.

But, I knew I had to forget that. Ace wasn’t interested in me and Kade was.

We began to walk toward the school; and as we passed by Ace’s car, I risked a glimpse of him. His stormy eyes stared back at me and I felt the storm that he was throwing at me.

Kade noticed my tension and he looked over at Ace. He sighed and then began talking. “So, I know you and Ace have something going on,” he began.

Shaking my head, I quickly stopped him. “No, Ace and I are barely friends. I’m friends with Maylee, and he just sort of comes with her,” I kidded, trying to lighten the mood.

Kade’s shoulders seemed to relax with the new knowledge.

We walk into the school and head up to the second floor where my first class and locker is located. Students move around and barely notice my presence. A few guys slap hands with Kade as they walk by, but I continue to be ignored.

Approaching my locker, we slow down as I begin to grab the books I need for my first class.

Kade leans against my locker, his smile never wavering.

“Well, I’m glad to hear that you and Ace are friends because I wanted to ask you to the Jamboree. I know Sawyer has probably talked your ear off about it. I thought it would be cool for us to go to the dance and then the carnival,” Kade offered.

His blue and green letterman jacket made his eyes pop and I just couldn’t find a reason to say no.

Mustering a smile, I closed my locker and looked up at a hopeful Kade. “Sure, I would love to,” I said.

The slamming of a locker caused both Kade and I to jump and turn our heads down the hall. An angry Ace was storming away, leaving behind a trail of confused students.

I just couldn’t understand why Ace was so upset. Had he heard Kade ask me to the dance? And, if he had, why would he care? Ace had made it painfully clear that he wanted nothing to do with a teenage life.

Kade turned back to me and I just shrugged my shoulders at Ace’s outburst. “Good. We should go out this weekend and get dinner or something,” Kade asked.

“That sounds great.”

“I will text you later,” he finished, leaning in and placing a soft kiss to my cheek.

As he walked away, my eyes followed him as I placed a hand to where his lips were just lingering on my cheek.

Leaving my locker, I caught Maylee and Sawyer as we all entered our first class of the day. None of us spoke of Ace’s tantrum and I was grateful for that.



I found myself back at Crow Haven later that evening. Maylee had picked me up, not wanting me to drive out to Crow Haven myself.

After leaving school today, I had decided to make a huge change in my training, and I was preparing myself for the backlash of my new decision.

As Maylee and I stretched with Nora, they could both see the concern on my face.

“What’s wrong with you?” Nora asked, not daring to lessen the blow.

“Nora, why are you always so rude?” Maylee chastised.

Waving her off, I decided to just jump right into it all. “Maylee, it’s fine. Nora is right; there is something wrong. I have made a decision about my training and the search for the necklace,” I began, releasing a heavy breath.

They both waited for me to continue and I had to brace myself. “I’ve decided to no longer train with Ace. I think he clearly doesn’t want to be my Protector so I want to ask someone else here to help me,” I rushed out.

“Who are you thinking you should train with?” Nora asked, her voice filled with skepticism.

“Thomas, Levine, or Collin,” I stated.

I was trying not to let Nora’s attitude affect me.

“I think you should just talk to Ace,” Maylee suggested.

I moved to stretch my left leg as I responded to Maylee. “And say what?” I snapped. “He is just too moody and I need someone who I can really talk to.”

Hurt flashed across Maylee’s face, and I tried to stifle the guilt I felt for being so rude to my friend.

Just then, Thomas, Levine, Collin, and a very brooding Ace made their way down to the basement.

“Good evening, ladies,” Collin said, sauntering into the space.

“So, Lizzie has something to tell you all,” Nora sang out, already stirring the pot.

I could smell the drama storm brewing and already I was getting nervous.

All four of the guys turned to look at me and I felt the spotlight burning a hole right through me.

My throat suddenly became dry and it was difficult to speak. “Well, uh…” my train of thought disappeared and I found it difficult to find the right words to say. I had been so brazen and ready to make this decision and now that I was faced with the reality of it, I just couldn’t force the words out of my mouth.

Ace stood with his arms crossed his chest while the rest of the guys looked more comfortable and at ease.

“Lizzie wants someone else to train her,” Maylee spit out, surprising us all with her burst.

My friend had betrayed me and I wasn’t sure what to think about that. Maylee, who was usually shy and quiet, finally found her voice. I just wished that it wasn’t on something to do with me

Thomas let out a hearty laugh while Collin and Levine smiled at me. Ace, however, stormed off in a flash. I barely had time to blink before he left.

I tried to pretend like his departure didn’t bother me, but it did.

Clapping his hands together, Thomas looked amused. “So, Lizzie, which of us would you like to select?” he asked.

The boys were clearly enjoying this and that made this that much more painful.

Huffing, Maylee left, too.

I felt like I was upsetting everyone I cared about and now, I was left with the birds.

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