Home > Shadow Seeker : The Crow Haven Series(36)

Shadow Seeker : The Crow Haven Series(36)
Author: Michelle Areaux

“Tomorrow is perfect. I just want to see you,” Kade swooned.

I wished that my heart would flutter when he said that to me. Even though I blushed and enjoyed his company, that same intense spark just wasn’t there.

“Great, I will text you later.” I ended the call and felt Maylee’s energy growing darker.

“What are you doing tomorrow?” she asked.

It was the most she had spoken to me and, yet, it still felt so cold and distant.

“Going out with Kade,” I replied, refusing to look at her. I kept my eyes locked outside the car.

Exhaling a deep breath, I heard Maylee tighten her grip on the steering wheel. “Lizzie, it’s not safe for you to be out with Kade. At least, not until we find the necklace,” she stated.

“I’m still looking for the necklace, but I have to live my life, too. Kade likes me and wants to spend time with me.”

“Lizzie…” Maylee tried to cut in, but I refused to hear her out.

“No,” I wailed, this time turning to face her. “I can’t control very many things in my life, but I can control who I spend my time with.”

Nodding her head Maylee clamped her mouth shut and didn’t say another word until we reached Crow Haven.



The Crows were all perched along the iron fence lining the long drive to the home.

As Maylee and I exited her car, they flew all around us and then disappeared somewhere behind the home.

Once inside, Maylee and I found our way to the massive, formal living room. Moments later, the guys along with Nora joined us.

I sat down on a plush, red leather couch as a blazing fire warmed my outsides. Maylee, who still remained icy cold to me, sat on the far edge of the couch. She stared into the crackling fire as I watched the Crows arrive.

As everyone found their place in the room, I took a quick scan and realized Ace was missing. I wanted to ask Maylee where he was, but thought better of it. So, I closed my mouth and waited for the Crows to talk.

Thomas was the first one to speak. “As I am sure you already know, there was another murder today,” he began. “The Crow Haven Council is growing increasingly concerned about the attacks and that the Demons have now taken animal form. Mediators, like your mother,” Thomas stated, pointing to me, “have been contacted as well. It’s not safe for Lizzie to be alone without our protection.”

“My mom notified me about everything. We have to find the necklace,” I said, my voice shaking and my bottom lip quivering.

“Your magnetic pull to the Demon world is intriguing and terrifying,” Levine spoke.

I was shocked to hear him speak. He was a man of few words, and right now, his words were shaking me to my very core.

“I didn’t ask for this,” I pleaded my case.

“None of us asked for our supernatural birthright,” Collin interjected. “However, we all have to make the best of it. Right now, our main goal is to keep Lizzie safe until we can find the necklace. Once we locate the necklace, we can vanquish the Demons and stop the attacks from plaguing our town.”

Everyone grew silent as we let that sink in. While it wasn’t new information, it was still unsettling to know so much was riding on me. Anger surged inside of me. Why couldn't my great Aunt Morgan just tell me where the necklace was? Why did she have to make my survival such a riddle?

“We need to get back to my house and find that necklace. I refuse to go another day without it,” I demanded. Standing up, I headed to the entryway. “Collin, are you coming?” I asked, turning to face him.

He stepped toward me, his boots leaving heavy footsteps as he walked. “Yes, but I think you need to talk to Ace, too.”

“Why?” I countered, venom spewing from my lips.

I hated how I still grew anxious thinking of Ace. He wasn’t concerned with me, so why should I care about him?

“Why?” Collin sneered, a cocky grin growing over his face. “Ace has destroyed his bedroom and punched holes through the basement walls. Whatever happened between the two of you needs to be resolved.”

“I have no idea what he’s upset about,” I argued. “He doesn’t want to hang out with teenagers, so I released him from his prison.”

Stalking forward, Collin was nose-to-nose with me. “You need to talk with him. I can’t worry about Demons and an enraged Ace, too,” he stated.

Everyone stared daggers my way and I knew that if I wanted to leave here and have any luck finding the necklace, I had to at least talk with Ace.

“Where is he?” I asked, clearly annoyed by all of this.

“Out back on the terrace,” Colln said.

I stormed out of the room and found my way down the long foyer and out the double, glass sliding doors.

I slowed my pace as I stepped out onto the stone terrace. The sun was just setting and the sky was painted with a beautiful array of pastel colors. The cool wind swept over me as I spotted Ace standing near a grove of trees.

My Converse sneakers padded along the stones as I made my way toward Ace. I knew he heard me approaching, as his shoulders tensed and his fists clenched at his side. However, he didn’t dare turn around until I was right on him.

“What do you want, Lizzie?” he asked, his tone sharp like a double edged sword.

Ace turned around so that we were now face-to-face. I was struck speechless by his rugged beauty. It was almost criminal for someone to look that good.

My first instinct was to turn and run out of there. We had avoided one another for this very reason.

“I was told you have been on a destructive rampage,” I mocked, causing him to take in a quick breath. There was a tortured sadness in his eyes that I tried-- and failed to ignore.

“What I do shouldn’t concern you,” he said, his eyes watching me carefully. “You don’t need me as your Protector.”

The dying sunlight shined against his silver eyebrow piercing and the reflection beamed onto me.

“I agree, but your family insisted I come out here before we head to my house.” My tone was heavy like my heart. “You know, so I can do stupid teen stuff without you.”

Rolling his eyes, Ace was clearly irritated by my immature antics, but I didn’t care.

“I just want you safe,” Ace whispered into the nearing darkness.

“You have a strange way of showing it,” I mumbled, crossing my arms across my chest.

Running a hand over his face, Ace’s jaw clenched as the last ray of sunlight shined down on him. Colors splashed across his face and all I could do was stare at him.

“Lizzie, you have to understand something,” Ace began, making sure he had my attention.

I was so captivated by him, there was no way I wasn’t going to hear what he had to say. “My role in this world is to be a Protector. When the Crow Haven Council told me I would be protecting a Shadow Seeker, I had no idea what was in store for me. You are stubborn, sassy, and determined. When I’m with you, I feel like I’m losing control. You drive me crazy.”

Tears poured down my face as hurt slashed through me. When I had walked out here to confront Ace, the last thing I expected was to have him drive the stake further into my wounded heart.

“I can’t listen to this.” My voice betrayed me as it shook from the sobs threatening to escape. I didn’t need this. I had Kade and, soon enough, I would have the safety of the necklace-- that was what mattered.

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