Home > When a Liger Mates(21)

When a Liger Mates(21)
Author: Eve Langlais

The house was massive and made of both natural and cut stone. It had the feel of an ancient fortress but sported modern amenities like lights instead of torches. It could have used better air filtration because the moment they walked in his hackles rose.

He hoped against hope that he wouldn’t be here.

He must have growled because Charlotte muttered, “What’s wrong?”



No time to explain as someone bellowed, “Why if it isn’t Lawrence the Little Liger, my best friend in the whole wide world. Give me a hug.” A massive man ambled for him, and there was no avoiding the hug that attempted to crack his ribs.

“Hello, Andrei,” he managed to gasp. No way would he complain. Only pussies couldn’t handle a bear hug.

“What a nice surprise. I knew you would forgive me eventually.”

“I haven’t. My aunts insisted I come.” He scowled at the reminder of the last time they’d been together, when he ended up in a prison being stripped and cavity searched. His ass cheeks still clenched at the smell of latex.

Andrei beamed wider. “You brought your aunts? Always did love the older ladies. Are they still single?”

“You want them, have them,” he muttered.

“Maybe later, as I smell something delectable. Did you bring me a human snack?” Andrei rubbed his hands. He liked to joke that his family ate the human peasants in the area when the winters were lean. At least, Lawrence hoped they were jesting.

“She is not for you. Her name is Charlotte.” And then because he didn’t like at all the way Andrei eyed her, he declared publicly for all to hear, “She’s my mate.”



Chapter Twelve



Charlotte’s attention was drawn from her observation of the room to the massive man with the full beard who’d tried to squish Lawrence in a hug. The jovial fellow laughed and kept laughing. Glad someone was amused. She personally itched something fierce to leave. She was fairly certain she’d heard the word bear. Bear as in shapeshifter bears?

Where? Were there some in this very room?

She admitted to being impressed. The two-story hall was set with trestle tables and benches, the rustic look extremely well done, with aged wood tops sealed in resin. The long seating was thick and heavy to avoid toppling, but each spot had an indentation to cradle the butt.

Want something a little softer? Then adjourn to one of the spots flanking a roaring fireplace, featuring wide couches, fat armchairs, and rugs. Lots of them. Everywhere she looked, she saw even more shag carpet on the stone-paving floor.

She half expected to see candles when she looked up; however, the owner had opted for electric lighting set in a massive wooden wheel and long-finned ceiling fans to move air around. A necessary thing given the amount of people inside. Thirty to forty at least. They appeared to have walked into a party of giants.

Or so it appeared to her given she was shorter by at least a foot, two in many cases. Outweighed as well. There was a similarity to the crowd, with most of them owning lush, dark hair. Not a bald head to be seen, and most of the men sported a full jaw of hair. The women were broad and solid looking, their laughter as bold as the men’s.

Lord help her if she’d gone from being in a car full of lions to a den of bears. What was next, a pit of crocodiles?

I have to get out of here. Escape before she was well and truly screwed, but how? To return to civilization she’d need to steal a car at the very least. Steal from lions and giants and bears.

Oh my.

But what was the alternative?

The massive man bore down on her, wearing a determined grin, but Lawrence beat him, sweeping an arm around her waist before she could protest.

“Peanut, my dear mate, I’d like you to meet my old friend, Andrei,” Lawrence announced rather loudly.

His mate? She cocked him a glance, and he gave a quick tilt of his head that said, Play along?

“You actually did it?” Andrei sounded more surprised than anything. “You silly bastard.” More laughter erupted, which meant she wasn’t paying attention as he added, “Let me hug the bride.”

Wait, he was talking about—

“Eep!” Charlotte couldn’t help the squeak as she was grabbed. For a second, Lawrence’s arm tightened, and she feared being caught in a tug of war that might hurt.

“Two seconds. No longer,” he said as he released her.

Andrei—who looked nothing like the wrestling giant—engulfed her in a hug that would surely break every bone in her body. The man smelled surprisingly good and proved quite gentle, meaning she was quite all right when he set her back down on her feet.

A possessive arm claimed her waist, and she allowed it. Even leaned into it.

“I can’t believe you got mated.” Andrei shook his head. “I never thought you’d ever settle down.”

“It only takes the right person,” Lawrence lied smoothly.

He had to be because he couldn’t seriously think that. They barely knew each other. This had to all be an act.

“I thought all the children were in bed.” The remark came from a rather tall lady wearing her dark hair in ringlets around her head.

It was meant to antagonize Charlotte, and it worked. But she couldn’t let it show. “I look young for my age.”

“It’s your size. You’re awfully small.” A sly gaze slid past Charlotte onto Lawrence. “And didn’t I hear you say she’s your mate? An odd pairing. Aren’t you afraid she’ll break if you’re too vigorous? We both know how you like it rough.”

The implication proved less than subtle, and Lawrence stiffened, his fingers digging in before he removed them entirely. “Lada, as classy as ever, I see.” Lawrence looked ill-pleased.

“Since when do you want a lady?”

“Since he decided he was done sleeping with trash,” was Charlotte’s blurted retort.

It widened a few sets of eyes and then narrowed Lada’s in fury. “Are you insulting me?”

“If you can’t tell, does it count?” Charlotte couldn’t help herself. Her mouth ran and got her into deeper trouble. Just making friends everywhere she went. Not.

Andrei broke the tension. “Your mate has a bit of fire in her. You just need to fatten her up.”

“Charlotte is perfect as she is,” was Lawrence’s reply, and it warmed her.

Yes, it might be a lie, an act for these bold people, but she enjoyed it. For about five seconds.

“Are you drunk?” Lada exclaimed. “Perfect how? Have you seen her? Undersized and human.”

The insult proved blatant and rude. It also assumed Charlotte would stand there and take it. Listen to a jealous sow. Yes, jealous because someone couldn’t hold on to her man.

It brought out the shit disturber in her. Despite Lawrence having moved slightly apart from her, she tucked in close. His arm slid right around her as if it belonged.

She smiled at Lada. “Don’t worry about my sweet Roarie. My cuddly kitty is more than satisfied with what I have to offer. Why, we just came back from a lovely unplugged vacation in the wilderness. Just me, him, and a fireplace. Pity his aunts can’t leave him alone for more than a few days or we’d still be there, naked in front of that fire.”

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