Home > When a Liger Mates(22)

When a Liger Mates(22)
Author: Eve Langlais

Lawrence’s face suddenly ended up buried in her hair, and she’d have sworn he slightly shook.

Lada’s lips pressed tight. “Better enjoy it while you can. It won’t last. It never does.”

“Are you sure about that? I hear being mated is a permanent thing.” She angled her neck to show off her marks, and Lada’s face turned red.

“I need a drink.” Lada whirled and stomped off.

A slow clap led to Andrei laughing. “Fuck me on top of the dryer on tumble, it’s not often Lada is put in her place.”

But she’d only won against Lada because she’d lied. She’d pretended the whole mating thing was real. As if. While Lawrence might no longer be a complete stranger, she remained unready to call him husband. And from the sounds of it, he wasn’t the type to tie himself to one woman.

It meant sooner rather than later this charade would end. But until it did, she had to play a role. Right now, that was pretending to be his lovey-dovey wife. Or mate, as they kept calling her.

He seemed especially interested in making sure he shoved that fact in Andrei’s face. The big man, to his credit, let all the jibes roll right off him, usually laughing and giving it back just as good.

Lawrence made the comment of, “Judging by the pounds you’ve packed on, you must be ready to hibernate.”

“Not all of us like to be as skinny as a prepubescent boy. I am all man.” A remark served with a wink in her direction.

It didn’t mean a thing. She could see Andrei did it on purpose, and yet Lawrence acted as if he were annoyed. Dare she even say jealous? Over her?

Should she be flattered he showed such ardent interest? It certainly warmed her in some interesting places. Or should she be insulted that he thought she’d be so shallow as to let him touch her one minute and then, right in front of him, make plans for seduction with someone else?

It was so utterly strange and different that she decided to enjoy it. Why not? This charade would end in another day. Two at the most. She snuggled by his side as they filled a plate high with food and shared it. Utensils appeared to be lacking, so everyone ate with their fingers. Lawrence fed her, dabbing chunks of hot bread into whipped butter. She might have moaned at the simple pure pleasure of the taste.

He looked pained.

She put a hand on his arm as he looked away. “Are you okay?”

“Fine. Just fine.”

“Are you sure? Maybe you should lie down.”

“Maybe I should,” he mumbled.

“What’s this? Is my little liger tired already? Getting too old to hang with the men?” Andrei taunted.

The challenge tightened Lawrence’s lips. In another second the testosterone dicks would really start swinging. She needed a way to get them out of here that left him with his pride. Only one thing would shut Andrei up.

She smiled and leaned forward, knowing her blouse with its missing button gaped. Something their host noticed. When she’d first arrived, she had worried about the fact she’d not properly bathed in days, only to realize no one cared. It also helped Andrei had the happy face of a man well into his cups. In this case, liter-sized mugs that he kept refilling.

His gaze followed the dark crevice as she murmured, “Don’t be silly. My cuddly Roarie isn’t tired. It’s our code for, ‘Let’s ditch everyone and find a place we can be alone.’”

“Make him wait. Stay here, drink more with me, and drive him completely mad,” Andrei suggested with a raised rakish brow.

Her lips tilted. “What makes you think it wouldn’t make me just as insane? We are, after all, still newly mated.” She put her hand on Lawrence’s, and his fingers laced with hers.

“Ah, young love.” Andrei sighed. “Far be it from me to get in its way. Still, the night is young and full of bears.”

“Isn’t the expression beers?” she replied.

“My mistake.” Andrei tilted his head and stared at her while talking to Lawrence. “She has no idea, does she?” A cryptic statement.

“She knows enough.”

“Which is too much.” Andrei drummed his fingers. “You put me in a difficult spot.”

“Leave her alone, Andrei.” Lawrence barely spoke above a whisper, and yet there was a vibrating strength to the demand.

But the bigger concern? Why did Lawrence think Andrei threatened her?

“If it isn’t chubby Andrei. Look at you all grown up. And that cute peach fuzz of a beard.” Aunt Lacey was the one to suddenly appear between the men, smiling widely, and ruffling Andrei’s hair. “I see someone’s been eating his breakfast and those of his brothers.”

“Lacey. You look ravishing.”

“And you are quite drunk, which is impressive for a bear. What do you say we leave my nephew and share a few toasts?” Lacey winked.

Was she really flirting with the younger man?

“How about we crack a keg I’ve been saving?” Andrei stood and slung an arm around Lacey before they headed away.

Aunt Lenore took her place, snapping her fingers. “Let’s go while she’s got him distracted. You just had to antagonize him.”

“Me? He practically propositioned Charlotte,” Lawrence said.

“Is she not capable of saying no herself?” asked his aunt.

To which she replied, “I did. But he’s a man, which means the potential for stupid—”

“Is multiplied!” Lena exclaimed, arriving at the rear. “Damned those giant bastards. I swear the Medvedev are always looking for trouble.”

“You know that, yet brought us here anyhow.” Lawrence held her hand as they escaped the big room for a hallway and, at the far end, stairs.

“We came because they have really good mead. We will drive home in the morning after a decent night’s rest.”

He snorted. “Like you party cats are going to sleep.”

Pretending affront, Lenore sniffed. “I feel so attacked.”

That brought a smile to Charlotte’s lips.

Lenore swept open a door two flights and three halls later. “While you were pissing off Andrei, I had some rooms assigned to us.”

“Not my fault he was already drunk,” Lawrence grumbled.

“They’re having quite the party,” Charlotte observed.

“That’s their nightly routine,” Lena scoffed. “You want to see a real party? Come for the winter and summer solstice. It has five times as many people and lasts for days.”

“Even so, make sure to lock the door. Sometimes Andrei and his family like to wander,” was Lena’s reminder.

The aunts were gone before Charlotte had time to realize it was her and Lawrence alone, in a room with one bed. “We’re sharing a room?”

“We’re mated. It’s kind of expected.”

“Oh.” It didn’t occur to her they’d keep playing at the role outside of the public eye.

“My aunt just told you. Old rivalry.”

She shook her head. “It’s more than that with the pair of you.”

“You’ve met him, right?”

“I have, and he’s big, loud, boisterous, and seems to genuinely like you for some reason despite the fact you’re an ass.”

“I thought you understood he’s a bear.”

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