Home > When a Liger Mates(25)

When a Liger Mates(25)
Author: Eve Langlais

“I see we’re going to have to work on the trust issue.”

“There is no trust issue because there is no we.”

“If you say so, Peanut.” But he wasn’t as sure as her. While he had his doubts about the mate thing, he could admit one thing at least. He wasn’t bored yet.

“What do you say we find some food? I am starved.”

There were a lot of hungover faces at breakfast. Not his aunts of course. They could drink even any man, or woman, under a table.

It was as he finished eating that he asked his aunts, “When do we leave?”

“We’re not going yet, but you can take the car if you want,” Lenore offered, working on her second plate of pancakes.

“You’re staying? Why?”

“Unfinished business.” Lenore winked at some fellow across the hall. He blanched.

Lawrence might have argued, but if they didn’t want to come then that meant more time alone for him and Charlotte. Time to connect, only she wasn’t saying much. They had nothing to pack and were soon on their way.

With each mile, she grew more withdrawn, but it wasn’t until they reached the city outskirts that he found out why.

“Where are you going?” she asked.

“My hotel.”

“Do you mind dropping me off at my apartment first?”

“I’m afraid I can’t do that.”


“For one, there are bad guys after us.”

“Us. Or you?”

“Even if they have given up, there’s an even bigger reason for us to stay together. Or have you forgotten what I told you about that mark on your neck?” She might not be taking the mate bond seriously, but for him, the conviction this was real only got stronger.

She groaned. “Not the damn bite thing again. You bit me. We had sex. It’s done. We both know this isn’t going anywhere.”

“Are you sure about that?” All he had to do was put his hand lightly on her thigh to feel her shiver.

“So what if we’re still attracted to each other? Big deal. If you want, we can hook up again before I leave.”

“Leave? Where are you going?”

“Home. Back to America.”

“What about finding your brother?”

“It’s time I gave up. I have no more money. No leads. Nothing. I’m wasting my time here.”

“I told you I’d help.”

“Help how? It’s been months since he disappeared, and I’ve gotten nothing in all that time.”

“I have access to more channels than you. Give me a few days, and I’ll have information for you.”

“Don’t. Just leave it alone.”

It was only by some strange perception that he guessed her fear. “You think if we go looking for Peter, we’ll find out he’s dead.”

She flinched. “Right now, I can still pretend he’s alive and just missing. I can have some hope.” Her lips trembled.

“Ah, Peanut.” He wanted to hold her something fierce, but she remained withdrawn. Not the wanton woman he’d made come so hard just that morning.

“I don’t want your pity.”

“It’s called commiseration.”

“Whatever. You need to turn at the next street for my apartment.”

“We’re going to my hotel.”

“I told you—”

He cut her off. “In case you’ve forgotten, we were kidnapped a few days ago.”

“You were. I was just an accident of timing.”

“Were you? It occurs to me that I might not have been the man they were looking for.”

“What are you talking about?” Said much too quickly.

“Don’t play stupid. What if none of this was about me after all, and I was the accident in timing?”

“You’re the one who declared they were after you.”

“A valid assumption given I have a tendency of pissing people off, but in retrospect, I might have been wrong. No one ever asked me my name. Which leads me to wonder, what if I was never their target? But you were. What kind of business would you say your bother is involved in?” Her lips pressed into a line, and he had his answer. “Let’s hypothesize for a second. Let’s say those people were looking for your brother. That would mean he’s not dead but hiding.”

“Then isn’t it better if we leave him alone until the bad guys stop looking? What if we lead them right to him?”

“What if he needs our help?”

She chewed her lower lip, making him very jealous. “If he’s in that kind of trouble, then I should be going to the police.”

“You want to call the Russian police?” He arched a brow. “So you want him to go to jail?”

The sigh was long and loud. “What do you suggest I do?”

“Let me put out some feelers, see if people in my network might have heard or seen him. At the same time, I can find out more about those people who kidnapped us. See if it’s your brother they wanted and, if so, what they were trying to extort from him.”

“Can’t be money. He’s always broke, and I doubt he’s got any hidden treasure. I’ve been through his apartment. There’s nothing.”

“Then you won’t have a problem humoring me later when I go take my own look.”

“Why later? Why not go there now?”

“Because the hotel is right there.” He pointed. “And it’s been hours since I’ve made you come.”

“Lawrence!” She said his name in a high pitch that had him chuckling.

“What can I say? I am addicted to you.”

He pulled to a stop in front of the hotel, and a doorman approached, ready to help her out. Lawrence moved fast enough to intercept him, skimming over the hood of the car, hitting the other side in time to hip check the doorman, open the door, and hold out his hand to her.

She eyed it and him before grasping it. He hauled her out and held her close a moment longer than necessary.

“Did you really have to knock him down for trying to do his job?”

“Yes.” His grin was unrepentant.

“You’re bad.”

“The worst,” he agreed.

She swayed on her feet, looking exhausted.

“Do you want me to carry you?”

She shook her head. “What would people say?”

“I should probably mention that the hotel is paid handsomely to look the other way.”

“More of your secrets,” she mumbled.

“Not for much longer. Give me a chance and I’ll fill you in on what I can.”

“What if I don’t want to know?”

“Would you rather I kept quiet?”

She pressed her lips. “I’m too tired to think. Ask me again tomorrow.”

She fell into step with him, only stiffening as they passed the doormen. To their credit, they held open the portals without a world despite their wretched appearance.

There weren’t many people around, which proved lucky. They made it to his suite without seeing anyone else. He immediately kicked off his shoes and headed for the mini bar. She remained frozen by the door.

“Don’t stand there. Get comfortable. If you want a shower, there’s a robe in the bathroom.”

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